Excellent marriages of smooth and apropos surfaces to devious wordplay, and I’m ashamed to say many went in from checkers incompletely parsed and appreciated until after submission: 1ac, 10ac, 11ac, 26ac, 1dn, 5dn, 7dn, 8dn, 15dn. That’s an unusually high number for me and speaks to the fact that there were some excellently complex cryptic twists and turns in this puzzle. Thanks setter! Less perplexing but still brilliant clues include 19ac, 25ac, 2dn, 22dn… too many absolute gems to choose just one COD today really.
How are we all feeling about tomorrow then? I’ve had much less time to do crosswords of late than in recent years, for one reason or another, so I’m just hoping not to make any silly mistakes in the morning prelim this year round and get my face back into the final. Anything else will be gravy!
1 Utter speech hoping to sell skill with notes (8,5)
ABSOLUTE PITCH – ABSOLUTE [utter] + PITCH [speech hoping to sell]
9 Dishonest part of family in Genoa (5)
LYING – hiddine in {fami}LY IN G{enoa}
10 Fruit containing date’s pith, covered with colour regulator? (9)
MELATONIN – MELON [fruit] “containing” {d}AT{e}, + IN [covered with]
11 Busy with letters about 500 serving staff (10)
ATTENDANTS – AT [busy with] + TENANTS [letters] about D [500]
12 Plug hole’s rims accept variable pressure (4)
HYPE – H{ol}E accepts Y P [variable | pressure]
14 Coercion getting church to replace queen and noblewoman (7)
DUCHESS – DURESS [coercion], getting CH [church] to replace R [queen]
16 One with ocular singularity has operations on endless rotation (7)
CYCLOPS – OPS [operations] on CYCL{e} [“endless” rotation]
17 Maybe harvest more than in rocky spot (7)
OUTCROP – to CROP is to harvest, so to OUT-CROP could be to harvest more than another
19 Knocking out West Bromwich, playing in diamond formation (7)
RHOMBIC – (BROM{w}ICH*) “playing”
20 Italian official returned for one binge with ill effects (4)
DOGE – reverse E.G. O.D. [for one | binge with ill effects]
21 Help as Brie deteriorates, being this? (10)
PERISHABLE – (HELP AS BRIE*) [“deteriorates”], semi-&lit
24 Pink people addicted to driving? (9)
CARNATION – and presumably a CAR NATION would be all about the driving
25 What offers support for female opera star’s first half? (5)
BRAVA – the female opera star is a DIVA, replace her first half with BRA [what offers support], brilliant &lit.
26 Radical in uncontrolled movement keeping apart two Conservatives at odds (13)
CONTRADICTORY – RAD [radical] in TIC [uncontrolled movement], keeping apart CON and TORY [two Conservatives]
1 Rallying cry as mate almost lets next person deal? (3,5,2,4)
ALL HANDS ON DECK – ALL{y} [mate “almost”] HANDS ON the DECK of cards, possibly for the next player to deal.
2 Go around clubs banned from turning tricks (5)
SKIRT – TRI{c}KS reversed
3 Fruit began going bad in truck (10)
LOGANBERRY – (BEGAN*) [“going bad”] in LORRY [truck]
4 Perhaps queen’s consorts and host in drinking tribute lowering glasses finally (7)
TOMCATS – MC [host] in TOAST, with {glasse}S getting lowered to the bottom. Queen here meaning a female cat.
5 Statesman-like, still keeping Oscar fired up (7)
POLITIC – PIC [still] “keeping” O LIT [Oscar | fired up]
6 2 sounding like twice that (4)
TUTU – a skirt [2 across] that is a homophone of “two two”.
7 Love curry? This food store also has eggs (9)
HONEYCOMB – HONEY [love] + CURRY [comb]
8 High official confidence in time to stop UN hardliner (14)
UNDERSECRETARY – SECRET [confidence] in ERA [time], to stop UN DRY [UN | hardliner]. A dry is the opposite of a political wet: thanks to those who clarified this in the comments!
13 Yield malevolent creature nabbed by agents over suffering at high levels (10)
ACROPHOBIC – CROP HOB [yield | malevolent creature] “nabbed by” reversed CIA [agents]
15 Unconditional truce’s ending between kitty and corgi, in disarray (9)
CATEGORIC – {truc}E between CAT [kitty] and (CORGI*) [“in disarray”]
18 Film director with no good cut is top in Rank (7)
PREMIER – PREMI{ng}ER. Film director Otto.
19 Prevailed, though apparently snubbed again, or overlooked (7)
REIGNED – RE-IGN{or}ED [apparently snubbed again]
22 Evidently vote against party (5)
BEANO – if you choose to BE A NO, you vote against
23 Wife wears cool light brown (4)
FAWN – W [wife] “wears” FAN [cool]
I could see the Toats, by couldn’t put MC inside it. Now kicking self.
