Time taken: 7:03
I got through this one pretty readily, with a few pieced together from wordplay. 13 down is a bit of an odd clue, and will be a lot easier for solvers who were around for the crossword centenary in 2013. If you aren’t familiar with the name it might be a bit tricky to piece together from the wordplay.
Postscript: thanks for all the comments! It looks like the biggest concern is 26 across which is a term that needs to be encoutnered somewhere, as it is not in the standard dictionaries.
Away we go…
Across | |
1 | Points out fruit that’s the best (8) |
FLAGSHIP – FLAGS(points out), HIP(fruit) | |
5 | What rarely leads to action in a way unknown (6) |
APATHY – A, PATH(way), Y(unknown) | |
9 | Criticise business degrees coming in behind schedule (8) |
LAMBASTE – MBAS(business degrees) inside LATE(behind schedule) | |
10 | Treasury’s beginning cutting? More likely doing this (6) |
TAXING – first letter of Treasury, then AXING(cutting) | |
12 | Way to get over one noisily supporting game (7,6) |
CLAPPER BRIDGE – CLAPPER(one noisily supporting), BRIDGE(game) | |
15 | Teacher’s tedious course interrupted by books being returned (5) |
TUTOR – RUT(tedious course) containing OT(books), all reversed | |
16 | Speak at length with person living overseas missing queen (9) |
EXPATIATE – EXPATRIATE(person living overseas) minus R(queen) | |
17 | Player of tango — odd chap (9) |
TRUMPETER – T(tango), RUM(old), PETER(chap) | |
19 | Exclusive helping of ice cream (5) |
SCOOP – double definition | |
20 | Retail worker with a knack of making the figures look good? (6-7) |
WINDOW-DRESSER – crpytic definition | |
22 | Give stress treatment to girl pursued by eagle regularly (6) |
ANNEAL – ANNE(girl) then alternating letters in eAgLe | |
23 | A possibly slow film (3,5) |
KEY LARGO – the KEY of A, then LARGO(slow) | |
25 | Popular attempt to get round limit (6) |
TRENDY – TRY(attempt) surrounding END(limit) | |
26 | One chats about last event (8) |
ESCHATON – anagram of ONE,CHATS. This term is prominent in the novel Infinite Jest, but since I had to blog, I looked it up. It does not appear in either Collins or Chambers, but could be derived from ESCHATOLOGY, theology of the end of the world. |
Down | |
1 | Congratulate prompt during Kismet? (10) |
FELICITATE – ELICIT(prompt) inside FATE(kismet) | |
2 | Division apparent in war machine (3) |
ARM – hidden in wAR Machine | |
3 | Photographer of baby in Dublin? (7) |
SNAPPER – double definition | |
4 | Object about review regularly for agency (12) |
INTERVENTION – INTENTION(object) containing alternating letters in ReViEw | |
6 | Expression of approval: praise set in stone (7) |
PLAUDIT – LAUD(praise) inside PIT(stone) | |
7 | Kills outside rodent after grain: creature no longer living (11) |
TRICERATOPS – TOPS(kills) surrounding RAT(rodent) after RICE(grain) | |
8 | Gone climbing after yen for spiritual relaxation? (4) |
YOGA – AGO(gone) reversed after | |
11 | Being ready to take action in school with a rash (12) |
PREPAREDNESS – PREP school, then A REDNESS(rash) | |
13 | Crossword inventor confused Anne and Ruth about abbreviation for railway (6,5) |
ARTHUR WYNNE – anagram of ANNE and RUTH surrounding RWY(railway) | |
14 | Go for each Conservative introducing right for cheap rent? (10) |
PEPPERCORN – PEP(go), PER(for each), then CON(conservative) containing R(right) – a nominal fee for use | |
18 | Evacuate work having turned up small dagger (7) |
PONIARD – DRAIN(evacuate) and OP(work) all reversed | |
19 | Playing the last quiet movement (7) |
STEALTH – anagram of THE,LAST | |
21 | Taunt cricketer about India (4) |
BAIT – BAT(cricketer) surrounding I(India) | |
24 | Half of Rothko’s rubbish (3) |
ROT – half of ROThko and a surface alluding to some opinions of the abstract artist |
A nice puzzle, however, and thanks, George, for the blog.
