Solving time 25 minutes
An interesting puzzle of mid-range difficulty with a smattering of slightly unusual vocab and a couple of less than obvious definitions. An enjoyable solve.
Across | |
1 | SCHEDULED – SCH-(DELUDE reversed); |
6 | TIMES – T(IM)ES; TES=Times Educational Supplement; |
9 | DEN,HAAG – (hid)DEN-H(A)AG; local name for The Hague – next week Köln perhaps; |
10 | OCEANID – (comedian minus m=maiden)*; |
11 | STEAL – S-TEAL; TEAL is greenish-blue as seen on the duck; |
12 | TOP-FLIGHT – two defiitions 1-best 2=stairway to the attic; |
14 | AMMO – (c)OMMA reversed; magazine as in rifle; |
17 | RIDE – RID-(lin)E; |
18 | SEA,PINKS – (pansies + k=1,000)*; |
21 | HARROGATE – HARRO(w)-GATE; one of a number of towns that thrive on undrinkable water; |
22 | LASSI – hidden (medica)L-ASSI(stant); Indian yogurt drink; |
24 | TITULAR – TITU(s)-LAR(d=duke); |
25 | SEGMENT – SE-(G-MEN)T; pieces=MEN as in chess; |
26 | RILED – RILE(y)-D; reference “living a life of Riley” US-Irish phrase for la vie en rose; |
27 | OIL,TANKER – (like tar on)*; |
Down | |
1 | SIDES – S-IDES; |
2 | HANSEL,AND,GRETEL – (the real England’s)*; |
3 | DEADLIER – DEA(DL-IE)R; DL from D(evi)L; Kipling’s theory that the female is deadlier than the male; |
4 | LIGHT,ALE – sounds like “lie” + TALE; |
5 | DROOPY – Y(POOR)D all reversed; bring on the viagra; |
6 | TREBLE – two definitions 1=singer 2=bookies nightmarte; |
7 | MANAGEMENT,SPEAK – MANAGEMENT-S-PEAK; think outside the box and push the envelope across the piece; |
8 | SEDITIOUS – TIDES reversed – I-O-US; |
13 | EARTHSTAR – (hatter’s +r)* surrounds “a”; |
15 | REVERSAL – RE(VERS(e))AL; |
16 | APOLOGIA – A-POLO-GI-A(ttack); a written defence; |
19 | COILED – DEL-IOC all reversed; IOC=International Olympic Committee; |
20 | BARRIO – BAR-RIO; poor Spanish area found in Manhatten and Chicago for example; |
23 | INTER – (h)INTER; famous Milan based football team; |
No idea about SEA PINKS or EARTHSTAR, but the cryptics were obvious enough. And COD to MANAGEMENT SPEAK for the ponderable definition.
I’d have clued 23dn as “Top season for Italian team”. (Of course, they’re twinned with Bury.)
Thanks to Jim for untangling DROOPY – I was toying with at least the two Os being clued by “on one’s uppers” and the Y for yard but couldn’t find the rest.
“Bull” needed all the checkers, but a delicious clue. Top marks to TOP FLIGHT, APOLOGIA and AMMO,the last not least for the magazine articles definition.
After the fun we had with AT ANCHOR a while back, I fancied something like “Told to grease hook in Yorkshire ship” for 27 (needs more work, I think!).
Lots of good clues today, COD: COILED.
Fine crossword this one. Some real wit and enjoyably concise and precise clueing. Not too hard but held up by needing to parse 5dn, and by 19dn which I seem to have solved despite not spotting the IOC.
Good stuff
Top Drawer (Top Flight) and Spinnet (Segment) were both initial wrong guesses and my grid’s not had as many crossings out and corrections for weeks.
Management-Speak: horrible phrases heard all too often in my workplace include ‘touch base’, ‘circle back’ and worst of all ‘reaching out’.
Jim, thanks for explaining Scheduled and Inter – I didn’t understand those two. Your blog title’s too deep for me. What does it mean?!
Andy B.
Me, I can’t abide ‘head up’ rather than ‘head’ – the related ‘heads-up’ for ‘lowdown’ puts me in meltdown mode.
Last in DROOPY (why is that word funny?).
As a footnote on yesterday’s CLAMP, it came up here about two years ago defined as a pile of turf (24784).
Edited at 2013-04-30 10:33 am (UTC)
Edited at 2013-04-30 11:06 am (UTC)
As above.
There’s no correction or apology in today’s paper (as far as I can see) so perhaps we are to assume the omission of a definition was intentional, in which case I fear for the future!
I thought it was a very enjoyable puzzle with scrupulous clueing.
21:28, COD to the oil tanker anagram
Cross with myself for not getting OCEANID quicker: the Sibelius tone poem “The Oceanides” is a favourite of mine.
Excellent clue at 7. I cannot abide managers “bringing me up to speed”: they should be told that anyone brought up to speed is not a gentleman.
The picture of Eccles that mctext has used today does remind me someone; could it be Ed Balls?
What’s your version?
Being happily retired, I’ve avoided all that ghastly management-speak in recent years, and even had to look up some of it (like “circle back”).
I have already forgotten the clue for ACCRA (it’s the tablets I’m on) but I think I thought it was ac from bill, cr for creditor and the a from the sentence. All a bit vague I’m afraid, and, as you say, the acronym is very obscure.