Well, after last Wednesday’s SNITCH-bitch, this was a pleasant twenty minute stroll with some clever clueing, I thought. I liked the French island and the Indian mountain, but wasn’t so keen on the Australian cooking prevention surface. 4a was a neat anagram too, and it’s always nice to be reminded of a famous Belgian apart from Poirot and Maigret. Here’s the blog.
Across | |
1 | Like a dunce cap Charlie is given after trick with iodine (5) |
CONIC – CON (trick) I (iodine) C for Charlie. | |
4 | A spot to get drunk with grub? (9) |
9 | Dashes to represent Tom in this? (5,4) |
MORSE CODE – as all boy scouts with the badge know, TOM in Morse is – — –. Kind of guessable, if you didn’t know. | |
10 | Gym class skipped by more irritating sportsperson (5) |
SKIER – PESKIER = more irritating, remove the PE for the gym class. | |
11 | Not initially pleasant to fight for refrigerator (6) |
ICEBOX – (N)ICE = pleasant not initially, BOX = fight. | |
12 | Leaf pattern in range of colours worn by maiden (8) |
PALMETTE – PALETTE has M for maiden inside. | |
14 | Socialist embraces a strange character — The Devil, perhaps (5,4) |
TAROT CARD – TROT (socialist) has A in, then CARD is a strange character. | |
16 | United supporters flipped, creating a big mess (5) |
SNAFU – U FANS reversed. WWII US acronym for Situation Normal All Fu**ed Up. | |
17 | Ugly cut in garment (5) |
TUNIC – *CUT IN)*. | |
19 | Lifts hex mysteriously surrounding European show (3,1-5) |
THE X-FILES – (LIFTS HEX)* with E inserted. I don’t think I ever watched any of the 202 episodes, in spite of it featuring Gillian Anderson. In those days I had better things to do; maybe they’ll do a repeats run on a Gold channel. Maybe they already have! | |
21 | Old record label with award for expatriate (8) |
EMIGRANT – EMI (old record label) GRANT (award). | |
22 | Quickly typed a letter for dictator? (6) |
PRESTO – sounds like (“for dictator”) PRESSED O. | |
25 | Garden area essential to occupation (5) |
PATIO – hidden, not very, as above. | |
26 | Signal heard to unexpectedly attack and gain an unfair advantage (5-4) |
QUEUE-JUMP – QUEUE sounds like CUE = signal, JUMP = unexpectedly attack. | |
27 | I’ve returned, following female and male relatives to see mountain (5,4) |
NANDA DEVI – NAN, DAD (female and male relatives) I’VE reversed. Very high pointy mountain in India in a National Park. | |
28 | Cyclist‘s condition (5) |
RIDER – double definition, RIDER as in a conditional clause in a contract. |
Down | |
1 | Emerge and enter golf tournament? (4,4,3,4) |
COME INTO THE OPEN – double definition, one flippant. | |
2 | Two possible directions from Trondheim, perhaps (5) |
NORSE – North OR South East. | |
3 | Bird grabs the lady’s cigar (7) |
CHEROOT – COOT a bird grabs HER = the lady’s. | |
4 | Liquor — almost overindulge when upset (4) |
GROG – GORG(E) reversed. | |
5 | Cleared out messy desk to confuse daughter (10) |
SKEDADDLED – (DESK)* ADDLE (confuse) D (daughter). | |
6 | After a break, begins summaries (7) |
RESUMES – double definition, where resumés has an accent. | |
7 | Drink bottles beginning to affect party game (9) |
PAINTBALL – PINT (drink) has A (beginning to affect) inserted, then BALL = party. | |
8 | Hairdresser covers PC’s toupee clumsily — that’s controversial in Sydney! (8,7) |
BARBECUE STOPPER – BARBER (hairdresser) has (PCS TOUPEE)* in the middle. An odd definition, I’d have thought ‘unpopular’ rather than controversial. | |
13 | Drink what in Spanish island? (10) |
MARTINIQUE – An island in France, made from MARTINI from Italy and QUE = what in Spanish. | |
15 | Dog runs home with animated Belgian (3,3,3) |
RIN TIN TIN – R (runs) IN (home) TINTIN (cartoon hero by Hergé who is a famous Belgian.) | |
18 | Brazilian vehicle, one local uncovered (7) |
CARIOCA – CAR (vehicle), I (one) (L)OCA(L). Referring to Rio de Janeiro. | |
20 | Refrain from terror when circling globe (7) |
FORBEAR – FEAR circles ORB. | |
23 | Animal pound (5) |
SQUID – double definition. SQUID is a less common slang than QUID but both mean a pound. | |
24 | At first, Jimi Hendrix regularly shown to be forceful character? (4) |
JEDI – J(imi), h E n D r I x. |
I’d have got CARIOCA more easily if it had been clued as a dance. It was the first number ever danced together by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (Flying Down To Rio, 1933).
