…and as a special “treat”, you can see me solve this one in real time if you like. There’s a stream of it at https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1073877354, start at about 9m30 if you don’t want to have any truck with the Concise and QC beforehand. If you have any requests for what I should stream in future, sing out!
1 Discharge Roman who’s caught in flagrante? (6)
ACQUIT – QUI [Roman “who”] caught in (the) ACT
5 Hesitates to stop groom’s summary dismissal (4,4)
BUM’S RUSH – UMS [as in, ums and ahs] “stopping” BRUSH [groom]
9 Colouring that’s unknown, established for use in pudding (8)
DYESTUFF – Y EST., “used in” DUFF [pudding]
10 Splendid guess! (6)
DIVINE – double def
11 After loudly interrupting, are quiet again (6)
AFRESH – ARE SH!, “interrupted” by F [loudly]
12 Dance by degrees become sweet, intoxicating? (3,5)
14 The silent force of eg alt-rock? (8,4)
KEYSTONE COPS – “alt” is an example of a (computer keyboard) key, “rock” is stone; but them together and you find a city whose police “force” are the Keystone Cops, famously silent due to talkies having not been invented yet…
17 As insulated building, possibly of fantastic age, bulldozed (6-6)
20 Light show failing to finish: private disappointment (8)
COMEDOWN – COMED{y} + OWN [private]. Is “My Own Private Idaho” a tautology?
22 Wine bottles a tiny bit short caused uproar (6)
RIOTED – RED [wine] “bottles” IOT{a}
23 Regulate fair verdict from ASA? (6)
ADJUST – the Advertising Standards Authority may pronounce an AD JUST
25 Ducks harbouring bug or parasite (6-2)
HANGER-ON – HON(ey) “harbouring” ANGER [bug]
26 Out to lunch, do prefer concession made on course (4,4)
27 PM finishing bottom left the country (6)
SWEDEN – Sir Anthony Eden is my favourite PM – I have a picture of him in my study – and if he finishes (comes after) the bottom left, or southwestern, quadrant, we get: SW EDEN
2 Dutch player leaving United, ringing round to cancel (3,3)
CRY OFF – CR{u}YFF “ringing” O
3 Those hunting for Oscar nab Paul, seek Dicky (11)
UNSPEAKABLE – (NAB PAUL SEEK*). Superb ref to Oscar Wilde’s description of hunting as “the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable”.
4 Show skill as office worker, the sort to stay on the sideline? (5-4)
TOUCH-TYPE – TYPE [sort] staying on TOUCH [sideline, in soccer or rugby]
5 Support strike at Wapping and have consequences to face? (2,3,2)
BE FOR IT – BE FOR [support] + ‘IT [strike, in Cockneyland]
6 Woman’s address you see unchanged after looking up (5)
MADAM – reads the same upwards as downwards
7 Gun used by governor in uprising (3)
REV – hidden reversed in {go}VER{nor}. As in “gun your engine”
8 Tanners plus shillings man changed (8)
13 See reward ultimately in knowing the jargon of Olympic admin? (11)
ARCHDIOCESE – {rewar}D, in ARCH [knowing] + IOC-ESE, the language of the International Olympic Committee
15 Extreme letters introduced to cunningly ensnare early Christians (9)
NAZARENES – A+Z “introduced to” (ENSNARE*)
16 Party sentiment upset left wing social reformer? (2-6)
DO-GOODER – DO [party] + GOO [sentiment] + reversed RED [left-wing]
18 Crave ball: one easily dispatched? (4,3)
LONG HOP – LONG [crave] + HOP [ball]
19 Order to leave: do so imploringly (6)
BEGONE – BEGONE! is an imperious order to leave; or you could BEG ONE to, more plaintively
21 Queen weighed down by too much fur (5)
OTTER – E.R. beneath O.T.T.
24 Music maker, oddly overlooked, but keen (3)
UKE – {b}U{t} K{e}E{n}
I put in KEYSTONE COPS merely on the basis that it fitted, admittedly a risky business, except when the letters are that obvious. It made me think that we are missing terminology for such an action. Any ideas?
Edited at 2021-07-02 07:35 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-07-02 11:28 am (UTC)
Loved LONG HOP — nowadays in white-ball cricket it’s known as a slower-ball bouncer.
