One of those puzzles which has loads of straightforward clues and a few really tricky ones, with a couple of obscurities at 13d and 16d. I fell into a bear trap at 26a, but climbed out in time to escape being cloddish, although I didn’t much like that either. Nice to see a French person of note cropping up, and strange to see 15a again so soon, obviously different editors at work.
5a, of course, is my clue of the day.
5a, of course, is my clue of the day.
Across | |
1 | Stunned response around high ground reduced for some time (6) |
AWHILE – AWE (stunned response) around HIL(L). | |
4 | They keep watch, perhaps, aboard ship (8) |
STICKERS – TICKER (watch, perhaps) inside SS for ship. I suppose stickers keep things in place. | |
10 | Revolutionary support about to be attached to dresses (11) |
ROBESPIERRE – ROBES (dresses) PIER (support) RE (about). Revolting French chap, Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre, 1758-1794. | |
11 | Extra work? (3) |
RUN – double definition, the first a cricket reference. | |
12 | Photo leading to surprised comment about large instrument (7) |
PICCOLO – PIC (photo) then L in COO (surprised comment). | |
14 | Shirt’s back occupied by most of succinct descriptive comment (7) |
EPITHET – TEE (shirt) reversed around PITH(Y) = most of succinct. | |
15 | Damaging material in the environment one can pick up? (5,9) |
NOISE POLLUTION – cryptic definition, I’m not allowed to tell you where it appeared very recently in case it helps you win a prize. | |
17 | Much older partner lends character, somehow (6,8) |
21 | Is question on radio about parking in town? (7) |
IPSWICH – IS, sounds like WHICH, with P for parking inserted. County town of Suffolk. | |
22 | Live in hitherto untouched tower (7) |
MINARET – ARE (live) inside MINT (untouched). | |
23 | Classic character: tense, almost to the end (3) |
TAU – Greek T; almost TAUT. | |
24 | Old man, fanatic about missile briefly, not backing emergency device (5,6) |
PANIC BUTTON – PA (old man) NUT (fanatic) with ICB(M) inserted, NOT reversed. | |
26 | Gazpacho, say, showing little change? That would be stupid (8) |
CLODDISH – I fell into a trap with this one, I wonder who else did? I first put in CHILDISH thinking it was a homophone for CHILL DISH, childish to me could mean stupid. That gave me the Italian art ending in I so I just thought, okay, usually O but maybe a plural version. So it is not ‘childish’. It’s COLD DISH with the COLD changed to CLOD, which explains why it says ‘little change’ in the surface. But I wasn’t keen on cloddish as a word to mean stupid either. |
27 | US writer in recording backing European nation (6) |
PEOPLE – LP with POE inside, reversed, add E. |
Down | |
1 | Poison left to rise up in a wine unopened (8) |
ATROPINE – A , PORT (left) reversed, (W)INE. I could go on about the chemistry of atropine, it’s interesting (to me), but I’ll let you look it up in Wikipedia. | |
2 | Writer’s rating limiting University centre (3) |
HUB – HB pencil has U in the middle. | |
3 | Learner is not a little flexible (7) |
LISSOME – L, IS, SOME = not a lttle. | |
5 | Agricultural partner was responsible for these detailed figures (5,5,4) |
THREE BLIND MICE – De-tailed, ha ha! The farmer’s wife was she, who did it with a carving knife. | |
6 | One dispenses with finally being taken in by church obscurity (7) |
CHEMIST – H (with finally) in CE (church) MIST (obscurity). | |
7 | After change of heart, married alternative sensual woman (5,6) |
EARTH MOTHER – (HEART)*, M(arried), OTHER (alternative). | |
8 | Possessing reason for one to accommodate fool (6) |
SANITY – SAY = for one, insert NIT for fool. | |
9 | Lad keeping it working: are French workers to stay idle? (3,2,4,5) |
SIT ON ONES HANDS – SON insert IT = SIT ON: ON (working) ES (you are, tu es) HANDS (workers). | |
13 | Shady image, representation of Horus and Cairo with minimum of colour (11) |
CHIAROSCURO – (HORUS CAIRO C(olour))*, if you’re vague about what it is, and interested enough, check out | |
16 | Cotton fabric: there’s concern after losing a large amount (8) |
CRETONNE – CARE loses A = CRE, TONNE = large amount. My LOI and needed Mrs K to confirm it was a thing. | |
18 | Day rent fell? (7) |
DRIPPED – D (day) RIPPED (rent). | |
19 | Cut on head: not upset? Absolutely (7) |
TONSURE – NOT upset = TON, SURE = absolutely. | |
20 | Better information requiring strategy to make switch? (3-3) |
TIC-TAC – TACTIC is switched. | |
25 | Point(er)? (3) |
TIP – double definition of point/pointer. A TIP can be a point of e.g. a pencil, or a pointer in the right direction, i.e. a hint. |
LOI 8dn SANITY rhymes but doesn’t chime with HANNITY!