GROG was my LOI.
Edited at 2022-03-02 01:37 am (UTC)
COD tunic.
NANDA DEVI was entered on a wing and a prayer, so I was fully expecting a pink-square outcome. Also couldn’t see how SQUID worked, but meh.
Pretty straightforward otherwise, thanks Pip and setter.
I hadn’t a clue and thought it was a topical reference to Wuhan Flu prevention measures in NSW.
Yes, maybe a chestnut but I still liked GASTROPUB and the “pressed o”.
and which you were probably saving for breakfast
Forgive me they were delicious — so sweet and so cold
25 mins pre-plums. Mostly I liked MartiniQue.
Thanks setter and Pip.
I also don’t like 1d. To my mind you just enter a golf tournament, you don’t “come into” one.
As for 8d, I lived in Sydney for the best part of 20 years and I never once heard that phrase.
Thanks, Pip, for SQUID and SKIER.
I liked ‘forceful character’ in 24d but my co-CODs are PRESTO and MORSE CODE.
Nearly put PALMETTO but that’s the state tree of South Carolina.
Golf tournament = THE OPEN
You don’t have to (indeed you shouldn’t, as you note) read them together.
This joke is ruined for ever by the nho 23d.
Same obscurities as noted by everyone else, but finished in 20’03”, thanks pip and setter.
Oh well, here’s to tomorrow. Thanks Pip and setter.
But the vocab was not a success
CARIOCA a maybe
And who knew NANDA DEVI
Was a bliss-giving Indic goddess?
Like Pip I’ve never seen THE X Files (or The Wire, or Breaking Bad or The Sopranos). I haven’t read Pride and Prejudice, either. I’m beginning to wonder what I have actually been doing.
Thanks to Pip and the setter
NANDA DEVI comes up in quizzes, where I invariably confuse it with Nanga Parbat (or vice versa), much to my chagrin. No such problems in a crossword, happily.
Actually haven’t heard that term for a while. It was very much part of my youth, but that says more about the backyard “pitches” we played on.
I recall Greg Blewett getting one from Curtley at the WACA. Pitched halfway down the track and hit the bottom of middle stump. Try playing that!
Lots of NHOs as per others, relatively confident that they would be correct.
NANDA DEVI and CARIOCA both trusted to cryptic which paid off. PALMETTE an educated guess from three checkers.
SQUID = pound — I’ve heard this extremely informally — agree that would have been better clued as ‘Animal’s pound’.
TIME 16:39
That and PALMETTE were my last two in
Hesitated over CARIOCA as wondered whether it could be CARNOCA with the n uncovered from ine
Imagine my grumbles if I’d got that wrong!
Thanks Pip and Setter
Now looked up the STOPPER. You live and learn
Need to get a new dictionary…
Felt to me like 2 different puzzles – started off thinking this was super-easy, and the LHS a good few immediate write-ins – but the RHS required some proper thinking. Ended up in the NE, unlocked by GASTROPUB, with LOI PALMETTE from the wordplay.
First ever time I’ve done Mon through Wed all error-free, so this is a my best chance so far of achieving my medium-term goal of a full set of weekdays. Excitement mounting…
Thanks pip and setter
I (and the woman who used to live with me) have seen all episodes of The X-Files on TV, and a movie. In college, the male star dated the publisher of the magazine I work for. Saw the great Gillian recently in Sex Education.
Edited at 2022-03-02 03:46 pm (UTC)
PALMETTE looks more like a miniature miniature computer: apparently it’s more architectural than horticultural.
Idly looking up CARIOCA classes in my area, confusing it (I think) with capoeira, I discovered that round here its a decent looking motor home: I wonder if they know?
With any luck, the second highest mountain in India will be a quiz question tonight.
I entered SQUID with trepidation, thinking (see above) it was only thus in my close family, and in any case dubious as an animal.
A mildly grumpy 30.48 after a very fast start promised much better.