Okay, 21dn might be a *little* unfair, I don’t see why anyone should know their NHS advisory bodies if they don’t work in or near the NHS, they’re not culturally essential Greek heroes or books of the Bible for goodness’ sake. Additionally 20ac with its sneaky construction baffled me for the longest time, I had the SINGLE but couldn’t get past COMMERCE for the second word, which was at least better than CHINESCE, which was all my poor overwrought brain could make from “from Asia” for a good long time, the idea that I could be looking for an Asian food never occurring to me. But I have no excuse for staring blankly at 23ac and 19dn as long as I did. What a time for my internal thesaurus to desert me!
I really liked the topical (on both sides of the pond) clues at 11ac and 22dn, and there was some very very neat cluing elsewhere much of which I only untangled post-submit: 12ac, 2dn, 3dn, 8dn, 9dn. A really good puzzle, in other words, too good for the likes of me *sob*. I wasn’t quite sure about 5dn if I haven’t missed something is just a cryptic definition, but I guess it’s sufficiently misleading either way. What did you like, and how are competitors feeling about tomorrow? More 14ac then me I hope… look forward to seeing you there!
1 Pick up wood with odd bits of bark in desolation (10)
HEARTBREAK – HEAR TEAK [pick up | wood], with B{a}R{k} in
6 Something instrumental in rejection of neo-bourgeoisie (4)
OBOE – hidden reversed in {n}EO-BO{urgeousie}. Easy FOI.
10 Satisfied about pattern of stress (5)
METRE – MET RE [satisfied | about]
11 Fake news’s ending with one smear having recently come in (9)
SIMULATED – {new}S with I MUD [one | smear], having LATE [recently] come in
12 Notes certain company in card game providing stressful situation (8,6)
PRESSURE COOKER – RES SURE CO [notes | certain | company] in POKER [card game]
14 Confident when Communist tours Soviet Union’s capitals (7)
ASSURED – AS RED [when | communist] “tours” S{oviet} U{nion}
15 Links support with leaders of nation after general election, probably in minority? (7)
TEENAGE – TEE [links support] with N{ation} A{fter} G{eneral} E{lection}. Only the oldest teenagers are in their majority, at least around here.
17 Drum out tosser, roughly at first (7)
CASHIER – SHIER [tosser], CA [roughly] at first
19 Ring dispatcher to tangle with endless love (7)
MATADOR – MAT [to tangle] with ADOR{e} [“endless” love]. A matador dispatches beasts in a (bull)ring.
20 Multinational payment arrangement enclosed in one-way fare from Asia (6,8)
SINGLE CURRENCY – ENC [enclosed] in SINGLE CURRY [one-way | fare from Asia]. Cruel that the “single” looked to be defined by “one-way fare”.
23 Make compatible drug, concentrated in nettle (9)
RECONCILE – E CONC [drug | concentrated] in RILE [nettle]
24 Three-line form reported power grab at top level? (5)
HAIKU – homophone of HIGH COUP [“reported” power grab at top level]. The haiku poetry form always has three lines, obviously.
25 Sparsely separates these characters — victims (4)
PREY – four separated characters in {s}P{a}R{s}E{l}Y
26 No upright member of holy Eastern church backing its symbol? (10)
CROSSPIECE – PI E CE [holy | Eastern | church] backing CROSS [symbol of aforementioned]
1 Strike to get time off for depression (4)
HUMP – {t}HUMP [strike, “to get T (for time) off”]
2 Marks for special attention inefficiency, with cut leading to dangers (9)
ASTERISKS – {w}ASTE [inefficiency, “W (for with) cut”] leading to RISKS [dangers]
3 Book from finance departments, that is coming up light (8,6)
TREASURE ISLAND – TREASUR{ie->EI}S [finance departments, “IE (that is) coming up”] + LAND [light]
4 Echo and start to spread in turn? (7)
RESOUND – E [echo] and S{pread} in ROUND [turn], &lit
5 Support for upper body member in seat (7)
ARMREST – simply a cryptic definition… I think?
7 Riband’s middle strip over patterned cloth (5)
BATIK – {ri}BA{nd} + KIT reversed [strip “over”]
8 Past packs go bad under more mature fruit (10)
ELDERBERRY – BY [past] “packs” ERR [go bad] under ELDER [more mature]
9 Disorderly house interrupting finished actor (3,4,3,4)
ALL OVER THE SHOP — HO [house] “interrupting” ALL OVER THESP [finished | actor]
13 Eyeball components swivelling, which holds face in place? (10)
WATCHSTRAP – WATCH [eyeball] + PARTS reversed [components “swivelling”]. Face as in the watch-face that tells you the time.