Edited at 2022-01-06 05:18 am (UTC)
Elsewhere the unknown PONIARD was clued fairly and SNAPPER as a baby was a reasonable guess although I didn’t know it or had forgotten it. ANNEAL(ER) came up only yesterday otherwise that would have been another unknown but gettable from wordplay. ARTHUR WYNNE was unknown to me too but was fairly clued as an anagram because once the checkers were in place as A?T?U? had to be ARTHUR and W?N?E with Y and N left over could only be WYNNE.
Edited at 2022-01-06 07:25 am (UTC)
Orderly solve, reasonable time, very happy to get the right outcome – thanks George and setter.
25 mins pre-brekker to leave the OWAA! (Obscure word as anagram).
As Sawbill said when we had another a few weeks back, “Pick a vowel, any vowel.”
Thanks setter and G.
The one I didn’t like was SNAPPER because I think it’s a bit much to have to descend to the depths of Collins Online meaning #6 to provide a crossword clue.
FOI: ARM (I agree with Kevin about ARM, ROT and SCOOP)
Thanks G and setter.
I’m not sure about ESCHATON. It’s an obscure word clued by an anagram but unlike TENREC it’s deducible from ‘eschatology’, which ought to be a more familiar word. Mind you I’m no doubt only saying that because that’s how I convinced myself it must be right, without remembering what ‘eschatology’ means.
Wynne seemed to go in quite easily, but while he didn’t seem familiar I have read a couple of books on how to solve crosswords which probably started with a history lesson. Oddly, my LOI was 1a FLAGSHIP.
ESCHATON – despite having read The Illuminatus books (a long tine ago)
PONIARD – I thought it had a “Y” in it somewhere
ARTHUR WYNNE – but what else could the anagram give
But no problem with SNAPPER (I remembered The Snapper by Roddy Doyle of Commitments fame)
Thanks setter and G
I have earwax adverts back 🙁
16′ 06″, thanks george and setter.
In my Theology days in Bristol we rarely talked of anything but the ESCHATON, but thought we were being terribly esoteric and sophisticated and I was surprised to find it turning up here. Like thief in the night?
The ARTHUR WYNNE clue was interesting, constructed from wordplay, but with the answer in place I could convince myself that I knew who he was.
Thanks for the blog, George: I would have foundered on the baby snapper, since it’s not in Chambers.
I’m guessing that glheard referred titled the blog with reference to the graphic novel by Paulo Bacilieri, which is where I first learned about
Apologies for my earlier (anonymous) comment – now logged in!
I presume that the blog was titled FUN with reference to Paulo Bacilieri’s graphic novel, from which I first learned about Arthur Wynne? Otherwise, I guessed at ESCHATON based on eschatology, and knew of PONIARD from the French (poignard). An enjoyable solve.
Thanks to glheard and the setter.
Edited at 2022-01-07 01:03 am (UTC)
No problem with eschaton, but nonetheless, there it is again: an obscurity clued by an anagram.
Thanks, g.
— Rupert
Not sure I’ve posted a comment before, although I found the blog during the first lockdown and have found it both enjoyable and illuminating, for which many thanks all!
I found today’s, rather like others posting comments, something of a mixed bag – some pretty straightforward (like ARM) and others a bit of a guess. I remembered that the chap who invented the crossword (in the New York Times, is that right?) was called Wynne, so getting to Arthur was fairly easy. Eschaton was my most fingers-crossed entry. WOD to ‘poniard’, reminding me of Much Ado About Nothing from schooldays (‘she speaks poniards and every word stabs’).
Something of a red-letter day for me overall, though. Pleasing to get a fairly quick time, especially after a couple of poor days, astonishing to have completed both standard and QC today more quickly than the esteemed Verlaine! I’m not sure that’s ever happened before and I shan’t be holding my breath for it to happen again. He must have had an off day…
Happy New Year to all!
