I liked: the scientific clue at 21ac (which is also the title of a brilliant YA book by Alan Garner), the PDMOTD when I finally cottoned onto “lot deemed odious” at 12dn, but let’s say my COD is 18ac as I liked “A BIT RATED”, which is broadly descriptive of my place in the crossword community. Thanks setter and heaven forfend the pink square of doom from the rest of you!
1 Experts to keep on retaining old fools (8)
BUFFOONS – BUFFS [experts] to “keep” ON “retaining” O, so BUFF{O{O}N}S
6 Flycatcher’s charge, we hear: insect being picked up (6)
PHOEBE – homophone of FEE + homophone of BEE. One for the twitchers amongst us
9 Repurposing curtains cut up, one uses needles (13)
10 Worker left half abandoned gets to manage (6)
HANDLE – HAND [worker] + LE{ft}
11 Prearrange patient for feature of study? (8)
BOOKCASE – BOOK [prearrange] + CASE [patient]
13 Disciple penning part of Bible with short word of prayer in bit of verse (10)
PENTAMETER – PETER “penning” NT + AME{n}
15 Appearance that is evident in heartless fellow (4)
MIEN – I.E. [that is] “in” M{a}N
16 Nymph gives companion love by edge of lake (4)
ECHO – C.H. 0 by {lak}E
18 Made a judgement not much appreciated about Republican (10)
ARBITRATED – A BIT RATED [not much appreciated] “about” R
21 What may be evident in aura from star in colourful garment (3,5)
RED SHIFT – double def, good Doppler-y science term vs a literal colourful shift/garment.
22 Holy person getting with it at church can be a pain (6)
STITCH – S(ain)T getting with IT at CH(urch)
23 Innocent chaps violently shoved into big vans (13)
25 Music-makers love being in small groups (6)
CELLOS – 0 being in CELLS
26 Contact team to get best position to watch contest? (8)
RINGSIDE – or RING SIDE [contact | team]
2 Ignorant article in Le Monde about a conflict (7)
UNAWARE – UNE [(French) article] “about” A WAR
3 Channels getting discovered for street in structures below ground? (11)
FOUNDATIONS – {st}ATIONS [(radio) channels] becomes {FOUND}ATIONS
4 Nothing put together can be practical (2,3)
OF USE – 0 FUSE [put together]
5 Instrument taken from bag by Aunt Sally, briefly (7)
SACKBUT – SACK [bag] by BUT{t} [Aunt Sally]
6 Rich person in airport town nearly nabbed by copper, despicable type (9)
PLUTOCRAT – LUTO{n} “nabbed by” P.C. + RAT
7 Charm of Japanese attire (3)
OBI – double def; in the Caribbean, ritual magic, in Japan, a kimono sash
8 Fine material is used in sock? Not right (7)
BATISTE – IS “used in” BATTE{r}
12 Lot deemed odious in firm battle to secure foreign capital (11)
COMPARISONS – CO MONS [firm | battle] “secures” PARIS. “Comparisons are odious” according to the old adage, or “odorous”, per Dogberry in Much Ado. LOI
14 Quality of some grub in each can brought into dining room (9)
MEATINESS – EA TIN “brought into” MESS
17 Desire heading off to get a bit of food that isn’t expensive (7)
CHEAPIE – {a}CHE to get A PIE
19 Killer only dear to the French (7)
BUTCHER – BUT [only] + CHER [dear, in French]
20 Former leader of Conservatives was wont to be forgiven? (7)
EXCUSED – EX [former] + C{onservatives} + USED [was wont]
22 Male of family that’s kept in charge, after upsetting heir (5)
SCION – SON that has “kept” reversed I/C
24 In ruin I leave nothing (3)
NIL – hidden in {rui}N I L{eave}
Thanks, v, for the enlightening explanations of everything I didn’t understand!
Edited at 2021-02-26 04:38 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-02-26 11:16 am (UTC)
What is it with The Times and flycatchers at the moment? This is the second time within a week we have been expected to have more than a passing knowledge of its varieties. Who other than twitchers has ever heard of PHOEBE or ‘tyrant’ in this context?
8dn is a word I vaguely knew but had no idea what it meant, and the wordplay route was hampered by ‘sock’ not being quite the same thing as ‘batter’, the former being more associated with individual blows whereas battering is striking repeatedly and continuously. I’m not saying it’s an error, only that it was enough to prevent me making the connection.
NHO the odious comparison thing, but the wordplay was unmistakeable.
My mood this morning is very grumpy having yesterday received the same patronising email Olivia complained of a couple of weeks ago informing me that my Times subscription is increasing. They try to lighten the load by quoting the new weekly cost, but on closer examination it turns out the increase in the monthly sub is 50% plus a penny, and I recall this was exactly the same last time they raised the price. In accordance with a suggestion in the email I contacted The Times to ‘discuss alternative subscriptions’ only to be told that this was already their best offer and ‘the increase is set in stone’. I was also told that if I used the site more than I do currently I’d be getting better value for my money.
Edited at 2021-02-26 09:57 am (UTC)
For a puzzle like that 45m is good for me. Must be at the peak of whatever rhythmic cycle governs the ability to spot words.
I had never heard of any of those but figured SHIFT fitted better than skirt or shirt and worked out the other two all by my little self ‘sans’ aids!
