I solved all but four clues in the SE corner within 30 minutes parsing as I went, but I needed another 15 to finish it off with 17dn and 19ac accounting for the last 10 of these. I thought this was an excellent puzzle with only a few clues running into a second line – always a good thing in my book. 4dn invoked joyous memories of Tony Hancock imitating Robert Newton playing Long John Silver. Along similar lines, 1dn had me thinking of pieces of eight and 20ac brought castaways to mind, Robinson Crusoe and of course Ben Gunn.
* = anagram
* = anagram
Across |
1 |
STEALTHY – ST (stone), |
5 | CHAFER – The letters from either end of ‘forceps’ swapped to change CHASER (hunter) into CHAFER (beetle) |
9 | VICTUALS – CUT* inside VIALS (bottles) |
10 |
ITALIC – 1, T (time), ALIC |
12 | POET LAUREATE – Cryptic definition |
15 |
16 | MAKESHIFT – Double definition, one vaguely jocular |
18 | ROOSEVELT – (VOTE LOSER)* FDR’s presidency lasted 12 years and he was the only US president to serve more than 8, hence “long-term leader” is the definition. |
19 |
20 | TOURS DE FORCE – TOURS (explores), RC (Catholic) inside DEFOE (classical author, best known for ‘Robinson Crusoe’) |
24 | DRIVEL – DRIVE (road), L (left) |
25 |
26 | YANKEE – AY (always) reversed i.e. ‘from East’, KEEN* |
27 |
Down |
1 |
2 |
ETCH – |
3 | LEUCOCYTE – (EYE OCCULT)* an alternative name for a white blood cell. My only unknown word today. |
4 | HALF-TIMBERED – Cryptic definition with references to ‘timbers’ – wooden support frames in sailing ships – and Long John Silver, the cook and pirate leader in RL Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’ who had a wooden leg. Remembering the traditional but fictional saying of old sea dogs, ‘shiver me timbers’ helped me solve this one. Tudor-style buildings are typically half-timbered with exposed wooden beams. |
6 |
7 | FALLACIOUS – FALL (trip), AC (bill), IOUS (promises to pay) |
8 | RECREATING – RE (engineers), CREATING (making a fuss) |
11 | JACKET POTATO – JACK (forcibly lift), (TEAPOT TO)* |
13 | SPIRITEDLY – (I TRIED)* + L (line) inside SPY (agent) |
14 | DEVOLUTION – D (Democrat) replaces R (Republican) in REVOLUTION (coup) |
17 |
21 | SIEVE – I inside EVES (days before) reversed |
22 |
WAFT – W |
23 | DEWY – Reversed hidden |
Last in WAFT
COD … well, HALF-TIMBERED, obviously. I’m still chuckling.
Was a bit worried about 8D, more commonly Frankenstein than Thomas Cook!
I too enjoyed yesterday’s Cryptic’s excellent NINA.
Today’s NINA in the Concise is a good un, all the outside letters on all 4 sides are A. However, personally, I feel that the Concise’s obsession with its daily NINA frequently results in distinctly substandard clues/answers, and I hope PB won’t let that happen to the Cryptic.
Like others, loved 4dn. Reminded me too of our very strange geography master (“Curly” Ellis) who had a thing about mapping building materials. His insistence on our being able to draw Tudor draw pins (inter alia) led to the whole class failing O-Level geography. The detailed information was interesting but no use when the exam asks: “Describe the main practices by which the Ibo of Nigeria sustain themselves”.
No unknowns today, although if you’d asked me to spell LEUCOCYTE I’d have struggled.
Nice puzzle.
I will probably be less grumpy later.
I might try half timbered on her indoors, who is also shy one pin. There again, I might prefer long life. Easily my CoD not because it was difficult but because it was funny.
Most time spent, like others, in the SE.
John Mck
“more commonly Frankenstein than Thomas Cook!”
regards, Keef
Edited at 2014-01-24 02:11 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2014-01-24 07:50 pm (UTC)
Have a good weekend all.
I completed the LHS a fair bit quicker than the RHS, although LEUCOCYTE went in with fingers crossed. There seemed to be more than the average number of letter removal/letter replacement clues, and I was convinced 22dn was another one until I saw the more obvious wordplay that led to WAFT. The NE only opened up once I got CHAFER, and I waited until I had solved 19ac before I decided which of RECREATING/recreation was required at 8dn. MODESTLY was my LOI after STRICTURE.
4dn may not have been the hardest of the clues today but it certainly raised a smile.
With all that happening I managed to miss most of the cricket. Good thing too.
Nice puzzle I thought.
Took longer than yesterday’s, but managed all correct eventually, ending, as others, with WAFT and then MODESTLY. Should’ve been quicker as there were no unknowns, but I did manage to parse all correctly as I went. Lots of the substitution type words seemed to take quite a while to sort out.
I agree that HALF TIMBERED (my FOI) is too obvious to warrant COD status.
Actually, where is Ulaca? And where’s that bloke who was whinging about the cricket being boring and meaningless (after the thrilling and significant series in England)? Hope he’s having a better day today.
I thought WAFT and DEWY, my LOIs, were excellently clued short solutions.
Edited at 2014-01-24 05:33 pm (UTC)
I can’t say I thought much of RECREATING – it’s an ugly word at best. If those engineers were recreating whilst on holiday, would they be VACATING? No? Thought not.
Otherwise, though, a chewy and satisfying puzzle, I thought.
Once again, I have drawn the short straw and am off duty tonight. This is a shame, because it’s a Friday night and it’s raining, which is always good for business.
Otherwise, a fairly straightforward puzzle which, rather unusually, didn’t contain a single word I have never seen before (not that LEUCOCYTE comes up frequently in my vocabulary). No COD, but I thought STRICTURE with the two dropped letters in the wordplay rather clever.
By the way, the Livejournal spelling checker doesn’t like LEUCOCYTE — it wants to spell it with a K.
Edited at 2014-01-25 12:21 am (UTC)
The crossing of the Mad Hatter with Alice was neat! Nice to see a Lewis Carroll clue (or two!) occasionally. Now I wonder if the well in 1ac was the source of the treacle I was wading through …