I needed 36 minutes for this one, which is not bad for me these days having slowed down a bit in recent weeks. Many of the clues are really easy, some are biffable and a couple perhaps bordering on the obscure but in most of these cases the wordplay is helpful. One exception perhaps is the composer at 20dn who I suspect very few will have heard of, but I happened to know of him; the alternative route to the answer is a science reference so it’s quite possible that some solvers may be stumped by both.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Plant, where cropped, eaten by horse (7) |
COWHERB – WHER{e} [cropped], contained [eaten] by COB (horse). I didn’t know this plant but I arrived at its name via wordplay and assumed it’s another name for “cow-parsley” with which I am very familiar, however it appears they are not even related to each other. The horse is thickset with short legs, apparently. | |
5 | Left-winger is distraught, ultimately leaving party (6) |
SOCIAL – SOCIAL{ist} (left-winger) [is + {distraugh}t, ultimately leaving] | |
8 | Work of art futile ultimately — no good, mad (9) |
ENGRAVING – {futil}E [ultimately], NG (no good), RAVING (mad). “Ultimately” indicating last letters in consecutive clues is a bit weak. | |
9 | Trips from this French city? (5) |
TOURS – Two meanings | |
11 | Artist paid to pen article (5) |
MANET – MET (paid) contains [to pen] AN (article) | |
12 | I repeatedly get excited, with enthusiasm about current climate (9) |
ZEITGEIST – ZEST (enthusiasm) containing [about] anagram [excited] of I + I (repeatedly) + GET | |
13 | Woodman’s line of business, needing fine minerals to test (8) |
FORESTRY – F (fine), ORES (minerals), TRY (test) | |
15 | Smile endlessly, repeatedly showing charm (6) |
GRIGRI – GRI{n} + GRI{n} (smile) [endlessly] repeatedly. I didn’t know this word for an African talisman but the wordplay was helpful. | |
17 | Holiday month with endless rest for one imposing hard task on hero (6) |
AUGEAS – AUG (holiday month), EAS{e} (rest) [endless]. Heracles was the hero. Augeas was the guy who had stables full of dung who set him the nigh impossible task of cleaning them out. | |
19 | Indication of very bad bruising on member who is unpopular worker? (8) |
BLACKLEG – Two meanings, a literal interpretation and a figurative one with reference to a strike breaker in an industrial dispute. | |
22 | Brewing is to cease — before these are brought out? (3,6) |
TEA COSIES – Anagram [brewing] of IS TO CEASE. I’d class this as &lit or semi-&lit, however the brewing doesn’t cease before these are deployed. | |
23 | Performer with animal has monkey around not keeping quiet (5) |
TAMER – TAM{p}ER (monkey around) [not keeping quiet – p] | |
24 | Sage in Nagpur — I shine (5) |
RISHI – Hidden in {Nagpu}R I SHI{ne}. I didn’t know this one but took on trust that it was a hidden answer. | |
25 | Expression of pain by one in ordeal most bad-tempered (9) |
TOUCHIEST – OUCH (expression of pain) + I (one) in TEST (ordeal) | |
26 | Slow movement of a retreating old island tribe (6) |
ADAGIO – A, then O (old) + I (island) + GAD (tribe) all reversed [retreating] | |
27 | You and I in style, moving in a gracious manner (7) |
SWEETLY – WE (you and I) in anagram [moving] of STYLE |
Down | |
1 | Farm tea made special with carrot cake ingredient? (5,2,6) |
CREAM OF TARTAR – Anagram [made special] of FARM TEA CARROT. Potassium bitartrate, also known as potassium hydrogen tartrate, according to Wiki. It has various functions in cookery but the one that probably concerns us here is as an ingredient in baking soda products. | |
2 | Driver in West, a fellow doomed (7) |
WAGONER – W (west), A, GONER (fellow doomed) | |
3 | Demand that performance is never to be put on again? (5) |
