Solving time 20 minutes
A pangram containing quite a mixture of characters and objects from a Cuban cocktail to a guided missile. On the easyish side of the spectrum I suspect but great fun to solve, even allowing for the short run of the groan-inducing clues.
Across | |
1 | GOSSAMER – GO-(RE-MASS reversed); on=RE; wings used for a trip to the moon; |
5 | SQUINT – S(QUIN)T; Rembrandt no doubt; |
9 | LOVESICK – L(voices)*K; LK from L(a)K(e); Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Casablanca; |
10 | MOJITO – MO(J-IT)O; white rum, lime juice and mint; |
12 | MENAGE,A,TROIS – MEN-(got a rise)* surrounds A; Mr and Mrs Hamilton and the lodger, Mr Nelson; |
15 | ILIAD – ILIA-D; the ilium is a bone in the hip; Homer’s Trojan War epic; |
16 | GUSTATORY – GUST-A-TORY; Egon Ronay’s world; |
18 | CATAMARAN – C(A-TAMAR)AN; the Portsmouth-Ryde ferry; |
19 | THEFT – THE-FT; |
20 | UPRIGHT,PIANO – cryptic definition of Sam’s instrument; a piano has hammers and if it’s upright it hasn’t fallen over – aaagh!; |
24 | AMUSED – AM-USED; if “am” has been used perhaps “pm” is still available – geddit?; |
25 | SKITTISH – a SKIT is a sketch – groan – three in a row!; |
26 | EXOCET – TE(COX)E all reversed; Andy Murray’s groundstrokes; |
27 | STALWART – ST(law)*ART; more Andy Murray; |
Down | |
1 | GOLF – FLOG reversed; a game for the discerning; |
2 | SAVE – S-AVE; what Novak Djokovic does on match points; |
3 | AMSTERDAM – A-M(a)STER-DAM; lierally the dam on the river Amstel – home to world’s oldest stock exchange; |
4 | EXCHANGE,RATE – EX-(the carnage)*; slightly odd definition; |
6 | QUOIT – QU(O)IT; used extensively on cruise ships; |
7 | INIGO,JONES – IN-I-GO-J(oint)-ONES; influential English architect 1573-1652; |
8 | TROTSKYITE – T(ROT-SKY)IT-E(ggs); a Marxist rather than a Stalinist; |
11 | SEASON,TICKET – (OK in test case)*; what you get to the doctor’s surgery once you pass 65; |
14 | VICTOR,HUGO – VICTOR-HUG-O; what Kim Sears gave Andy Murray; nothing=O; creator of Les Misérables, |
17 | ANTENATAL – ANTEN(n)A-TAL(k); Catherine’s condition; |
21 | GREBE – GRE(B)E(n); freshwater bird; |
22 | GIZA – sounds like “geezer” = bloke = slang for man; |
23 | CHAT – two meanings; |
LOI GOSSAMER, in which I was convinced sage green had to play a part and couldn’t fathom where the definition was.
AMUSED amused, but CoD to DISCOURAGE amongst several that raised a smile.
SQUINT gets my COD for a wonderful word-picture of a definition, although I don’t get the Rembrandt reference. Did he have one / paint one?
I thought it a good, creative effort though; thanks, setter.
I did have to google “Kim Sears,” though.. and I find the Daily Mail has about 20 pictures of her, against two or three of Andy
George Clements
I saw the possibility of the pangram very early but decided to ignore it after being led astray by looking for letters that weren’t there yesterday. I found the RHS easier than the LHS, and the SW was the last to be completed, although in retrospect there is no real reason why this should have been so.
I’m sure GOLF must have been a write-in for Jimbo, but when I see something like “a round or two” in a clue my first thought is drinking and my second boxing. AMUSED was my LOI. GUSTATORY went in from the wordplay and I was pleased to see it was right when I checked my Chambers post-solve.
Somewhat red-faced in this corner because ten years of skoolin’ and a blinkin’ A’Level in Latin didn’t stop me repeating a favourite spelling gaffe – ANTINATAL (I have no children so maybe it’s Freudian).
But this was one of the most enjoyable of the year for me, despite my messing it up. Much to smile about. And the blog is just as witty. Thanks, jimbo.
COD .. could be any of a number but MENAGE A TROIS for working rather nicely as a rhyming couplet.
(* With One Error)
However, when I went to Stats to check whether I had any errors, my time was over 2 hours, so I assume the time the puzzle is started is stored (as a cookie?) to discourage cheaters.
I’ve encountered couple of delightful new phrases this morning: “charisma audit” and “influencing strategies”. Honestly, I’m not making it up. Is it too early to start drinking?
Thanks Jimbo for explaining 18 (I’m probably not alone in taking just AR to be the river) and 26.
Like Andy above I was pleased to see that gustatory is an actual word.
COD a toss-up between discourage and squint.
Took a fair time, but was never tempted to give up. Was held up at the end for some time, until I twigged that I’d carelessly written an A at the end of MOJITO. Add me to the list of those relieved to find GUSTATORY is an actual word.
(I had to check – I also thought The Hague was the capital!)
Edited at 2013-07-10 06:10 am (UTC)
Didn’t find this easy. Gobsmacked that Crypticsue and Magoo solved it in six minutes!
Six missing in all (Golf, Gossamer, Gustatory, Victor Hugo, Giza and Amused). Liked all of those – thanks for explaining them Jim plus Trotskyite which I couldn’t parse.
Sore not to get Golf given it’s my #1 summer hobby but couldn’t get away from thinking of rounds as ammo/bullets/boxing/beer…
What I don’t get is the ‘Play it again, Sam’ reference. Is that something that also has to be solved, as in some underlying theme? Also your references after each solution (Rembrandt, etc) – what are they? Also, what is CoD?
Sorry if the questions are stupid!