When I choose to solve and blog at midnight rather than the next morning, there’s not usually enough of a sample of other online solvers to work out if I’ve been comparatively fast or slow, so we shall see; 13:05 on the Club timer suggests a puzzle which was pretty straightforward, though quite enjoyable. There was an unknown plant, but there seems to be an inexhaustible supply of plants I’ve never heard of in the dictionary, so this didn’t surprise me. Otherwise, I don’t think there were any major obscurities.
Across |
1 |
5 |
ETHICS – trutH in (Singular CITE)rev. |
9 |
10 |
METTLE – MET(=satisfied”) TaLE without A. |
12 |
15 |
LEARN – Edward LEAR, Note. |
16 |
HEADBOARD – EAch, (BeD)rev. in HOARD. |
18 |
MUTILATED – Answer in MU, TILTED (as the Greek letter might be, if written in italics). |
19 |
CURVE – Verse in CURE. |
20 |
TRAMPOLINIST – cryptic def. |
24 |
HEALTH – L in HEATH. If the setter’s intention was for me to run through a mental list – Cordoba, Granada etc. – before realising it was a more literal, and non-alphabetised moor, the setter was successful. |
25 |
26 |
DATURA – UnpopulaR in DATA. I didn’t know the word, as I say, but once I had D_T_R_ from the checkers, and D_TUR_ from checkers and wordplay, DATURA looked a pretty likely candidate for yet another plant I’d never heard of. |
27 |
BEDECKED – [(CEDE)rev., K] in BED. |
Down |
1 |
SERF – reverse hidden in oF RESidents. |
2 |
TWIT – withouT, WIT &lit. This was last in after a good pause for thought, and for the life of me I can’t now see why (on reflection, and seeing that others had trouble spotting it as well, I should perhaps have said that this is, of course, one possible definition of a good clue…) |
3 |
NOCTURNAL – OCTober in New URN, ALL. |
4 |
SPACE SHUTTLE – Small PACE, [L in SHUTTER]. The ill-fated Challenger was one of six Space Shuttles; had the setter been so inclined, we might have seen the crossword world’s favourite detective, and had Endeavour instead. |
6 |
TRENT – TORRENT without the OR. |
7 |
INTERMARRY – another cryptic def. |
8 |
STEPLADDER – (SET)*, PLace, ADDER, with an elegant semi&lit. surface. As Harry Hill said, this is my stepladder, not my real ladder. I never knew my real ladder. |
11 |
13 |
ILL-MATCHED – 1 Line, [Mass in LATCHED]. |
14 |
MARTIAL ART – cryptic def. and by some way the best of today’s. |
17 |
BACKSPACE – BACK’S PACE, and the key up to the top right of your keyboard. |
21 |
PETER – PET(=”caress”), ER(=”I’m not sure”). |
22 |
MINK – MINKe. A whale which always makes me think of Inspector Clouseau. |
23 |
FEUD =”FEW’D”. |
DATURA will be well known to folks nearer the equator. Very popular for masking the outside dunny. Very pretty and pretty lethal.
NOCTURAL = “going abroad furtively”? Hmmm.
Edited at 2013-12-03 01:42 am (UTC)
Jack, I’m puzzled – how could 22dn be construed as a DD? (I’m probably missing something again.)
To have one cryptic definition, Mr Worthing, is unfortunate, to have two looks like carelessness. Three… well, I’m not sure MARTIAL ART qualifies, as it does a bit of wordplay with war paint, I believe.
TWIT was my favourite of the day – it had me staring at the checkers wondering which of the senses I’d forgotten, and fooling me into thinking it was something difficult. Twit.
Liked BEDECKED (and to some extent HEADBOARD), where – for me at least – the definition and the cryptic worked nicely together towards the solution. Too often the definition drives, and the cryptic is “parsed” almost as an afterthought, for confirmation.
MUTILATED was my LOI after ILL-MATCHED and I didn’t bother to stop to parse it. Even though the anagram fodder for it must have been used plenty of times I still liked the clue for SATANISM. It took me a little longer than it should have done to make sense of the obvious anagram fodder for the 12ac/11dn crossers, and I needed all the checkers before I saw the cryptic definition for INTERMARRY. I vaguely remembered DATURA so wasn’t held up by it because the wordplay was clear enough. TWIT was excellent.
TWIT & BACKSPACE the two stand-outs for me.
I wonder when “twit“ came to mean a fool. When I was at school, a twit was someone who told tales to the teacher, someone who “grassed you up”, but I recall Spike Milligan using it to mean an idiot in The Goon Show”.
DATURA: There was a panic about “thorn apples” whipped up in the press in the mid 1960s, so that’s why I know about this plant. When one appeared in our garden, the neighbours came round to inspect it and we wondered if we ought to report it to the authorities.
Here’s another he did at the Royal Free charity event at the Adelphi on Sunday:
“Never say never; whoops, said it twice”
Nick M
I rather liked the war paint clue.
First one finished in a little while…
Thank you, Tim, for a blog dotted with entertaining gems (as usual).
Go figure.
Edited at 2013-12-03 02:37 pm (UTC)
Edit: great minds think alike even if one of them is a bit slower off the mark 🙂
Edited at 2013-12-03 02:38 pm (UTC)
‘Stakeholder’ is another that’s been popping up recently.
Space Shuttle reminded me of the file Gravity that I saw at an IMAX cinema last week. If you’ve not seen it do – terrific.
I initially shared the doubts expressed elsewhere about 3D’s def – but on reflection it seems to me OK: to be out and about at night doesn’t of course necessarily imply furtive behaviour, but it could do. The ? at the end of the clue suggests that furtiveness is one, but only one, possible interpretation that might be put on nocturnal activity.
I am going to keep trying this, I seem to have great difficulty commenting, I get a “no data sent” message when I hit “post comment” – that’s happened to me the last three days. It will be a bother if it happens on Thursday.
Last in DATURA from wordplay, didn’t see the wordplay for MINK, but there can’t be that many furs that end in K, right?
Are you doing this on iPad? Submitting things like this on iPad is now regularly (3/4) described as connection failed when it patently hasn’t
For the first time ever, I have managed to finish a Times crossword. It probably took me about an hour in two sessions.
FOI: Satanism
LOI: Twit – and to be honest I didn’t fully parse it.