COD 2dn HUB – ‘hard-black’ simples!
WOD 20dn TIC-TAC – on course bookies assistants’ (Tic-Tac men) hand-signals – incredible to watch. Another world.
Time not recorded for bizarre reasons! About an hour.
Edited at 2021-01-13 07:08 am (UTC)
It has always staggered me that Donald Trump doesn’t drink. Perhaps a few ‘Jim Beams’, to go with his Diet Coke, might lighten him up a bit.
He will find little support in any English forum, except perhaps The Monday Club and The Farragistas.
Check out Arnie Schwarzenegger’s fine words. America hang your head, in shame.
Look out for people with screen names such as “An Englishman”, “Sylvie Lueders”, “Ruby Montana” and “Jon Woolery”. The last-named is, though, I believe, a real name.
Edited at 2021-01-13 01:19 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2021-01-13 06:26 pm (UTC)
“There ain’t no Sanity Clause!”
Yes, ‘these detailed figures’ were very good. Some others I liked included the second appearance of LISSOME in a couple of weeks, the misleading ‘large instrument’ in the clue for PICCOLO and the not obvious CRETONNE.
A good mid-week, mid-level of difficulty challenge. Thanks to setter and blogger.
CLODDISH didn’t bother me in the heat of solving but on reflection I might agree with Pip that’stupid’ doesn’t quite capture the meaning of the word. It may be part of it, but clumsy and awkward and slow are the dominant characteristics. It’s possibly more a physical thing than a mental one.
cloddish (comparative more cloddish, superlative most cloddish)
1)Like a clod, a person who is foolish, stupid or parochial.
He was a cloddish man, like he’d just fallen off the turnip wagon and hadn’t quite woken up yet from his long trip from the country.
2) Of or pertaining to lumpy soil.
Edited at 2021-01-13 07:28 am (UTC)
30 mins pre-brekker. Some clever stuff, maybe too clever.
And I erred as NHO Cretonne, but I thought I had heard of Bretonne. I know, I couldn’t see how Bare meant Concern either.
Thanks setter and Pip.
Edited at 2021-01-13 08:39 am (UTC)
“reason for one to accommodate fool” defines SANITY.
36 mins otherwise as I got stuck for a while on the unknown cretonne
Thank you oh brilliant setter!
The Green Streak lives on ( assuming last Saturday and Sunday were ok ) 28’26”
“I can’t believe Murphy’s dead”, said Ron.
Watching the elaborate ceremony with the Bishop moving his arms in the sign of the cross and other symbols, Tom replied “I’ll say he’s dead – he’s drifted to 33s.”
Ah well on to tomorrow. Had a run of 10 without mishap till today so not too dispiriting.
CHILDISH didn’t occur to me, as the O checker was now in place. CLODDISH seems a clunky word.
On the RHS, was left with THREE BLIND MICE which took a while for the penny to drop, MINARET was a write-in with the first three checkers (didn’t parse), and then LOI CRETONNE dragged up from the depths.
LOI (before conceding) – 27A: PEOPLE
Thank you, pipkirby and the setter.
– foreign word clued as anagram – and it was CHIORASCURO for me. Always a frustration
– I had STICKERS and changed it to STOCKERS, where the definition works much better and the cryptic seems to be just as good
– NOISE POLLUTION was a loose cryptic definition for me, not helped by the fairly common use of SOUND POLLUTION – and the fact that LIGHT POLLUTION was arguably just as good an answer, with a play on the meaning of light and ‘one can pick up?’
All in all, I’m rather grumpy today, I’m afraid. 9m 33s with three pink cells.
COD THREE BLIND MICE didn’t get the de-tailed bit till coming here though
COD: Three Blind Mice. Made me laugh.
I have on old Times crossword book from 2008 or so and just last weekend had the answer TIC-TAC, so that was fortunate. Ended with CRETONNE where I took a good minute or two to come up with CARE.
As for ‘possessing reason’ = SANITY, this is the old gerund trick. It comes up every few weeks or so. Eating cake is bad for your health. Skiing is fun. Possessing reason is an admirable thing.
Edited at 2021-01-13 01:55 pm (UTC)
The old gerund trick. Eating cake is bad for your health. Skiing is fun. Possessing reason is an admirable thing.
Could not improve on CHECKERS at 4a (draughts on a board in US?). That made 5d hard; my first word was HORSE.
But I knew the shady image and got CLODDISH from that.
There was plenty here to annoy the more picky among us, but I switched on my pedantry filter and thoroughly enjoyed the puzzle as a result.
TIME 10:01
A curate’s egg of a puzzle, I thought.
Edited at 2021-01-13 07:24 pm (UTC)
Try 4%, 1 word at 34 minutes.