I completed this in 33 minutes so it would rank among the easier puzzles of recent days but for the fact that I had one careless error. There are a couple of words or meanings bordering on the obscure but the wordplay was generally helpful.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Old space station approaching a celestial object (4) |
MIRA – MIR (old space station), A. It’s a giant red star, apparently. | |
4 | Everyone going by taxi unhappy about foreign gentlemen (10) |
CABALLEROS – CAB (taxi), ALL (everyone), then SORE (unhappy) reversed [about]. A Spanish word for “knight” or “gentleman”. The Gershwins wrote of “The Land of the Gay Caballeros” in their 1930 musical “Girl Crazy” revived as a film in 1943 starring Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney. | |
9 | Parts of the world where some might understand self-restraint? (10) |
CONTINENTS – Sounds like [some might understand] “continence” (self-restraint) | |
10 | Rough stuff from invader (4) |
JUTE – Two meanings. A coarse cloth and a Germanic invader. | |
11 | Old coin, restricted, being brought back (6) |
DENIER – REINED (restricted) reversed [being brought back]. I knew this as a measure (especially re thickness of nylons) but not as an old coin. | |
12 | Being most sullen, fades away in debate (8) |
MOODIEST – DIES (fades away) in MOOT (debate). Better known perhaps as an adjective (as in “a moot point”) moot also exists as a noun meaning a debate or argument. Some communities e.g. Aldeburgh in Suffolk, have or had a Moot Hall as a council chamber. | |
14 | Soft bundle one used for drying channel (4) |
WADI – WAD (soft bundle), I (one). My LOI and one error as I plumped for PADI. I did know the word however, so no excuses. | |
15 | Estate scheme put in place first off (10) |
PLANTATION – PLAN (scheme), {s}TATION (put in place) [first off] | |
17 | St Paul’s fellow possibly troubling me, ‘non-saint’ (10) |
MINNESOTAN – Anagram [troubling] of ME NON SAINT. Names of inhabitants of American states almost always give me trouble. |
20 | Face falling off glass instrument (4) |
LUTE – {f}LUTE (glass) [face falling off] | |
21 | Characters getting on in South Africa protected by foreign father (8) |
PERSONAE – ON in SA (South Africa) in [protected by] PÈRE (foreign father) | |
23 | Disagreement about your being up to the job? (6) |
WORTHY – ROW (disagreement) reversed [about], THY (your) | |
24 | Money Irishman once used for a flutter? (4) |
PUNT – Two meanings, the second referencing two slang terms for a wager | |
25 | Oily substance from strange tree put in end of garden (10) |
TURPENTINE – Anagram [strange] of TREE PUT IN {garde}N [end] | |
26 | Criticise books this writer’s penned — they are laughable affairs! (10) |
PANTOMIMES – PAN (criticise), then I’M (this writer’s) contained [penned] by TOMES (books) | |
27 | Judge wants old-fashioned award returned (4) |
DEEM – MEED (old-fashioned award) reversed [returned]. I’ve never heard of the award. |
Down | |
2 | Sending up musical traveller on island is out of order (11) |
INOPERATIVE – Reversal [sending up] of EVITA (musical) + REP (traveller) + ON + I (island) | |
3 | I train tot badly — it’s wearing (9) |
ATTRITION – Anagram [badly] of I TRAIN TOT | |
4 | Mischievous act, offering sanctimonious words with wish for peace (7) |
CANTRIP – CANT (sanctimonious words), R.I.P. (wish for peace- Rest In Peace). It’s a witch’s spell or a playful trick. | |
5 | Art in mobile home represented a piece of mathematics (8,7) |
BINOMIAL THEOREM – Anagram (re-presented) of ART IN A MOBILE HOME. I spotted THEOREM early on and worked out the most likely first word from the remaining anagrist and checkers. | |
6 | The French, showing courage and determination, survive (4,3) |
LAST OUT – LA (the – French), STOUT (showing courage and determination) | |
7 | Exam subject covering published course (5) |
ROUTE – RE (exam subject) containing [covering] OUT (published). I never sat an RE exam in my life or knew anyone who did so at school, but I suppose it may count as an exam subject. | |
8 | Ambassador seen in group in paper (5) |
SHEET – HE (ambassador – His/Her Excellency) in SET (group) | |
13 | NHS to charge possibly and cheat? (5-6) |
SHORT-CHANGE – Anagram [possibly] of NHS TO CHARGE | |
16 | Are gang turning up with yesteryear’s rebel to be countenanced? (9) |
TOLERATED – ARE + LOT (gang) reversed [turning up], TED (yesteryear’s rebel). I think the clueing of TED is fair enough here and certainly better than “hooligan” as so often in the past but I await Jim’s verdict with interest. | |
18 | Short puzzle engaging African party in quiet room? (7) |
SANCTUM – STUM{p} (puzzle) [short] containing [engaging] ANC (African party – African National Congress) | |
19 | Quality of the present head, keeping personal (7) |
NOWNESS – NESS (head – headland) containing [keeping] OWN (personal). It sounds like a modern word to me but it dates back to the 19th century with this meaning. | |
21 | Work chewed by dog? Such may be children’s book (3-2) |
POP-UP – OP (work) contained [chewed] by PUP (dog) | |
22 | Game with nobody short of energy to go into extra time? (3,2) |
RUN ON – RU (game), NON{e} nobody [short of energy] |
Didn’t realise the city was actually Saint Paul. I’m sure I’ve only ever seen it written as St Paul, so no complaints there either.
