Solving time: 42 minutes
This one was kind of a mixed bag. I had a little difficulty getting started, not being able to find an easy one to write in, and then made rapid progress for about 15 minutes, getting almost the whole right side. But the left half proved tougher, and the SW corner nearly got me. But in the end, I entered ‘slavish’, ‘envelope’, and ‘asphodel’, and finished. I did have a few doubts about ‘nosebleed’, ‘teasel’ and ‘omega’, but I really don’t see what else they could be.
Music: Chopin, Polonaises, Lazar Berman
Across | |
1 | PRESS CONFERENCE, anagram of FEES CONCERN REPS, my first in and a rather obvious one. |
9 | ACTS OF GOD, double definition, one jocular. |
10 | AISLE, A(IS)LE, with a thinly concealed literal. |
11 | TEASEL, T[itian] + EASEL. Mentioning a painter is a bit of a giveaway of what the ‘frame’ might be. I never heard of the flower, but I knew the word ‘teasel’ does exist and must refer to something. Vaguely Shakespearean, perhaps? |
12 | WASTE BIN, anagram of ISN’T WEB A. And no, it isn’t. |
13 | Omitted – look for it! |
15 | HARD SELL, HARD + SELL in difference senses, but not different enough to make a good clue. |
18 | SUCKLING, SUCK + LING. I was leaning towards ‘duckling’ for a long time, but couldn’t justify it. |
19 | ON EDGE, double definition, and an easy one. |
21 | ASPHODEL, A + SP[ecial] + [Britis]H + ODE + L, a rather elaborate cryptic that had to be dissected ex post facto, as I wrote in the only flower that would fit. |
23 | MESS-UP, M[uddl]E + PUSS backwards. |
26 | IRATE, [P]IRATE, where ‘appropriate’ means help oneself to without paying. |
28 | HOT WATER BOTTLES, HOT WATER + BOTTLE in the slang sense + [goe]S. |
Down | |
1 | PLATTER, P + LATTER, i.e. a pawn in chess. I wanted this to be ‘popover’ for the longest time, but couldn’t quite justify ‘modern’ = ‘over’. |
2 | Omitted, look for it! |
3 | STONEWALL, ST(ONE W)ALL. A cricket term, evidently. |
4 | ORGY, [sex]Y [gatherin]G [fo]R [Ner]O, all backwards. An &lit I just put in from the literal, as seemed likely. |
5 | FADE AWAY, FAD + E[uropean] + A WAY. I had more difficulty with this than I should have, thinking there was some anagram with ‘flag’ around ‘a st’. |
6 | REACT, RE A + CT. |
7 | NOSEBLEED, where ‘Roman’ refers to ‘Roman nose’, and ‘claret’ is CRS for blood, so a sort of hybrid clue, not really very satisfactory. |
8 | ETERNAL, anagam of E[nglish] LEARNT. |
14 | SYCOPHANT, anagram of STONY CHAP. A ‘sycophant’ is one who shows the fig, but the exact significance of this gesture has been lost in the mists of time. |
16 | DINNER SET, DIN + anagram of ERNEST. |
17 | ENVELOPE, EN + V[ide] + ELOPE. This clever clue had me guessing for a long time. At on point, I thought it must end in S[e]E, but not so. |
18 | SLAVISH, S + LAVISH. I was thinking ‘slowish’ for a while, where ‘lowish’ is a Scots word for a persistent heavy mist. Not so. |
20 | EXPRESS, EX PRESS, where ‘express’ has the sense of ‘explicit’. |
22 | OMEGA. The unit of resistance, the ohm, is represented by a capital omega in electrical formulae, and it is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. |
24 | SMALL, S[hopping] MALL. |
25 | HERB, HER B[ook]. |
3dn: since playing for time and batting defensively are close enough, perhaps there could have been a simplifed &lit here with the final def. dropped?
Two light-inclusives (13ac and 2dn) and the barely cryptic 22dn suggest a touch of desperation?
Slight typo at 28ac: “bottleS”, with the S from “goeS”.