I stiffer test today than earlier in the week. Mostly I liked: Out-crop, W Bromwich, Skirt, Honeycomb and COD to the bizarre Car-Nation.
Thanks setter and V (and very good luck tomorrow).
The West Brom clue was clever in a clever bunch.
Not at the Champs this year; I think my entry must have arrived late, but I’m still not very mobile and getting there would be tricky. Best of solving times to all who make it.
Edited at 2018-11-02 08:29 am (UTC)
If this form is going to continue in the 2nd prelim tomorrow I may as well save myself the train fare and have a lie in.
Good luck tomorrow, y’all.
Live 20,000 km from London so won’t be at the Championship tomorrow, good luck to all the contestants: Break a le
gad!Edit: that’s a g struck-through, hard to make out.
Edited at 2018-11-02 08:58 am (UTC)
Good luck to all competitors tomorrow!Please someone keep a copy of the heat and final results for us to admire
I liked LOGANBERRY for the misdirection of looking for an anagram of ‘Fruit began’. I often wonder if such misdirection is intended or just good fortune on the setter’s part. RHOMBIC my COD though, for the excellent consistent theme – West Bromwich being a football team (arguably) and the diamond formation a common team formation.
I’m in the second prelim tomorrow, and looking forward to it. Good luck to fellow competitors!
Very sorry not to be there tomorrow and my best to all. I hope Vinyl gets the full tally by very fast rickshaw now that Tony Sever has bowed out.
Remember to take a pencil sharpener and to wear your lucky underwear.
I’m pretty sure the rest of the field would prefer I didn’t.
I will be there tomorrow. My aim is to do better than last year where I came 70th= of 88 in the first preliminary. My lifetime aim is to solve all three puzzles correctly in the hour, which 24/88 achieved last year in preliminary 1 and 27/85 achieved in preliminary 2.
Good luck to everyone competing and I hope to meet plenty of you there – and in The George afterwards.
Maybe see you tomorrow – are you morning or afternoon this year?
Edited at 2018-11-02 11:22 am (UTC)
Edited at 2018-11-02 11:22 am (UTC)
All the best to everyone competing, and a special injection of Hong Kong Ga Yau to those seeking a place at the last supper.
Anyone who can work that out should be up for the toughest cryptic. Or maybe not – the setters are pros.
Brava, setter! Or bravo, setter! And best wishes to all TftT contestants tomorrow: may your biffs be beneficial, your hiddens patent, your anagrams agreeable and your DDs a doddle.
Just doesn’t feel right to me.
Fat load of good it did me today mind.
Nice to see you earlier!
Slowed down by several more along the way, with and without good reason (e.g. I thought of CONTRADICTORY for 26a almost immediately, but thought “in uncontrolled movement” was an anagram indicator for “radical”, which confused me…)
Also slowed down by a brief pause about halfway through to think to myself, “Gosh. This is a lovely puzzle, isn’t it?” COD to 4d TOMCATS, which was a fine reveal when I finally pieced it together.
Thanks to setter, V, and Colin Dexter for introducing me to “BRAVA”, which is the only way I got to 25a.
I hope everyone has a great time at the championships. I rather think I need a few more years’ practice before I come along myself!
I enjoyed this well-written puzzle, and I’m another who coasted along without realising what the time was, so to speak, and so maybe it was tougher than it seemed. Still, good work out.
Anyway, a great puzzle today. UNDERSECRETARY went in entirely unparsed, I was also unclear on BRAVA, and didn’t know Preminger. Happily the checkers were kind in all cases.
19a is my COD. As a Wolves fan, I’m on board for any clue about West Brom getting knocked out.
A very good puzzle though.
Barry J
O.D is to overdose . Binge with ill effects
FOI was Fawn and LOI Tomcats. I liked a lot of the clues but 1d has set off my Salty Dog (Procol Harum) ear-worm:
“All hands on deck, we’ve run afloat” I heard the captain cry.
I hope there are about 500 serving staff at The George tomorrow or I will be busy with letters.
I was also going to point out that MELATONIN is a hormone that regulates sleep, and MELANIN is the pigment in skin that could maybe be described as regulating color.
Best of luck to those entering the event tomorrow, and best of luck for what sounds like the more fun portion of the day afterwards. regards.
I’ll see many of you tomorrow all being well. I’m in the second prelim so will probably stick around after to “watch” the final and then join the sorrow-drowning queue at the George.
Thanks V, I’d no idea what was going on with DOGE, UNDERSECRETARY, or BRAVA (which I was afraid might be wrong).
Time 14:31
All fine and dandy until I ran up against 25ac, which I fluffed completely. Even I cannot explain why I eventually plumped for “braga” which, on reflection, doesn’t even look like a word.