I had two stabs at this, at the first in around 35 minutes I had completed and understood all except most of the top left hand quadrant, a.k.a the north west. That took me another twenty minutes or so to decipher and parse, not least because my knowledge of famous Assyrians need some refreshment. In retrospect, there’s nothing (apart from 1d) too daunting about it, There are a couple of clues I could take issue with, just to be awkward, like 19d and 25a, but I won’t because this is just the kind of puzzle I hope to see on a Wednesday becaue it stretched the little grey cells just far enough.
Across | |
1 | One supporting cuts met with knight (8) |
SAWHORSE – SAW = met, HORSE = knight, in chess; hard to see the right wavelength here, but once you do the wordplay is fair. | |
5 | Ready to assimilate City formula (6) |
RECIPE – The old standard EC for London City area goes into RIPE for ready. | |
8 | Wreck in sea on moon finally eclipsed (3) |
MAR – Seas on the moon have Latin names like MARE something, so that MARE loses an E. I thought MAR just meant damage rather than wreck, but it’s passable. | |
9 | Crook to entertain sister’s subordinate (5,5) |
STAFF NURSE – I spent an age trying to fit NUN into this. A crook is a STAFF, and you NURSE or entertain the idea of something. | |
10 | Right-hand man keeping to hyperbole (8) |
RHETORIC – RH = right hand, ERIC is our random man, insert TO. I think not all rhetoric is hyperbole, but once again Collins in its third definition of rhetoric decides it’s passable. | |
11 | Tradesman, powerless to deliver cut wood (6) |
LUMBER – A PLUMBER, if you can find one, they’re all on the beach now in France, he loses his P. | |
12 | Current in which HM ships lost way (4) |
MODE – MODERN = current, loses the Royal Navy or RN. | |
14 | Pressure in tie — United beaten for lack of fitness? (10) |
17 | Tough Berber reflective in secure place (10) |
STRONGROOM – A MOOR could be a Berber, a North African Arab; Reverse him and add to STRONG = tough. | |
20 | Stylish welcome received in clubs twice (4) |
CHIC – HI = welcome, inside C C for clubs twice. The French have a much used expression “BCBG” which stands for “bon chic bon genre” but those referred to seem to me to have anything but good taste and good attitude, they just have “old money” and arrogance. The Sloanes of Paris. | |
23 | Small deposit to finish in bank (6) |
DEPEND – DEP for small deposit, END for finish; DEPEND on as in rely on, bank on. | |
24 | Fundamental article about the Italian church (8) |
BASILICA – Insert IL = Italian for ‘the’, into BASIC A. | |
25 | Feline woman binding husband in chains (10) |
CHATELAINE – I was well misled by this one, wondering why chains had anything to do with the Lady of a château. but of course, that would be a châtelaine, not a chatelaine, which is an ornamental chain or chains hanging from a belt. CAT has H inserted then ELAINE is our random woman. No wonder the French won’t abandon their beloved circonflex. | |
26 | Alcoholic in the end put back to bed (3) |
COT – C = end of AlcoholiC, TO reversed = put back TO. | |
27 | About to introduce tax break (6) |
RECESS – RE = about, CESS = tax. We’ve seen CESS recently. | |
28 | Forebear requires an exotic escort (8) |
Down | |
1 | Famed Assyrian house is home to sheep (9) |
SEMIRAMIS – a SEMI is a kind of house, and IS is is. Insert RAM for sheep, to get the name of a famous (if barely recalled) Assyrian queen. I’d only heard of it in an operatic context where I knew she was probably a queen but not especially of the Assyrian persuasion. | |
2 | Charge bundle to keep bird on ground (7) |
WARHEAD – This is a naughty clue. You’re supposed to think of WAD for a synonym of bundle, then think of one particular flightless bird, a RHEA, and bung one into the other to make a word vaguely related to CHARGE. The little grey cells were stretched. My LOI. | |
3 | Cricket side’s method hardly secret? (2,4) |
ON SHOW – ON’S – cricket side’s, HOW = method. Biffable, but not obvious to parse. | |
4 | Pen pusher, perhaps, bursting into tears (9) |
STATIONER – Back to regulation clues. (INTO TEARS)*. | |
5 | Lock phone on rental contract (7) |
RINGLET – RING = phone, LET = rental. See lock, think hair. | |
6 | Using colour, 20 to dress person travelling on time (9) |
CHROMATIC – 20a was CHIC (we’re into Grauniad territory here, cross referencing); insert ROMA for a person travelling, and T for time. | |
7 | Fake groom died, having introduced tango (7) |
PRETEND – PREEN – groom, insert T for tango, add D for died. | |
13 | Clear river containing single rodent (9) |
EXONERATE – Devon’s River EXE has ONE RAT inserted. | |
15 | Testing time for one at crease, one performing (9) |
PROBATION – PRO = for, BAT = one at crease in cricket, I = one, ON = performing. | |
16 | One charming Chinese detective in lodge (9) |
ENCHANTER – Mr CHAN goes into ENTER = lodge, in the sense of ‘enter a protest / lodge a protest’. | |
18 | Cereal stirred below temperature becoming syrup (7) |
19 | Unprincipled little man enters gallery (7) |
GODLESS – GODS in a theatre = gallery; insert our random bloke LES. I rail at this; I am godless, an atheist by conviction, but I am not not unprincipled. I have principles. | |
21 | Process of reduction in capital growth (7) |
HAIRCUT – Cryptic definition. | |
22 | Brie munched by me in galley (6) |
BIREME – (BRIE)*, ME. Old rowing ship with two banks of oars. |
I thought I was going to be done and dusted – or home & hosed as the Aussies say- in well under the hour but the NW corner that Pip refers to worked its spell on me.
