I went over the hour by a few minutes on this one. I didn’t have problems starting but I couldn’t get it to flow so I was constantly hopping around the grid putting in odd words here and there. I can’t say I enjoyed it much but I think that’s mainly down to the pressures of blogging as it’s all perfectly fair and accurate as far as I can see. The only definite unknown word or meaning for me here was the hidden answer.
* = anagram
* = anagram
Across | |
1 | BROGUE – Two definitions, shoe and accent. |
5 |
GOAT MOTH – GO AT (attack), MOTH |
9 |
10 | ESCAPE – P (pressure) inside CEASE* |
11 | PERSIA – IS (island) inside A, REP (traveller) all reversed. |
12 | SVENGALI – SVEN (Scandinavian), GAL,I. |
14 |
17 | INCONCLUSIVE – CON (kid) inside INCLUSIVE (comprehensive). |
20 | TURNOVER – Two definitions, one requiring it split into two words. |
22 | IMPART – TRAP (radar, perhaps), M1 (motorway) all reversed. |
23 | YIPPEE – PIPE* inside YE. |
25 |
SPACEMAN – S (small), PACE (step), M |
26 |
27 | SISKIN – IS inside SKIN (film). A type of finch. |
Down | |
2 |
4 | EGOMANIAC – OMANI (Arab) inside EGAC (prison upset). |
5 |
GENESIS – GEN (information), |
6 | ADELE – A,DELE (strike at the publishers – proof-reader’s sign indicating a deletion). |
7 | MIC – 1 inside MC (host). |
8 |
TOPOLOGY – POLO (explorer – Marco), G |
13 | GUTTER PRESS – G (key), UTTER (say), PRESS (cupboard). |
15 | ORIGINALS – GIN (rummy) inside SAILOR*. ‘Card’ meaning an eccentric, unusual or original person has come up before, not long ago. |
16 | INFUSION – IN (fashionable), FUSION (international style of cuisine). |
18 | UPRISEN – PRISE (force) inside UN. |
19 | ERNANI – Hidden. An opera by Verdi that I’ve never heard of. I see it’s based on a story by Victor Hugo in which the character is called Hernani. |
21 | VIEWS – W (women) inside VIES (struggles). |
24 |
PIE – P |
The episode of Morse where he reveals his first name via a cryptic clue was on last night. (“My life’s effort revolves around Eve” — or simlar). The lady he was trying to impress noted: “People who solve crossword puzzles! Their lives are full of blanks that they don’t know how to fill in”.
Since writing the above I just looked Verdi up and neither my Oxford Companion to Music nor my Penguin Dictionary of Music mentions Ernani,although the latter lists 15 Verdi operas. I had to go to the complete list of his works in Grove to find it. I don’t feel so bad now!
Edited at 2012-12-14 11:52 pm (UTC)
Anyway, the opera was broadcast Live from the Met earlier this year, so anyone with an eye on Radio 3 should have been aware of it.
Many thanks to the blogger.
Chris Gregory.
The rest of it was not very difficult for me. I put in ‘Swiss Cottage’ from the literal, and entered ‘Ernani’ on the grounds it was the only opera that would fit, not seeing the hidden word cryptic. On the other hand, I put in ‘siskin’ from the cryptic alone.
I keep finding myself just about to solve a clue and then my mind goes blank – I mean, as empty as the limitless void of deep space blank. And I stare at the clue for a minute or so like a cat staring at a wall (only with less going on in my head) until I realise I have no idea what lines I was thinking along and I have to go off and do something else and come back and start over. Or leave it till morning.
Maybe I need a holiday. Or Ritalin. Or something.
I might take a break from puzzles for a bit but I don’t want the setter to feel bad. It’s not you, it’s me.
And thank you, Jimbo!
Edited at 2012-12-14 05:23 pm (UTC)
Now do break a leg with this acting thing. I’m sure you’re right about self-awareness being at the heart of these things. I’ve been making a conscious effort to improve my solving times since the summer, with some success, but I may have reached a point where I’m trying too hard. I play the piano, after a fashion, and have the same issue there. If I concentrate too much it’s as bad as concentrating too little. Something to do with what sportsmen call ‘the zone’, I suppose. I’ve found I play best when I’ve had one glass of wine. Two glasses, useless. You could always try that at the next performance (one glass, not two!).
Talking of piano playing, and by way of nothing, I must pass on a story I heard related by a concert bassoonist on the radio the other day. He was on tour in China and was whisked off to a city he’d never heard of and told he’d be performing a duo with a local pianist the next night. He met his accompanist in the morning – a young local woman who spoke almost no English. She could play, but her left hand was weak. He complained to the organiser who promised he’d get things sorted for the afternoon rehearsal. Another young woman arrived. She could also play, but her right hand was poor. The bassoonist was assured all would be sorted out for the evening. When he turned up for the performance, both young women were there. One said “This my sister. She play right hand. I play left.” And they did.
There’s a solution to everything.
I’ll be back after a short break.
I don’t have the same problem as you, but my “senior moments” (sometimes turning into “senior minutes”) can be quite dispiriting, even if they are, I fear, only to be expected. Almost every crossword seems to contain at least one clue where I think how much more quickly I would have solved it in my heyday.
When it comes to crosswords, I suspect your ‘senior moments’ are measured in nanoseconds! You’re still pretty darned quick, sir.
Should have got ANDERSEN quicker than I did: there’s something in the news this morning about a recently discovered early manuscript of his.
Never heard of a GOAT-MOTH, but as it apparently stinks like a goat I’m glad there aren’t any in my wardrobe. I see that Chambers also lists a “goat fish” and a piece of “US taboo slang” that more or less summarizes my opinion of the puzzle at the moments I despaired of ever finishing.
ERNANI was also new to me; I initially dismissed it as sounding too much like one of those silly words Vic Reeves shouts on “Shooting Stars”.
Edited at 2012-12-14 03:16 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2012-12-14 11:53 pm (UTC)
Didn’t know the moth, the bird, the opera or the proof-reader’s instruction.
Normal service will (hopefully) be restored as soon as possible.
If you are a logged in member you will be able to see Helen’s Jumbo 1009 blog and the placeholder for my Saturday one. I’ve been out all day Christmas shopping, too tired to finish it now so it’ll appear tomorrow morning, promise. Hopefully LJ will have fixed the problem by then and everyone will be able to see it!