Enjoyed today’s puzzle, thanks!
Edited at 2022-01-06 12:58 pm (UTC)
A general point about timings. Is it a general law that it is impossible to imagine being able to complete puzzles in times significantly different (how significantly?) from one’s own regular times? For instance, I am pleased with a 35 minute finish and have managed to finish once under 30 minutes. Last evening, after everyone had gone to bed, I idly picked up yesterday’s QC. My daughter (aged 24)who is with us at the moment, grapples with the QC each day with me often helping with the last few so I had already seen about a third of the clues. I was completing it online which is quicker. It took me 8 minutes. Our esteemed blogger today completed the 15×15 in 7:03. I can’t read it in that time. My hypothesis is that a time of half of one’s average finishing time is imaginable and (possibly) a target to aim for. Beyond that is brain scrambling territory.
Thanks setter and blogger
One lucky day when nearly all of the answers went straight in on the first pass, I did manage just over 10 minutes, but my average according to the Snitch pages is over 32 mins — and today for instance, if I had heard of a couple of the previously unknown words, I might have finished a good deal more quickly — hopefully I’ll recall those words easily if they ever should come back around.
I find the Snitch very useful in giving me a target to aim for each day — my formula is simply that starting with a Snitch of 50 equalling 15 minutes, every 10 on the Snitch adds 5 minutes i.e. 60 = 20 mins; 70 = 25 mins; 80 = 30 mins etc. Knowing the Snitch value before starting the crossword encourages me to try and beat the target time and also encourages me if I am finding the crossword particularly tough, that I am not alone.
Depending on your perceived level, you may choose different target values.
Having said that, I do also recognise the value of taking things more slowly and maybe greater enjoyment through unravelling the parsing of all of the clues.
I’m a bit of an obsessive with things I like, so most nights I try to complete the Times, Quick, Guardian and Independent in an hour (they all become available at roughly 7pm on the East coast of the USA).
Less certain about the type of bridge and the baby in Dublin, but helped by crossing answers.
After I realised that ‘RY’ wasn’t going to be a long enough abbreviation to get the inventor of the crossword, I went for RLY to get Arthur Lynne – fortunately the first letter of the surname was a checked cell, otherwise I would have ended up with that answer, but WINDOW DRESSING set me straight (even if I thought that was probably the weakest clue of a generally very good bunch).
Edited at 2022-01-06 01:52 pm (UTC)
Still, a very enjoyable challenge with plenty to like. My COD probably felicitate just ahead of flagship.
Anneal reference twice in a row. Can there possibly be a hat trick tomorrow?
Edited at 2022-01-06 03:27 pm (UTC)
I was simply scuppered by my LOI ASCHETON, as I judged that ‘E SCHAT ON’ to be tad vulgar – with foul-bowel-vowel play intended. Not thrilled with some of today’s cluing – 20ac WINDOW DRESSING ain’t just about mannequins! Is 1ac FLAGSHIP the best – or rather prime – does size enter into it? SNAPPER was fine as a photographer, but I could not imagine Terry Donovan as a baby. CLAPPER BRIDGE left me cold. Like Steve Bannon, I thought this puzzle self-consciously unreasonable. Mood Meldrewvian.
Edited at 2022-01-07 01:08 am (UTC)
Amazing that he talks about the puzzle on TV!
Not a great puzzle in my book, but I had a positive SNITCH, and was quicker than Verlaine, so that’ll do me.
Good job I learned ANNEAL yesterday.
I think Key Largo is the one Florida Key I have been to.
Edited at 2022-01-06 06:40 pm (UTC)
Lo, ESCHATON is in Lexico, at least.
Edited at 2022-01-06 07:21 pm (UTC)
On the ANNEAL clue, it’s probably just me but isnt ANNE pursuing AL not the other way round? Not the first time a pursuit has foxed me so possibly a blind spot
No problems with ESCHATON — thank you Greek O-Level (again)
Generally I liked it
Thanks George and setter