I felt I did quite well to finish this in 31 minutes as there were several unknown words or meanings along the way, but somehow it all came together reasonably easily.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across | |
1 | Spades have lodged in the ground (4) |
SOWN : S (spades), OWN (have) | |
3 | Being spiteful about bridge couple — charming (10) |
BEWITCHING : BITCHING (being spiteful) containing [about] EW (bridge couple) | |
10 | Indistinguishable dialect in broadcast (9) |
IDENTICAL : Anagram [broadcast] of DIALECT IN | |
11 | Provider of beer that’s less fattening (5) |
LOCAL : LO-CAL (less fattening- allegedly!). A pub in one’s local vicinity. | |
12 | Soviet minister gets second great deal over extracting erbium (7) |
MOLOTOV : MO (second), LOT (great deal), OV{er} [extracting erbium]. Politician and diplomat, his name his remembered widely in connection with a type of improvised incendiary device known as the ‘Molotov cocktail’, a term invented by the Finns. | |
13 | President’s cut, receiving a wound (6) |
TRAUMA : TRUMA{n} (president) [cut] containing [receiving] A. The original medical meaning of the term that’s now come to mean ‘shock’. | |
15 | Lavish volume of drink with large kebab, too, ordered (6-5,4) |
COFFEE-TABLE BOOK : COFFEE (drink), anagram [ordered] of L (large) KEBAB TOO | |
18 | Unfortunately, we’d Irish setters who control all we do (3,5,7) |
THE WEIRD SISTERS : Anagram [unfortunately] of WE’D IRISH SETTERS. I knew these as The Three Witches in Macbeth because they came up recently. This from Wiki covers the definition here: The Three Witches, also known as the Weird Sisters or Wayward Sisters, are characters in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. They hold a striking resemblance to the three Fates of classical mythology, and are perhaps intended as a twisted version of the white-robed incarnations of destiny. | |
21 | Good article about my one hymn (6) |
GLORIA : G (good) + A (article) containing [about] LOR (my!) + I (one). ‘Lor!’ as a variation on the more familiar ‘Cor!’ = ‘My!’ is a Bunterism. Gloria in excelsis is a familiar example of a hymn of praise. | |
23 | What holds water in a raised lock, not following English river (7) |
AQUIFER : A, QUIF{f} (raised lock – hair) [not following – f], E (English), R (river). A water-bearing stratum of permeable rock. Didn’t know this one. | |
26 | Cosmetic used in Madras nowadays (5) |
HENNA : Hidden [used] in {c}HENNA{i} (Madras nowadays). Naughty setter giving us an indirect hidden word! | |
27 | Kicks gin to get going (9) |
BOOTSTRAP : BOOTS (kicks), TRAP (gin). Collins advises that if you ‘bootstrap’ an organization or an activity, you set it up or achieve it alone, using very few resources. This was news to me! | |
28 | Have a meal with holiday money (5,5) |
BREAK BREAD : BREAK (holiday), BREAD (money) | |
29 | Almost an admission some of us exist for sport (4) |
WEAR : WE AR{e} (admission some of us exist) [almost] |
Down | |
1 | Earthquake activity exists in half of built-up area (10) |
SEISMICITY : IS (exists) contained by [in] SEMI (half), CITY (built-up area). How appropriate, coming one week to the day after my house was shaken to its foundations by the great Leighton Buzzard quake. We had another one early yesterday morning but it was very mild compared with the first. I wondered at the time whether it was an aftershock but it was over in a flash and more like somebody had dropped something heavy nearby so I couldn’t be sure, however it was reported by the BBC later in the day. | |
2 | Roll with end of loaf (5) |
WHEEL : W (with), HEEL (end of loaf). SOED advises that ‘heel’ can be the remains or end part of anything, such as the crust of a loaf, the rind of a cheese, etc. More news to me! | |
4 | Miner and former Conservative mostly drinking wine (9) |
EXCAVATOR : EX (former) + TOR{y} (Conservative) [mostly] containing [drinking] CAVA (wine) | |
5 | Means of entry during rental period (5) |
INLET : IN (during), LET (rental period). Thinking of the coastal feature I wasn’t sure about the definition here, but then thought of plumbing, inlet pipe, inlet valve etc which seems a better fit. | |