And at 1ac: the fodder is “fees concern reps”.
Edited at 2013-01-21 03:40 am (UTC)
31 minutes, with the West causing all the trouble. Had ‘duckling’ for a while until SLAVISH resolved that. SLAVISH and ENVELOPE were the standouts for me.
a tall prickly Eurasian plant with spiny purple flowerheads. Genus Dipsacus, family Dipsacaceae: several species, including fuller’s teasel.
• a large, dried, spiny head from such a plant, or a device serving as a substitute for one of these, used in the textile industry to raise a nap on woven cloth.
verb [ trans.] [often as n.] (teaseling) chiefly archaic: raise a nap on (cloth) with or as if with teasels.
ORIGIN Old English tǣsl, tǣsel; related to tease.
Makes the “Flower head” bit quite neat eh?
Edited at 2013-01-21 06:29 am (UTC)
I’d have bet a fortune (if I had one!) on there being a Teasel, possibly Mistress Teasel, in a play by Sheridan or Congreve or a contemporary of one or the other, but if there is, Google doesn’t appear to know of it.
Strictly speaking ‘claret’ is slang rather than CRS for blood.
Edited at 2013-01-21 06:40 am (UTC)
Edited at 2013-01-21 07:25 am (UTC)
Mct, the only way I know to do the em dash in Word is to type two hyphens joining the adjacent words with no spaces in between and when you move the cursor on the two hyphens miraculously combine. If you then want to put in spaces you can go back and insert them without the em dash reverting to two hyphens.
Edited at 2013-01-21 07:35 am (UTC)
My solving of ASPHODEL was the exact opposite of yours, vinyl1. I worked carefully from the wordplay to construct a word I’m sure I’ve come across before but would not be confident spelling unaided. And don’t ask me to identify one.
Favourite clue of the day was for WASTEBIN. How true, how true.
Claret for blood I think comes from the “Boys’ Own” style of writing, and would most often be associated with a good straight right to the nose.
I knew of TEASEL as my mother used to do flower-arranging. However I’m pretty sure that if Thames had come to mind first I’d have whacked that in instead.
I thought 7 was weak, but liked the deceptive ‘see’ in 17. 26 also fooled me – the answer was obvious but I thought it had something to do with a(p)t rather than (p)irate. I’m Not sure whether “it’s X to tear out page” quite means “it’s X tearing out page,” but that’s a minor query.
I too at first had THAMES at 11 ac, on the assumption that a river rather than a plant was required, all the more plausibly because it meshed with the checking letters, and “Titian’s frame” could be taken as indicating that the first and last letters would respectively be T and S. That, of course, left the difficulty of how to account for HAME and eventually I came up with the right answer.
Edited at 2013-01-21 02:10 pm (UTC)
I also teetered on the edge of the precipice at 11 across. The snap reaction to T_A_E_ and “flower” was THAMES, but as I checked again at the end, even though it parsed OK, I became less and less convinced that an obscure meaning of “HAME” would have been an integral part of this puzzle and thought again.
Long way to the next championship, but a salutary reminder that x+1 minutes all correct, with a proper check of one’s answers, is preferable to x minutes with an avoidable error…
I count two hidden answers today (Extra at 2D and Rascal at 13A ) but thought the house rule was that there shouldn’t be more than one?
Maybe there should be a daily prize for the most willful alternative entry…
As for those who had ‘antelope’, I’d like to hear the explanation of how it has any point of contact with the clue. Except for ‘elope’, I don’t see it.
Needless to say I chose wrongly; EASEL went straight over my HAME.
No other problems except 18dn/26ac took longer than they should have.
I agree that both Saturday and (especially) Sunday’s crosswords were first rate. I don’t think the use of pants is relevant to our recent discussions about the word.. lead times too long, and it’s being used in a different sense anyway. But it is one of a number of extremely elegant clues. Wonderful surface readings, wonderfully concise cluing..
When Titian was mixing rose madder
His model reclined on a ladder
Her position to Titian
Suggested coition,
So he leapt up the ladder and ‘ad her.
What is the rhyming expression please?