Jim’s on holiday so can’t do this one. I was meaning to ask for a sub, but in the end I found myself having to stay up all night for a new software release so it’s given me something to do in the meantime. Solving time 15:21, not bad for 3:30am! I learnt a couple of things too, e.g. the name of a yellow flower and what to call a female crab. Can’t be bad.
Across |
1 |
PITTANCE – PITT (father and son PMs, a bit before Dickens’ time though) + ACE (one) around N (end of DickensiaN). What I’m earning tonight! |
5 |
TEMPER – double definition. |
8 |
TAG – GAT reversed. |
9 |
GOLDILOCKS – GOLD + LOCKS around I. The name of two different yellow flowers, one a kind of buttercup. I’ve never seen it other than as the name of the porridge-stealing little girl. |
10 |
CATARACT – CAR around TA (chaps volunteering) + ACT. |
11 |
VOICED – INVOICED (made to pay) without IN (homeless). |
12 |
OINK – hidden in “Who in Kent”, Berkshire being a breed of pig. |
14 |
17 |
SHOWJUMPER – JUMP inside SHOWER (rain for a short time). |
20 |
NAME – E (drug) after N(oon) + AM (before noon). |
23 |
WAY-OUT – double definition. |
24 |
ECSTATIC – (catchiest)* without the H. |
25 |
HAIR-RAISER – double definition, one of them cryptic. |
26 |
SKA – ASK with the A moved to the end. |
27 |
SNAGGY – (gangs)* + (def)Y. |
28 |
Down |
1 |
PUT ACROSS – PUT (set) + ACROSS (sort of clue). |
2 |
TIGHTEN – sounds like “Titan”. |
3 |
ANGERS – double definition, the second of which is here. |
4 |
COLD CREAM – COLD (far from) + CREAM (flower). I think “familiar” is there to denote the slangy meaning of COLD. |
5 |
TEL AVIV – TV (box) around [I + V (vide, see) + ALE, all reversed]. |
6 |
MACMILLAN – CA (about) reversed + MILL, all inside MAN (staff). Harold Macmillan, Conservative PM 1957-63. |
7 |
EASTERN – odd letters of “exam” + STERN (hard). |
13 |
KOWTOWING – OWING (unpaid) after TWO K reversed. |
15 |
EXERCISED – EX ED around (cries)*. |
16 |
18 |
HEATHEN – HEN (female crab!) around A, THE (articles). Chambers mentions “the female of certain fishes and crustaceans” in the definition of HEN, but isn’t more specific than that. |
19 |
UTTERLY – UTTER (say) + L(uck)Y. |
21 |
ARTISTE – T(ime) inside (satire)* |
22 |
STERNE – ERNEST (Hemingway) with the ST at the top. The new writer formed is Laurence Sterne, author of Tristram Shandy. |
Last in SKA, which happily takes me back to a time when I was really quite achingly cool (I’m sure I was) and hanging out in Coventry’s Tic Toc Club, one-time Mecca of 2-Tone … The Selector, The Beat, The Specials .. it feels like a lifetime ago.
Linxit: at 4dn isn’t it COLD = “far from familiar”? Cold as in shoulder; lacking affection or warmth?
Took over an hour all told, I reckon, and managed to get two wrong, ‘far-out’ (must have been thinking of Sotira headbanging in Coventry) and ‘voided’, which, as others have said, was good, and too good for me.
Though I am loth to disagree with McT(!), I agree with Andy’s parsing of ‘familiar’ (= informal).
Edited at 2013-08-06 05:07 am (UTC)
Not trying to start a parsing war but. Far from it!
By the way, I started to type ‘Far out’ but stopped and thunk again.
I’m afraid I’m with McT on the COLD of cream.
I never heard of GOLDILOCKS outside the fairy story. Unfortunately I do no now remember meeting SKA before, but only in Crosswordland where so often I come across new words and instantly forget them. I toyed with STA here for ages (requeST+A) wondering if this might be a legitimate abbreviation for ‘sonata’.
COED lists ‘hen / female crab’ along with lobsters and salmon.
Edited at 2013-08-06 05:36 am (UTC)
We reasoned this on from the letter pattern
COLD … as in ‘far from’/remote/removed/distant
but can’t see the CREAM-FLOWER connection – and still can’t!
Is it:
(a) flow-er (a watercourse);
(b) name of a particular flowering plant;
(c) variety of colour of a flowering plant
George Clements
Didn’t know the flower at 9ac, nor did I really think about the flower at 4dn, but managed all correct in under 30mins, so another quickie for me today.
Last two were on the same line: CATARACT (unknown falls, worked out from wp), and VOICED (couldn’t parse it, so it went in with a ?).
Also didn’t know the female crab. No surprise there, though.
Made things difficult in the NW corner by putting in Get Across at 1dn and only when nothing came to mind for G?T?A?C? at 1ac did I revisit it.
Found the NE corner the most difficult and if I’d not got Goldilocks from wordplay might not have cracked it.
I enjoyed this a lot: it was tricky but never just because of obscurity and I found myself going down several blind alleys: trying to get an anagram of “bolts” into 9ac, deciding the rodent was going to be a mole, that sort of thing. And trickiest of all, trying to make 11ac a homophone of something meaning “made to pay” meaning “homeless”. A very good clue indeed.
I’m another in mctext’s camp on 4dn.
All in all a most enjoyable puzzle. Interesting to note that crypticsue appears to have found it much more difficult than yesterday’s, whereas I found it about the same!