EXACT – An ACT (performance) that is never to be put on again may be said to be an EX-ACT | |
4 | Black reptile doubling up a bit in bad weather (8) |
BLIZZARD – B (black), LIZARD (reptile) doubles its Z-content to give us the answer | |
5 | Just under ten short soldiers turning up to register (4,2) |
SIGN IN – NIN{e} (just under ten) [short] + GI’S (soldiers) all reversed [turning up] | |
6 | Positive guy with conceit, wealthy husband doing a bunk (9) |
CATEGORIC – CAT (guy), EGO (conceit), RIC{h} (wealthy) [husband doing a bunk] | |
7 | Comic needing an act of reflection (7) |
AMUSING – A (an), MUSING (act of reflection) | |
10 | Having nothing to worry about, / like a model in more ways than one? (7,6) |
SITTING PRETTY – Two definitions, one figurative, one cryptic | |
14 | Period home with good taste is what I provide (9) |
SEASONING – SEASON (period), IN (home), G (good) | |
16 | College room without roof — thus useless for learner to enter (3,5) |
ALL SOULS – {h}ALL (room) [without roof], SO (thus), US (useless) which L (learner) enters. It’s a college in Oxford. | |
18 | Fool overwhelmed by heartless avarice must be brought down (7) |
GRASSED – ASS (fool) contained [overwhelmed] by GR{e}ED (avarice) [heartless]. “Grass” can mean to knock or bring down an opponent in sport or to shoot down a bird. I didn’t know either of these meanings. | |
20 | Old English composer’s measure of brightness (7) |
LAMBERT – Two meanings. The only English composer of this name that I could think of was Constant Lambert but as his dates were 1905-1951 I hardly think that constitutes “old”, at least as composers go. He’s perhaps most famous for his ballet music “Horoscope” which is still revived occasionally. I found there was also an English composer called George Lambert 1794-1880 but I doubt he’d be the intended reference here. | |
21 | Classical artist irritated about onset of impressionism (6) |
GIOTTO – GOT TO (irritated) containing [about] I{mpressionism} [onset] | |
23 | Apprehending end of joke, you chuckle (2-3) |
TE-HEE – THEE (you) containing [apprehending] {jok}E [end] |
Edited at 2017-05-23 06:22 am (UTC)
I thought the TV series was OK as far as it went, but with four episodes to cover twelve books, that wasn’t very far.
Gri-gri is often spelt gris-gris, as in the Dr John album – which is probably how Kevin has heard of it.
“Atlantic records president Ahmet Ertegun was reluctant to release the record at first, exclaiming “How can we market this boogaloo crap?”
So I had to dig out my copy and play it….
24:55 otherwise, pretty chuffed to have got AUGEAS. COD and WOD to ZEITGEIST.
Thanks setter and Jack. Best wishes to all our UK friends, especially the northerners, after the awful incident in Manchester.
Same as yesterday, took about 30mins before brain freeze struck, and I was left with a blank at AUG-A-. Oh, and I had ‘lambent’, which I thought was a measure of light…
Definitely tricky in parts, this one. It’s always satisfying to assemble something like ZEITGEIST, so COD to that. Guessed right on LAMBERT. Can’t really complain about a clue that offers two routes — one scientific, the other artsy — to the GK solution, even if I didn’t know either of them. Lambert just sounded more plausible as a composer.
DNK Lambert, so bunged in Lumient. Also DNK GriGri, but what else could it be? Apart from that ok, although unbelievably spent ages on Tea Cosies before twigging it was an anagram.
Thanks setter and Jack.
Held up by CREME DE TARTAR, not reading the anagram fodder properly, and the NW corner suffering as a result. COD to SITTING PRETTY I think, which I certainly wasn’t today.
Many thanks setter and blogger.
Strange pot pourri of a puzzle that went from the banal clue to TOURS to the obscurity already mentioned. It all felt slightly unsatisfactory in the end. Well done Jack.