To back up what Jack, who is understandably grumpy, said, Lexico defines PHOEBE as an ‘American Tyrant Flycatcher’. Why is it a tyrant?
COD to FOUNDATIONS. I’m not always good at spotting those substitution clues.
Buttercup, baby,
Just to let me down…
…Altogether now, you know you want to.
25 mins pre-brekker left the Phoebe/Batiste combo. Another 5 to nail those two.
Otherwise no dramas.
Thanks setter and V.
(For an astro-nowt that was a gift!)
Then I stepped on a turd
And discovered a bird
So obscure that it had to be biffed
FOI OF USE, LOI RED SHIRT. Took a while to see COMPARISONS too. Thanks V and setter.
Not that it mattered, because I followed the instructions to put BATTE round IS for the unknown 8dn and managed to type BATISSE. Not the kind of error you’re going to notice when you check your answers.
So I have only myself to blame for this failure but I would nonetheless observe that a setter who clues OBI – an obscure term whichever way you look at it – as a double definition like this has rather lost touch with the concept of general knowledge.
Edited at 2021-02-26 08:18 am (UTC)
COD.I agree with Verlaine. ARBITRATED.
RED SHIFT is one of my all-time favourite books. I’m not sure it should be read until you’ve been in (and out) of real adult love.
COMPARISONS LOI, still thinking about it.
16′ 22″, thanks verlaine and setter.
Thanks v.
(Unteachable old fool is why.)
Thanks Verlaine – I agree the Alan Garner book is very good.
A hasty ARBRITRATION ill-advised
For whacko words like PHOEBE, BATISTE dwell
Within the outmost fringe of memory.
The Poet’s Phoebe was a shepherdess
And BATISTE hints at French for dunking John
Yet Shakespeare would have liked the beating verse,
And giggled to include PANTECHNICON.
The oderous COMPARISONS would swell
His bardic bosom with remember’d pride.
So now my time of fifteen forty three
Though seeming quick doth flatter to deceive.
Of MEATINESS this puzzle had its fill,
Enough to make it Friday-worthy still.
For club records show fifteen forty-eight
But some poetic licence here is meet
To make your five-fold iambs’ rhyming sweet
And for a WITCH that lists as eighty-three
A smile and tip of hat to you from me
I ask for forgiveness I do not deserve
Iambic tetrameter scansion is worse
So please accept also this briefness of verse
Last ones in were PHOEBE and BATISTE, without having heard of either of them. The parsing for PHOEBE worked so well it had to be ( though I thought she might be a character from Greek mythology who caught flies, or a baseball player who caught fly-balls} which led to LOI BATISTE.
Liked RED-SHIFT. It seems to have had that effect on the completed grids of many of the commentariat.
As to the rest no complaints whatsoever. Delighted to get phoebe which I remembered from seeing a black of that ilk in California. Very pretty little bird.
FOI unaware, LOI comparisons which was my COD.
Thanks setter and blogger.
I had little idea of what was going on with AUNT SALLY / BUT, and the definitions for PHOEBE and COMPARISONS.
I managed to avoid the suntrap by deciding that neither shirt nor skirt seemed to fit the bill and thinking a little more broadly.
Had not heard of phoebe or batiste but worked them from the wordplay. Only knew obi from crosswords. Couldn’t see what was going on with foundations. Still do not see that ‘Lot deemed odious’ leads to comparisons. Even if comparisons are odious, where does the lot fit in?
Spent too long trying to make a word from shoved big vans rather than innocent chaps.
Although finishing all bar one, there were more unparsed than I usually manage so thanks to Verlaine for all the explanations.
So, we start again next week on the challenge to finish all five correctly.
Edited at 2021-02-26 11:32 am (UTC)
I have had the unwelcome e-mail from the subscription department, so I am starting to think my days here are numbered. Perhaps I should be grateful it’s only a 50% jump in price, compared to the 100% it was last time? As previously much discussed, it’s an odd business decision to insist that people who want one specific part of your offer must still have everything that’s on the table and like it; and if they don’t like it, they can just bugger off, apparently. Much as I love my crossword, it’s hard to justify the escalating cost, given that the Crossword Club is literally all I use my subscription for.
Happy to finish in 42 minutes. Thanks to verlaine and setter.
Only held up at the end by COMPARISONS — didn’t get the reference but guessed with all checkers.
The only PHOEBE I ever came across was a nurse in Florence, SC, who I played for a couple of years on Words With Friends. After that her husband apparently saw me as some kind of threat and blocked me. I suspect she’s on the wards even now driving all the old men crazy !
TIME 10:45
… and to both of our surprise (hers more than mine I suspect), all done in 32 minutes. Quite a lot of aids used though to finish the puzzle — but when one has double definitions like 7D Obi where neither were known to me I shall treat that as fair. Very different from the other 3-letter clue, 24D Nil, which could have come straight from the QC (and was my FOI).
Many thanks to Verlaine for the blog, very necessary for me today and all good education.
Couldnt see PANTECHNICONs; or CHEAPIE. NHO RED SHIFT though I remember a recent clue where I was tossing up between skirt and shirt only to find there was a third garment with the s_i_t checkers. And obvs no idea with PHOEBE and BATISTE.
Can’t remember the last time I was 5 short and this was seemingly not the hardest
And my twin did it in 25 mins! 😬🙂
I did get MEATINESS …😀
Thanks excellent blogger and setter