I never feel like I have quite so much to say on my six-weekly days of double duty with the TLS. I entered 6ac with a shrug and a silent prayer, not being 100% sure that it shouldn’t be SCATHE or SCYTHE or something somehow; only afterwards did the penny drop that “cut maize” was a noun and not the verb I’d been looking for. 10ac wasn’t parsed till after the fact but fortunately left little room for uncertainty. My last one in, and I expect I won’t be short of company here, was the clever but oblique 17dn. Clue of the Day to 8dn for its brilliant use of “rent”; indeed it was only in the parsing that I fully appreciated it, as before I’d had the vague notion that the husband and wife might have been living apart and finally owning their home had brought them together. Oh to have a brain that could move in two directions at once, like the truly great crossword solvers of this world.
Many thanks to the setter, it was a good time. And now for the school run!
1 Gradually worried on account of British infotech (3,2,3)
BIT BY BIT – BIT BY B I.T. [worried | on account of | British | infotech]
6 Cut maize, perhaps, and wrap (6)
SWATHE – double def
9 Daring arrangement for English choir (6)
HEROIC – (E CHOIR*) [“arrangement”]
10 Picture City chief executive not quite in the centre of photo (4,4)
ECCE HOMO – EC CE HOM{e} {ph}O{to} [city | chief executive | “not quite” in | “the centre of” photo]
11 State area in central Monmouthshire (4)
UTAH – A in {monmo}UTH{shire}
12 For information one has to run for parent (10)
PROGENITOR – PRO GEN I TO R [for | information | one (has) to | run]
14 Man I care about is from across the Atlantic (8)
AMERICAN – (MAN I CARE*) [“about”]
16 Very little can remove point of rising from yeast (4)
TINY – TIN [can] + Y{EAST} minus EAST [compass point of the rising sun]
18 Man missing in the wings is Titania’s lover (4)
OTTO – {b}OTTO{m} “missing in the wings”. Makes up for the lack of Bard in the TLS I blogged just now!
19 Ruler’s operation in wartime (8)
OVERLORD – double def
21 Flautist, say, improvising jazz in commercial ship (10)
WINDJAMMER – very nearly another double def: an improvising flautist would be a WIND JAMMER
22 Capital equipment beginning to appreciate (4)
RIGA – RIG [equipment] + A{ppreciate}
24 Note number among deer and game (8)
DOMINOES – MI NO [note | number] among DOES [deer]
26 Fish pub served up during harvest (6)
MINNOW – INN [pub] served up during MOW [harvest]
27 Heraldic beast with very strange name (6)
WYVERN – W (VERY*) N [with | very “strange” | name]
28 Summarise what’s new in key Danish city (8)
CONDENSE – N [new] in C ODENSE [key | Danish city]
2 Immobile excavator losing motorway time (5)
INERT – {m}INER T [excavator “losing motorway” | time]
3 Extra husband in family for fellowship (11)
BROTHERHOOD – OTHER H [extra | husband] in BROOD [family]
4 Wolves supporter may do this to travel simply (8)
BACKPACK – A supporter of wolves may BACK a PACK…
5 Stage work that old Beethoven failed to hear (3,5,2,5)
THE SOUND OF MUSIC – Beethoven Was Deaf. Another TLS 101 clue.
6 Shoot a person too easily led (6)
SUCKER – double def
7 Large growth in koala’s habitat (3)
ASH – hidden in {koal}A’S H{abitat}
8 He and wife no more rent? (9)
HOMEOWNER – (HE + W NO MORE) [“rent”]. A rather spiffy &lit.
13 Tons aboard ocean liner at sea consent to only one view (11)
INTOLERANCE – T [tons] about (OCEAN LINER*) [“at sea”]
15 Lots keeping fit over marriage (9)
MATRIMONY – MANY [lots] keeping TRIM O [fit | over]
17 One taking over companies he’s floating? (8)
FERRYMAN – cryptic def. This gentleman takes companies over, over rivers and such that is, by floating them. LOI
20 Bar shortly must introduce a litre (6)
SALOON – SOON [shortly] must introduce A L
23 Paint a little county society (5)
GLOSS – GLOS S [a little county | society]
25 Father’s dismissed son in anger (3)
IRE – {S}IRE [father], losing his S [son]
My brain can move in several directions at once – but to absolutely no purpose!
An enjoyable puzzle that somehow felt harder than it was.
Edited at 2017-01-27 09:40 am (UTC)
Not entirely sure I understand “companies” in 17dn and wondered if “bodies” might have been more appropriate if Charon was in the setter’s mind at all, and it would have fitted just as well with the surface reading.
Edited at 2017-01-27 09:46 am (UTC)
Edited at 2017-01-27 09:53 am (UTC)
It’s actually a slightly nonsensical surface since a stock market flotation is essentially the opposite of a takeover, but I can’t say I’m outraged.
Edited at 2017-01-27 09:56 am (UTC)
I’m sure that if corporations are legally people they should be allowed to be introverts, extroverts or ambiverts just like the rest of us, wrt public/private status.
Edited at 2017-01-27 02:42 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2017-01-27 04:48 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2017-01-27 08:53 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2017-01-27 09:55 am (UTC)
I always well up at the story of Beethoven conducting the first performance of his Ninth Symphony. Because he was completely deaf, they had a stand-in conductor behind him who did the real work. When it came to the end and the audience were on their feet, the stand-in noticed that Beethoven was still conducting and he turned Beethoven around so
that he could see the applause that he could not hear.
Thanks setter and truncated V
Edited at 2017-01-27 12:04 pm (UTC)
Feeling sorry for Beethoven now.. not to mention the homeowner, probably in thrall to a mortgage provider now and for the rest of his life
Thought homeowner excellent, quite liked dominoes too.
Have a good weekend everyone and thanks as always to setter and V.
Alan (still avatar-less)
My second-from-last in, CONDENSE, took a long time to come, but I did finally work out I wasn’t looking for the whole answer to be the unknown Danish city. My LOI, OTTO, was biffed, but even my highly limited knowledge of Shakespeare should have been enough for a confirmation, in hindsight.
Good fun all round, I thought. Thanks to setter and blogger.
Intermittent solve today – coffee shop, car and sofa with dog. Started quickly, slowed down and then stalled completely before heaving myself over the finishing line with FERRYMAN.
COD to SUCKER – a word which I can never meet without hearing W. C. Fields’ immortal line.
Time: All correct in about an hour.
Thank you to setter and blogger.
Remembered Odense because HCA was born there, comes up in quizzes.
Liked Jimbo’s blog comment, was tempted to repeat but that would be plagiarism.
Now to the TLS.
Mathematician – 4
Engineer – between 3.96 and 4.04
Accountant – what figure did you have in mind?
We understand each other!
Edited at 2017-01-27 10:39 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2017-01-27 10:37 pm (UTC)
I also made ridiculously heavy weather of 10ac (ECCE HOMO). Before I had any crossing letters in place, I wasted a bit of time trying to fit MONA LISA to the wordplay. After that, and for no good reason, I took “chief executive” to be CEO, and in the end had to come here to find how the wordplay worked. At least it was biffable with a reasonable degree of confidence.
An interesting and enjoyable puzzle.