Sotira: Can’t really complain about a clue that offers two routes — one scientific, the other artsy — to the GK solution
Keriothe: That is not a kind clue.
Dorsetjimbo: A really unfriendly clue I thought
I won’t attempt to adjudicate between the two positions; I will, however, note that all three solvers fail to note the really important point, viz. that I FAILED TO SOLVE THE CLUE.
I was also puzzled by the “Old” in the LAMBERT clue. But I’ll temper that with what I thought the first name was, which is Constance, for whom I apparently have a spurious back history as that rare thing, an (almost) famous female composer. (Yes, yes, I know, Hildebrand von Bingen. And then?)
GRASSED made me think of cricket and dropped catches, but they are hardly taken down, now are they?
Germaine Taillefaire
Lili Boulangere
Amy Beach
Alma Mahler
Louise Farrenc
Barbara Strozzi
Judith Weir
Ruth Gipps
Cecile Chaminade
….I could go on…
Of course, yes, though I can’t say they’re all in my collection. But Mendelsohn, Schumann, Mahler and such would only appear in the crossword by virtue of their partners, and the range of possible answers to “female composers” reckoned as fair game would probably not embrace many (or any) of the others. Lambert himself is probably right on the edge of stuff the solvers can be expected to know.
Of course I was also being a bit flippant.
Somehow I happened to know the measure of light. That is not a kind clue.
GRIGRI and GRASSED were completly unknown, but with very helpful wordplay.
And as for ‘old’, well I suppose he is old to some. I once clued ‘Oasis’ as ‘an old pop group’ in a definition-only crossword for children.
As it turned out I’d have failed anyway, as I’d heard of the Augean Stables, and “ean” is “lean”—rest—with one end missing, so in “Augean” went.
My least favourite type of crossword: mostly tough because of gaps in my knowledge rather than anything else. I knew neither the plant nor the horse, the French city, the charm, Augeas, the unpopular worker, the sage, the tribe, the college, the meaning of grass nor that spelling of “te-hee”. I suppose this means I’ve learned a few things, but that doesn’t seem to be improving my mood…
The plant at 1ac was new to me, but the wordplay was clear, as was the meaning of 18dn used. I originally thought the stable-owner at 17ac ended -US, but 14dn put me right on that, enabling me to see the appropriate wordplay.
As others have said, some obscurities:
LAMBERT I’d vaguely heard of the science meaning and it was certanly a plausible name for an old English composer although I’d never heard of him
AUGEAS took far too long since I knew the Augean stables that Hercules diverted a river through, but didn’t see “ease” for ages
GRIGRI I knew as a belay device for climbing, maybe a trademark, but that was enough to make me put it in confidently
RISHI never heard of him but was fairly sure it had to be that
ZEITGEIST went straight in since until recently I lived near a famous bar with that name in San Francisco
SEASONING was my loi for some reason, I knew how the clue worked but the word didn’t come until I finally saw the name of the Herculean stable-owner
Thank you to blogger – hope your recovery continues – and to setter.
Edited at 2017-05-23 06:07 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2017-05-23 09:48 pm (UTC)
No problem with LAMBERT other than the word “Old” in the clue. (If there is an “Old English composer” LAMBERT, then I’ve either never heard of him or forgotten him.) I know about Constant Lambert for all sorts of reasons: as composer of The Rio Grande, one of my favourite works ever since I sang in performances of it with the East Riding Youth Choir; as the inspiration for Moreland in A Dance to the Music of Time, probably my favourite work of literature; as principal conductor ot the Vic-Wells Ballet (where he had an affair with Margot Fonteyn); as the author of Music Ho!, whose ideas I cribbed blatantly for an essay I used in at least three exams (A-level Music, General Paper and Oxford Entrance); as the son of the artist George Lambert and the father of Kit Lambert, sometime manager of The Who. (See The Lamberts by Andrew Motion if you want to know more).