I had trouble logging onto the club site today, but found the crossword here:
Time: Not sure, but over an hour.
I found this particularly hard to get into. The bottom half wasn’t too bad but I had loads missing in the top half and struggled to get my mind in gear for this. Really enjoyed it, though, lots of misdirection and plenty to think about.
Last in was TRAMPED – very strange – I had considered this on first read-through but couldn’t see how it worked!
1 | TRA(M)PED – DEPART reversed, containing M – not sure why this took so long. |
5 | B(EST)REW – EST is French for East – no anagram of BEER needed, as I first thought. |
9 | W1’S,CONS,IN – I did spend quite a bit of time looking for a part of London as the answer. |
11 | GAR,B,O – B,RAG(tabloid) reversed |
12 | OR,PI(N)G,TON – TON=anagram of NOT |
14 | WRING ONE’S HANDS – sounds like ‘ring one’s hands’ |
23 | SA,SHA(anagram of HAS) – presumably young man because SASHA is a diminutive form of Alexander. |
24 | AILED – DELI,A reversed. |
25 | SPIRITUAL – S,PI,RITUAL – S=’sung primarily’ – very clever clue, I thought |
27 | NERISSA – AS,SIREN reversed. Nerissa was the serving maid in the Merchant of Venice. |
1 | TO,WAGE |
2 | AS,SUR[f]FER |
6 | S,WAIN |
7 | RIGHT-ON – sounds like ‘write on’ I guess. |
8 | WAR([l]INES)S |
15 | HELISKIER – anagram of ‘HE LIKES RI’ |
19 | NO,S(H)UPS |
20 | PA[t]E,LL,A |
Several good clues – 9, 23 (although “young man” might be a quibble), 25A, 4, 13 (but perhaps loose defs?) but in the end I gave it to 7 which just happens to work very well.
Q-0 E-7 D-8 COD 7
On 23. Have I imagined there is a convention in cryptics to correlate diminutives of names with being young? I’m sure I have met it many a time with “Ed”.
It does happen but, to be honest, I’d prefer references to diminutives to be just that – equating a shortened name to youth just isn’t logical. In this case, I don’t think Sasha is diminutive to begin with.
Despite the grandfather example, I don’t mind the youth idea – Wikipedia on diminutives says “diminutives are used frequently when speaking to small children”, and I’m sure there are more reliable sources that agree.
A better puzzle than it looks I think. Enjoyed 4D – there seems to be trend for Sun/Page Three references in clues lately. Now awaiting the word for which ‘stunna’ can be worked into the wordplay.
Another slow start for me on this one, but I eventually found a foothold in the SW corner and worked outwards from there writing in lots of question-marks in the margins along the way. All of the queries were easily resolved once I had completed the grid, but I can’t say I enjoyed it much or that I spotted any really clever clues.
The crossword site was fine just after midnight when I printed the puzzle but as Foggyweb says, there’s a problem now.
Just one quibble – is 25a “spiritual” a cryptic clue?
Only asking!
4d DISHONOURED made me chuckle and no doubt amused all the setters (a bit like drawing a naughty cartoon featuring the headmaster). ‘Dish’ for page three girl is great – I have a vague memory of ‘Dish of the Day’ being a similar feature on one of the redtops. Speaking of dishes, 20d PAELLA is a cunning clue with a fine surface which held me up for a long time. WISCONSIN, BESTREW and WRING ONE’S HANDS also stood out for me. NERISSA I had to check (The M of V is on my list of ‘must get round to it one day’ plays) but it wasn’t essential to know the character (which, of course, is how it should be).
QED – 0,9,8
Tom B.
(And to those saying they think that a clue is a dud, please say why – you may save an awful lot of hot air about something else.)
‘British tabloid written about old…’ makes no sense as a surface, so I see why the apostrophe + S is there; however, it doesn’t work for me in the wordplay.
Tom B.
Tom B.
In 20, T=time is removed from PATE to give PAE. Then PAE,LL,A is the charade.
Wasn’t helped by inserting Greta’s graceless sister ‘Borag’ at 11ac.
Q-0, E-7, D-7.5
My last 2 in were 1d and 1a and I still don’t understand one of the omitted “easies”;
10a Feeling of vexation, suffering setback during pregnancy (5)
ANGER. Backwards in p REGNA ncy.
17a Hotelier banned working at subsistence level (2,3,9)
ON THE BREADLINE. Anagram of Hotelier banned.
21a Man copied out summaries (9)
COMPENDIA. Anagram of Man copied.
26a Argumentative pupil twice starts interrupting garbled story (7)
5d Outlaw gang finally released (3)
13d Study medicine (11)
16d Garments finally put on by painters (8)
18d Machine for drying drinking glass (7)
22d Finish ahead after goal (3.2)
25a Authority to influence decision, for example (3)
SAY. What a long clue.