Thanks setter and Jack.
I’d have to say NOWNESS is not my favourite word but I liked the ‘Work chewed by dog’ wordplay and LUTE was also clever.
Thanks to setter and blogger.
I had to put in ‘cantrip’ from the cryptic, I knew it was something but had no idea what. ‘Sanctum’, on the other hand, went in from definition alone.
Held up by 7dn/10ac intersection ROUTE and JUTE
we had RI but no exam!
CANTRIP from wordplay with a distant wave from the direction of 4 prong spiky things (which it ain’t)
I was slightly disappointed with 5d being just an anagram: I hoped on first sight it was going to be one of those clever clues that use the antique -est verb ending – art in: dwellest or something. O well, at least it made sure I didn’t spell theorem with a U.
Interesting to see BINOMIAL THEORM – fundamental piece of maths. Watch out also for the related “Pascal’s Triangle”
1. A small region where post-structuralist intellectuals have disappeared without a trace
2. An obscure instrument needed for certain works of Ravel and Debussy
3. An arrangement of billiard balls used in a game where each ball holed must be the sum of the two previous balls, subtracting 15 if necessary
I’ll go with 3….
Is it teddy boys?
Edited at 2017-01-31 09:36 am (UTC)
A small percentage in the inner cities were trouble makers and they got the rest of us tarred with their brush. But for the vast majority it was a uniform that made a statement about rebelling. In my case against Edwardian parents, short back and sides haircuts, boring Sundays etc. See also Teddy Girl
Edited at 2017-01-31 10:37 am (UTC)
Glad to have correctly biffed DEEM and DENIER, and remembered WADI from Spike Milligan’s war memoirs (not for the first time here, I think.)
I particularly liked MINNESOTAN, having left the clue till later assuming it was some religious reference, only to find that it was a nice piece of misdirection. Luckily I’ve got a friend who lives in Minneapolis, so at least I knew what was going on once I worked out the anagram.
Edited at 2017-01-31 09:40 am (UTC)
If you still can’t find the mistakes try comparing the rows and/or columns letter by letter rather than thinking about the actual words.
Today we have a homophone which I would say is potentially questionable, although I would wager that many people who think they pronounce the T at the end often don’t. In any event ‘some might understand’ puts it beyond question IMO.
My daughter has just chosen her GSCEs (which is odd because I’m sure she was in nappies only the day before yesterday) and one of the options is RE. She considered it briefly but I’m glad to say she picked Greek instead, which will help her no end in future crossword endeavours.
I did Greek and Latin A Level and my teachers were keen for me to do Classics but 4 years and then scratching my head what to do was less attractive than doing Law in the late Eighties. Of course I hated being a lawyer but turns out I like leading a team rather than being told what to do by clients. Just a shame it took twenty years to get there!
At least the Greek comes in useful for these things though I’m still utterly hopeless at Wordwatch
Disastrous attempt wanting DENIER to be SENIOR and taking ‘this writers’ as MINE so messing pantomimes and theorem . N and Ms always difficult to spot in the crosscheck at the best of times
Seeing St. Paul in there at 17 I wonder if I’ll bump into today’s setter at the Leeds Irish Centre tonight where I’m off to see the fabulous Alabaman soul combo St. Paul & The Broken Bones. After all, lead singer Paul Janeway was “raised in a non-denominational, Pentecostal-leaning local church and was groomed to be a preacher until he was 18 years old”.
I had a brief attack of vocalophobia over 2dn, but fortunately managed to work out the wordplay before panic really took hold. (I sometimes wonder if Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice named their musical especially to take advantage of all the free advertising they were going to get from cryptic crosswords.)