As noted, ARCHDIOCESE was brilliant.
Thanks Verlaine and setter.
This was a toughie. My time was off the scale and was completed in two sittings.
LOI 5dn BE FOR IT – I did not parse the Wappin’ bit. My alts. were GO FOR IT, UP FOR IT and IN FOR IT.
COD 4dn TOUCH TYPE – divine
WOD 14ac KEYSTONE COPS – my biggest hold-up was when I biffed DRYSTONE WALL – my Darbyshire youth with Jennings! Doh!
Lovely puzzle – I haven’t had 12ac for yonks! But I just had a delicious, warm durian pastry!
Edited at 2021-07-02 08:27 am (UTC)
A really enjoyable crossword nonetheless. Thanks Verlaine and setter.
LOI Sweden
COD Archdiocese
And it is THE BUM’S RUSH and not a bum’s rush!
Edited at 2021-07-02 08:28 am (UTC)
I was a bit discombobulated by the singular/plural mismatch in 12ac. It still doesn’t look right.
Interestingly BUM’S RUSH isn’t in any of my usual dictionaries (Collins, Lexico, Chambers). It is in the full OED.
Good puzzle to end a good week!
Edited at 2021-07-02 07:52 am (UTC)
30 mins pre-brekker. As others, bemused by the plural Babas.
Mostly I liked Do-gooder. Great clue.
Thanks setter and V.
Didn’t get the Oscar reference, and didn’t bother to parse ARCHDIOCESE.
NE took longest — was thinking UP FOR IT, GO FOR IT and didn’t see BE FOR IT for some time. Failed too to work out the Tanners anagram promptly — thinking coins and leather workers, not SUNLAMPS — doh!
Edited at 2021-07-02 09:16 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-07-02 08:30 am (UTC)
Very enjoyable puzzle. Thanks setter and blogger though I’ll pass on your kind offer to watch you solve this crossword in slightly longer than a millisecond. I have enough feelings of inadequacy as it is!
Have a good weekend everyone.
Okay puzzle in the main, but an error in the clue at 12ac, which mars it.
Thanks, v.
Off putting maybe tho
sweet = apple crumbles
sweet = trifles
Well, yes, in the sense that you could, if you were so inclined, eat more than one crumble or trifle as a singular dessert, but it’s a hell of a stretch. And I don’t think RBs are like profiteroles, where you get a few in one dessert. A RB is generally a single thing.
Let me give an example. I’m old enough to remember the Wapping dispute, in which the organ that supplies our beloved pastime was intimately involved. The strike was precisely not in favour of IT, so my guess of UP/IN/GO FOR IT and so forth made no sense. I haven’t yet decided whether to applaud the setter for a brilliant misdirection that had me by the short bits, or to supply a BUM’S RUSH just for being an UNSPEAKABLE b’stard.
Then there was the coinage of IOCESE, which I weakly applauded once I worked out that my initial ARCHDEANERY had precious little going for it.
HON for “ducks”? Really?
I’m by no means convinced that the COPS are accounted for. Leave out the eg, and the clue is a very decent &lit, but the eg wrecks it.
SWEDEN was my LOI, just not connecting bottom left with SW, despite constant similar uses in this parish.
Los of brilliant stuff here, worthy of a Verlaine Friday, but it left me feeling obtuse and a bit sulky. Bravo and boo-hiss in pretty equal measures.
I had forgotten that Johan Cruyff was no longer with us.
Edited at 2021-07-02 11:48 am (UTC)
Enjoyed the video V – perhaps wear your top hat next time?
Thanks to Verlaine and the setter
Edited at 2021-07-02 02:14 pm (UTC)
It’s not so important who won
If you get through the wall
If you finish at all
You can say to the setter “Well done”
I was nowhere near finishing today, got about a third during breakfast and lunch and was happy to come here to find the rest tonight.
I didn’t understand Hon for Ducks until I came here — very clever, though.
Great puzzle — thanks to our setter and also to our blogger.
Thanks for sharing your video — a great insight to your solving methods etc. Great typing skills.
And entertaining too!
Kind regards
Surely it should be ‘Dance by degrees becomes…’