Not exactly a walk in the park as this took about an hour to solve.
Some lovely clues for which the setter has taken pain to mix up the devices and also came up with some lovely terms; I particularly liked wife no longer and landlord no more. Very entertaining and enjoyable.
1 BODY BLOW BOD (chap) YB (rev of BY, close to) LOW (depressed)
5 HAVE ON Ins of O (old) in HAVEN (refuge)
9 ADS Alternate letters in tAx DiSc
10 WITHDRAWING Ins of H (husband) in WIT (comedian) & DRAWING (sketch)
12 DOUBLE FLAT In music, accidental is flat thus double flat, a note already flat flattened again by a semitone
13 Deliberately omitted as I am not able to parse this with any degree of confidence … help, Mctext
15 OBERON OB (obituary denoted by after he or she died) ER (Queen Elizabeth Regina) ON (performing) for a character in Shakespeare’s play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, in which he is Consort to Titania, Queen of the Fairies.
16 LEISTER LEINSTER (The province in Ireland where Dublin is) minus N (Northern) … very apt surface as it is not in Northern Ireland (hope we do not get another long discussion whether Ulster = NI)
18 NEMESIS NE (NoodlE) + ins of I (one) in MESS (confusion)
20 THE LOT T (time) + HELOT (slave of a class of serfs among the ancient Spartans)
23 WINO A tichy way of saying win nothing or lose everything
24 TELESCOPED Ins of OP (opus, work) in *(SELECTED)
26 ABRACADABRA Ins of CAD (bounder) in ABRA (alternate letters in cAnBeRrA, twice)
27 PRO PROP (rugby player) minus P
28 LATHER Ins of H (hot) in LATER (in due course)
29 OXYMORON DOXY (harlot) minus D + MORON (dope, silly fellow) for that figure of speech such as living death or military intelligence
1 BRANDY Ins of RAND (South African money) in BY (times) I like the way BY has been clued differently in 1Across and 1Down
2 DISTURB DI (rev of ID, identity papers) + ins of R (last letter of editor) in STUB (remaining short piece as in stub of a ticket, part of which had been detached for entry)
4 OUT OF ONE’S HEAD Quite self-explanatory
6 AYAH A (ace) YAH (an affected upper-class person)
7 EXIGENT EX (wife no longer, I like this 🙂 I (one) GENT (man)
8 NUGATORY Rev of A GUN (key piece) TORY (politician)
11 DEAD LETTER BOX DEAD LETTER (of property, landlord no more) BOX (fight)
17 SNOWBALL S (second) NOW (immediately) BALL (dance) for a drink of advocaat and lemonade
19 MINARET Ins of IN + A in MRET (rev of TERM, period)
22 ADJOIN Ins of JOB (post) minus B in A DIN (a row)
25 ACNE Ins of N (first letter of night) in ACE (star)
Key to abbreviations
dd = double definition
dud = duplicate definition
tichy = tongue-in-cheek type
cd = cryptic definition
rev = reversed or reversal
ins = insertion
cha = charade
ha = hidden answer
*(FODDER) = anagram
yfyap88 at = in case anyone wants to contact me in private about some typo
A few going in with fingers crossed today, but not AYAH, which I’ve known for all of about 24 hours (still smarting over that PAPAYA).
Thought you’d enjoy ayah….
Edited at 2013-05-02 04:36 am (UTC)
An animal’s hide or skin with its hair (archaic).
Can’t say enjoyed this and was, as so often, stuck in the SW for a great deal of my time. MINARET purelly from the def sorted that in the end.
That is a terrible clue! “Having” is superfluous and unfairly misleading, and the second definition is an obscure archaism. I couldn’t get the answer from either definition – kudos to those who did.
Re 12ac,it’s not mentioned in the blog that utterly = FLAT.
*Thanks to kevin gregg for pointing out my misunderstanding in his comment below.
Edited at 2013-05-02 02:59 am (UTC)
But the positives far outweigh the negative: ABRACADABRA, where I was looking for a double ROO; the types with us no more/longer; the requirement NOT to lift & separate at 15; ‘close to retiring’ (1ac) in a clue where ‘blue’ and ‘down’ were crying out to be the second word; the ‘term’ rather than the era reversing in the MINARET. Thanks to the setter and Yap Suk for sorting out the last named.