Nevertheless I enjoyed it. Thank you, Pip, for RECESS. I didn’t know CESS was a tax and if we’ve seen it recently, I missed it.
Thank you also, Pip, for reminding me of the circumflex in chatelaine. ODO, though, don’t draw a distinction between the meaning based on the presence or absence of the accent.
As for GODLESS, Collins gives the meaning of ‘unprincipled’ as meaning #1 in British usage.
RECESS was LOI but COD was MODE. Very clever.
Edited at 2018-08-22 05:36 am (UTC)
CHATELAINE also not understood or known, but somehow far easier to feel confident about.
The rest much enjoyed
I don’t recall ever seeing horse/knight in a puzzle before and didn’t even realise it actually exists (but only in Collins of the usual sources). I thought it was childspeak for the chess piece if anything. Considering the rage induced whenever we had castle/rook the old Colonel would burst a blood-vessel at this one!
Edited at 2018-08-22 05:26 am (UTC)
“Current in which HM ships lost” is supposed to mean the ships are, or the RN is lost, but the verb can’t be added or you couldn’t end with “way,” so we wind up with this overly elliptical construction. If the Royal Navy could be symbolized by just one ship, you could have “”Current in which HM ship’s lost (way),” which would be grammatical in both surface and cryptic reading.
And I couldn’t think of a S-M- house. Doh!
Note to self: swot up on famed Assyrians.
It was a good test.
Mostly I liked: Ineptitude, Probation and COD to the ‘Pen pusher’.
Thanks setter and Pip.
Thank you setter and blogger
I think I still have puzzles started and abandoned where the clock is still ticking and has made it up into the years.
Edited at 2018-08-22 09:33 pm (UTC)
Apart from that, tricky enough, especially in the NW corner, where the word associations were especially elastic. My time stretched to 35 minutes.
Also didn’t know that meaning of CHATELAINE, with or without the funny little roofy thing.
A proper workout, and well batted, Pip.
Edited at 2018-08-22 07:36 am (UTC)
Also didn’t know chatelaine. At first thought it might be something like catenaccio – Helenio Herrera’s Inter. Maybe the Times style guide re-spells it with an H?
Edited at 2018-08-22 11:28 am (UTC)
Peter Pond
He was a great guy, Peg-Leg.
Have added myself to your mailing list.
We all but missed – I was there from 1952 to 1959, and possibly the last classicist at the old firm.
Good to hear from you.
Contentious offerings SEMIRAMIS and CHATELAINE (a nice point about the circumflex, to which info the editor was clearly privy) were clued well. Had they been anagrams I’d have been hopping around.
Great workout, great blog, please can I be, as it were, introduced to Cat Elaine.
19a GODLESS is offensive to me.
I sneaked a look at SNITCH mid solve to check it wasn’t just me. Thankfully not. Yesterday I refused to be grumpy, today I am making up for it.
Same progress rates as other posters really. FOI and COD INEPTITUDE so soon after watching United’s thorough display of such at Brighton on Sunday.
I’d completed the right hand side in just over 10 minutes, the SE corner took about another 6 minutes (DNK CHATELAINE in that context ), and then the trouble really started before I completed in 26:21 with a sigh of relief.
I knew no Assyrians, wasted time trying to justify ON SWAY, guessed the horse (bloody chess again), eventually gave up trying to think of lunar seas when I had the lightbulb/duh moment, and LOI MODE which I didn’t much care for.
Sumerians nearly fits 1d.
Had SAWHORSE but couldn’t parse it, despite (or perhaps because of ) having played chess all my life.
Like pip only knew CHATELAINE from the castle (or should that be rook?).
Thanks pip and setter.
Edited at 2018-08-22 10:47 am (UTC)
I do like the hard ones, particularly if they are quirky and not unfair if you are willing to go along with some novel parsing.
While prominent solvers like Mark G, Simon A, and our own Verlaine took nearly twice as long as usual, the Snitch shows that some solvers were able to do this at around their average time. This is probably the difference between solving by experience and being ready to figure out anything.
COD Rhetoric. Very neat.
Thanks for explaining CHATELAINE.
MAR was my pick of the day. What a doddle! A three letter clue – how hard can that be?
Thanks to setter and blogger
I am also now stuck muttering about Assyrians coming down like the wolf from the fold…..
Edited at 2018-08-22 12:18 pm (UTC)
Other snaggets not mentioned above included thinking LUMBER might have been TIMBER (not a clue about the tradesman though). WARHEAD also a bit obtuse.
I loved STATIONER. FOIs were CHIC closely followed by CHROMATIC.
PS I’m drinking coffee, but have no idea whether it’s going down my throat or down my shirt!
I’m of the opinion, not shared by all, that Times puzzles can withstand the odd rarity, so long as the cluing is fair. I do get that this can impair solving speeds, but as I’m never going to beat a Magoo I don’t really care. So, CHATELAINE and SEMIRAMIS both fine for me. Not sure if these rarities are allowed in competition puzzles.
‘Horse’ for ‘knight’ a colloquialism, but supported in Collins.
Thanks Pip, nice blog.
Bed! Meldrew is back tomorrow from hols. Potus licking his wounds. SAD!
Good fair test though.
*Gloria threw up in the van on Monday.
RHETORIC was a bit of a doh moment after finally cracking 3d ON SHOW. I think given the lengthy time it takes me to complete a 15×15 my postings on the blog will be sporadic.
Count me in the ‘taking umbrage at GODLESS’ brigade.