6 | Picture educational establishment with convict for member (7) |
COLLAGE : COL{leg}E (educational establishment) becomes COLLAGE when LAG (convict) replaces ‘leg’ (member). Replacing three letters in order to change only one of them is a novel idea I think. | |
7 | Trouble means taking in youth with a scooter (9) |
INCOMMODE : INCOME (means) containing [taking in] MOD (youth with a scooter). SOED advises: a mod was a young person, especially in the 1960s, belonging to or associated with a group aiming at stylishness and smart modern dress. Frequently contrasted with rocker. They rode scooters whilst rockers rode motorbikes. | |
8 | A delay over celebration (4) |
GALA : A + LAG (delay) reversed [over] | |
9 | Figure university is in bad condition (6) |
STATUE : U (university) contained by [in] STATE (bad condition) | |
14 | New York speciality to grate into curd cheese (10) |
SKYSCRAPER : SCRAPE (grate) contained by [into] SKYR (curd cheese – an Icelandic speciality, apparently) | |
16 | 100 in clear section of road is perhaps working for many? (9) |
FREELANCE : FREE (clear), then C (100) contained by [in] LANE (section of road) | |
17 | Strictly routine is one making others go to work on an egg, severally (5,4) |
BOSSA NOVA : BOSS (one making others go to work), AN (a), OVA (egg, severally). The popular TV dancing competition Strictly Come Dancing is often referred to simply as Strictly. Its name is a combination of the film title Strictly Ballroom and the earlier TV ballroom dancing show Come Dancing which ran from 1949 to 1998. ‘Severally’ because ‘ova’ is plural of course. | |
19 | Flag with damage carried by European vessel (7) |
EARMARK : MAR (damage) contained [carried] by E (European) + ARK (vessel) | |
20 | Put down drink (6) |
SQUASH : Two meanings | |
22 | Slow walker ignoring learner driver’s signal (5) |
AMBER : AMB{l}ER (slow walker) [ignoring learner – l]. The middle signal on traffic lights. | |
24 | Comedy clubs cutting price of going (5) |
FARCE : C (clubs) contained by [cutting] FARE (price of going – travelling) | |
25 | Fish young bear has found hard to eat (4) |
CHUB : CUB (young bear) contains [to eat] H (hard) |
Just over par at 21 minutes, the last few agonising if TRAUMS was a word, or if the clue had an error. (TRUM
p‘S receiving an A). I’m another who had Trump and never thought of looking for another pres, though of course he’s still alive.Quite enjoyed it, a few hard-to-spot definitions and interesting wordplays.
Edited at 2020-09-15 01:59 am (UTC)
AQUIFER not a problem, as Perth has built a desalination plant in recent years to supplement its water supply from the Yarragadee aquifer.
It was seeing COFFEE-TABLE BOOK that suddenly jolted me awake and gave me the confidence to believe I could finish it.
I was helped by having seen SKYR recently in one of Mark Goodliffe’s “Cracking the Cryptic” videos on a recent Club Monthly puzzle.
Like Kevin, I didn’t know QUIFF and hence was lucky to have known AQUIFER. Didn’t know about HENNA/CHENNAI but I used to date a lot of girls who decorated themselves in HENNA, so… there’s that.
BOSSA NOVA only seemed to fit (and I noticed that OVA made sense as I went to click ‘Submit’), and I couldn’t make heads or tails of MOLOTOV after the MO, assuming there was some reversal involved. I feel very fortunate to have not received pink squares!
Edited at 2020-09-15 01:45 am (UTC)
I was really not on the wavelength, but I knew a few things that really helped. I got stuck by having the wrong spelling of incommode, but fortunately I saw what was going on in the Truman clue – trauma is the usual classical Greek term for wound, it’s all over Homer and Sophocles. Bossa nova went in from the wordplay alone, and I had no trouble with understanding the Chinnai clue, while I ended up biffing skyscraper as my LOI.
The ‘weird’ in The Weird Sisters actually means wyrd, fate, as in dree your wyrd. A lot of the Old English vocabulary survives in Scots and the northern dialects. Gǣð ā wyrd swā hīo scel, as they used to say.