DOXY added to my list of harlots. 69 minutes (including 9-10 on 13ac).
Edited at 2013-05-02 04:26 am (UTC)
I have BELT for 13, concious that we had this discussion for 25429, just over a month ago where a triple definition left no (or not much) doubt. I put PELT then. Here, I submit, M’lud, there is distinct ambiguity and I can’t see how BELT can be ruled wrong (Chambers gives “to move very fast” and “to hit hard”). Simply not enough in the clue to be definitive.
Synonyms for stew and bother (28 and 2) required visits to the same page on the mental Thesaurus, with plenty of options, slowing my already slow reflexes and prompting some dodgy guesses until light dawned. I nearly got the wordplay to give DISPUTE at 2 until the Play King went in.
Did not know (or had forgotten) LEISTER and (A)YAH as a separate noun. CoD to bb.
Edited at 2013-05-02 10:04 am (UTC)
And I can’t even blame it on the drugs!
There was a bit of a Mephistoish feel to it with tons of obscure/arcane/unfamiliar/interesting (delete according to taste) terms: DOUBLE FLAT/accidental, PELT, LEISTER, HELOT, BOWDLERISE, AYAH (although not if you did yesterday’s), NUGATORY, DEAD LETTER BOX. Edit: oh, and DOXY
My geographical ignorance roams far and wide, so I was very unsure about LEISTER. I knew there was a rugby team called Leinster but if you had kept a straight face and bet me £100 it was in Wales I wouldn’t have taken the bet.
Edited at 2013-05-02 11:13 am (UTC)
I was back home too late to comment on yesterday’s puzzle, but ought to say that it too was a cracker, similar in difficulty to today’s and likewise packed with clever clues.
I’m trying to work out why I know the word “fell” as an animal skin. The term “fell monger” is rattling round my brain, but I don’t remember where I met it. This will occupy my mind for the rest of the day and send me rummaging through my books, when I ought to be strangling weeds in the garden.
Unfortunately the word itself is too commonly used to be able to track down its last appearance here in the required context. Also unfortunately (for me) I had forgotten about it until I read the explanation posted by Anon (above)and then it came flooding back.
There is a precedent for the BBC acting as a commercially-minded developer. Before it occupied the whole of Broadcasting House, the idea was to let out space to pay for the running costs of the building. In a delightful Reithian touch, the BBC drew up a list of prohibited lessees: “Slaughtermen, sugar baker, fellmonger, beater of flax, common brewer, quasi-medical or quasi-surgical establishment, brothel or bagnio keeper.”
Two left blank, and several ?s for me today. Blanks: hadn’t heard either or a LEISTER, nor of the Irish province, and didn’t know that a fell = a PELT.
Lots of good clues today, and lots of misdirections, very enjoyable.
Andy B. I may set up a proper user ID one of these days ……………
‘Leister’, ‘like a charm’, and ‘the lot’ were brilliant – in fact the whole SE corner was very good, although quite difficult. For a long time I thought ‘oxymoron’ must start with [s]expot or something like that. I struggled home eventually, though.
Thanks for parsing of 2dn which I only had from definition and checkers!
Many thanks setter and blogger.
I’m not sure that “win nothing” is the same as “lose everything”, but that’s a minor quibble, and possible comes within the scope of setter’s licence.
Re “flat broke”: Passing one substitution test is surely sufficient. “I’m flat/utterly broke” works so why would we need to look for more examples?
Edited at 2013-05-02 08:49 pm (UTC)
PELT went straight in without any checked letters in place (I’m pretty sure I’ve met the clue before) but I have to admit to feeling slightly nervous about the scary ‑E‑T when it was confirmed, particularly as I’d thought of TAKE IN for 5ac without any checked letters, and wasted ages on it before light eventually dawned. However, I’m with those who reckon BELT isn’t really a goer.
I don’t recall coming across OUT OF ONE’S HEAD before (rather than OFF ONE’S HEAD or OUT OF ONE’S MIND), so although I thought of it straight away as something that would fit the wordplay, I didn’t dare bung it in. With the N in place, SINK seemed a faint possibility for 23ac, but I wisely resisted the temptation to bung that one in. If I remember rightly, LEISTER used to come up regularly at one time, so no problem there.
Another fine puzzle. I just wish I’d felt a bit less dozy.
What I dread is the day I face the clue “Fall fell” and have to remember this moment.