16 What food enhancer containing Charlie might be? (9)
ADDICTIVE – ADDITIVE [food enhancer] “containing” C [Charlie], semi-&lit
18 More like Stones with a heavier beat? (7)
ROCKIER – double def
19 More than one mouthful of mushrooms, gobbling seconds (7)
MORSELS – MORELS [mushrooms], “gobbling” S [seconds]
21 Suitable position hospital’s got in NHS advisory body (5)
NICHE – H [hospital] has got in NICE [the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, apparently]
22 Project Fear’s secondary element for unwelcome arrival in Britain? (4)
JUTE – JUT [project] + {f}E{ar}. The rascally Jutes were much involved in invading Britain circa the 4th century, stealing jobs from the locals and pushing up hut prices, when are they and all their descendants going to be packed back off to Denmark, that’s what I want to know.
Edited at 2017-11-03 08:32 am (UTC)
Edited at 2017-11-03 10:17 am (UTC)
Other Nick
Convinced myself 26ac would start with Grand (No upright) and that delayed the Mushrooms for a good while.
Thought of thump immediately for 1dn – but depression? Quite the reverse, I thought. I guess it is the Hump you get rather than trip over.
Mostly I liked: Ring dispatcher, Asian fare, Sparsely separates (very original), Eyeball and ‘All over the shop’.
Thanks assured setter and V (and may you have the very best of good fortune this weekend).
Anyone who pays even cursory attention to the news will be familiar with NICE. This seems much more fair game to me than all these silly old books.
The way I see it, v, you have got your rare off-wavelength puzzle out of the way just in time for tomorrow. See you there!
I pay great attention to the news, but sadly it’s the news of 1864, back when news was PROPER news.
Edited at 2017-11-03 09:54 am (UTC)
So easier than yesterday I reckon
Mostly a good puzzle, but can someone explain what the “way” is for in 20ac? Seems like it’s just there to sugar the surface….
Other than that I found this fairly tough, not being helped by not bothering to parse ALL OVER THE SHOP and so the actor reference giving me ALL OVER THE SHOW for some time.
I’m also not totally convinced by HUMP for depression, not simply because it’s more usually the opposite of a depression, but because when I get the hump I’m usually aggressively cross about something, like the appalling lack of wheelchair access at Wembley.
But I did like the gruesome homophone of high coup: bet the Japanese don’t pronounce it anything like that.
As regards jack’s comment re tosser, I see that on the front page of today’s Times a government minister is described as a c***. So it’s ok as long as you use 2d.
Edited at 2017-11-03 09:51 am (UTC)
Good luck to all tomorrow, maybe Magoo will slow down and let V in!
21dn was no problem, as my Comedy Tourette’s means I cannot hear a newsreader mention “The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence…” without turning to an imaginary camera and joining in, as per the Fast Show, with “…nice”.
Glad to have got 14a early, otherwise would have spent WAY too long trying to fit CLOCK-something in at 13d.
In other (not fake) news, I have managed to secure a partial pass-out for tomorrow, which includes the green light for drink to be involved. I suspect I’ll need it.
Edited at 2017-11-03 11:41 am (UTC)
very best of luck to all tomorrow – I’ll certainly be thinking of you.
However I came a cropper with FORCEPS for 19d, except that ‘gobbling seconds’ didn’t seem to match the description. Didn’t help that apart from the F the rest of the clues fitted in. However HAIKU and JUTE defeated me and I had to come here. Good luck to all who are participating – now that I am retiring (today! hooray!) maybe next year…
“My dustbin’s full of toadstools.” “How do you know it’s full?” “Cos there’s not much room inside.”
I admired the plethora of well-hidden definitions today.
Edited at 2017-11-06 04:00 pm (UTC)
Like some others, I’m dubious about HUMP in either sense of the word.
Is it just me, or has there recently been a welcome dearth of obscure trees/cricketing terms/salmon growth-stages and other arcania?
NICE used to be the National Institute for Clinical Excellence. They added Health later but kept the acronym. A missed opportunity I always felt. Clinical changed to Care a few years after.
Thanks for the blog and good luck to everyone taking part tomorrow.
They told me I should
Write a haiku but I said
No, no, no.
Given your list, I am so glad that you are not a setter.
Maybe it’s time for NICE to have a makeover, sorry, undergo a rebranding enhancement procedure. The Community Led Initiative for Care and Health Excellence (CLICHE) has a nice ring to it.
My parsing of 24ac HAIKU was slightly awry as in China ‘hai-ku’ is an official form used to designate one’s immediate family for local tax purposes and property rights. My WOD.
COD went to 9dn ALL OVER THE SHOP although I was wary of SHOW.
Bests to all those in Crosswordland tomorrow – I was always put off by smart ‘arses jumping up after 4 minutes and holding their treeware aloft, whilst yours truly was still working on my FOI!! I don’t think that happens anymore as three puzzles in an hour is the requirement! I presume the Magoos of this age are aloft within 13 minutes! Depressing!
Mood Meldrewvian! Brain antedeluvian!
Nice blog, verlaine. I enjoyed the Farage-esque demolition of the Jutes. In response I’ve been trying to think of something funny to say about that little-known Thomas Hardy novel, Jute the Obscure, but I’ve given up.
Great crossword with some fine wordplay: happy to complete after yesterday’s tumble at the last.
Thanks to setter, blogger (especially for “aporetic” which I will try to use socially) and commenters (especially for the PUKE nonsense, which made me lol).