Edited at 2020-09-15 11:45 am (UTC)
FOI 8d GALA after despairing a bit at the start, LOI 26a HENNA, though when I went to add things to my Big List of Handy Words I found that Chennai and Madras were already both there, so clearly I’ve not been doing my homework.
Edited at 2020-09-15 06:28 am (UTC)
I am just starting a diet so LOCAL and SKYR were highly relevant!
Thanks setter and Jack.
30 mins pre-brekker (which won’t be Skyr).
Nice one. Only eyebrow flicker was ‘egg, severally’. It reminded me of the old joke about the man who was writing to order two mongeese but was unsure this was the correct pluralization. So he wrote: ‘Please send one mongoose. PS Send another one.’
Thanks setter and J.
Edited at 2020-09-15 07:25 pm (UTC)
But i finished in 40, alright
To Jack I’ll say “Hi”
“Thanks for parsing Chennai”
And no feathered fiends were in sight!
LOI 12ac TRAUMA and parsed without thinking of Lord K’s ‘The Orange Mussolini’!
I did not parse 11ac LO-CAL
SKYR I’ve seen in my local Tesco’s (and on TV, I think, with an Icelandic messenger boy) and thought it was a brand name. I was relieved that the NY speciality was not some other unspellable comestible.
My known BOOTSTRAP is a fine charity in Hackney which has assisted much enterprise. Glad to see it still “is”.
I do indeed Miss the Gloria, a poignant song from Bernstein’s magnificent/awful (delete to taste) Mass. Doesn’t look like we’ll be singing it again any time soon.
Thanks Jack, especially for EARMARK, which it seems I forgot to parse.
COD: COFFEE-TABLE BOOK – nice surface.
Yesterday’s answer: the most obvious word that goes -.- is kangaroo, there are no doubt others.
Today’s question: what was the real Lady Macbeth’s name?
Edited at 2020-09-15 08:32 am (UTC)
I also thought of the Orange Mussolini but saw that there was one A too many, then realised this is a daily puzzle so thought again.
FOI Identical
LOI Trauma
COD Henna (now that I get it!)
THE WEIRD SISTERS, my thoughts went: Terry Pratchett, Macbeth, Oh yes.
Robert A. Heinlein wrote a superb novella called ‘By his bootstraps’, in 1941, long before the word started to become common, I wondered if that was the origin of the usage, but it is not so.
BOSSA NOVA brought back memories of the first few series of Strictly, nice clue.
Have sung the GLORIA in many forms.
Nho SKYR, no doubt it’ll come up again.
16′, thanks jack and setter.
Edited at 2020-09-15 09:01 am (UTC)
I wasn’t aware of the connection between the witches in Macbeth and The Fates. I first became aware of the latter when I read what became my favourite spy novel, “Horse Under Water” by Len Deighton in the mid-60s. One of the characters appeals in vain to Atropos.
I had never heard of SKYR. As far as I am aware, Icelandic SKYR does not appear in the Monty Python cheese shop sketch.
I have heard of BOSSA NOVA but have never ever watched Strictly….
20 Down – I had Scotch – should I be worried, it’s 11.05 am here?
Around these parts, that means cricketer. . .
A few biffs or semi-biffs today, and like most others I wasn’t aware of SKYR. Unlike several people, I got HENNA from CHENNAI rather than the other way round – I think it came up in a quiz fairly recently.
26’15, plodding along comfortably. Didn’t know skyr. Nothing here to set the table on a roar. The !8 ac. anagram scarcely lightens the soul. In all, somewhat like doing a sudoku. Yet still, job done, the old verbarium has a certain magic.
COD SKYSCRAPER for misdirecting me into bagel equivalents.
I had a “double duh” moment over the crossers IDENTICAL and EXCAVATOR having wondered if “trac” was a wine.
Too many complaints to have enjoyed it much.
FOI GLORIA (slow start)
LOI SEISMICITY (really ?!)
COD HENNA (but then Chennai came to me at once)
TIME 14:51
Bootstrap came easily, after all we all “Boot” up our computers with a bootstrap programme.
Well over an hour for me … with aids.
Haven’t been in my local for ages – my current provider of beer is Sainsbury’s!