My last chance for Christmas shopping today so I’ll have to do this later. Much later, as it turned out. I was too tired when I got home yuesterday, but here it is. Solving time 11:46, so another fairly gentle work-out for a Saturday morning.
Across | |
1 | COPECKS – O(ld) + PECK (Gregory, the actor), inside C(offer)S. Russian currency, 1/100th of a rouble. As there’s about 50 roubles to a pound, they’re not worth very much! |
5 | CLAMPED – C(ar) + LAMPED (slang word meaning hit or punched). |
9 | RECITATIVES – I (one) + TAT (rubbish) + IVES (Charles, the composer), all after REC (somewhere to play). |
10 | PIC – EPIC (such as Ben Hur), minus the first letter. |
11 | RESUME – RE (on) + SUM (problem) + (assistanc)E. |
12 | INGATHER – (the grain)* |
14 | PERSIAN CARPET – (certain papers)* |
17 | INCONSIDERATE – CON (wrongdoer) inside INSIDE (behind bars) + RATE (judge). |
21 | DEMOCRAT – C(onservative) + RAT (defector), next to DEMO (protest). |
23 | ATTICA – A + TT (teetotal, dry) + IC(y) (mostly cold) + A(rea). |
25 | EEL – LEE (shelter from wind) reversed. |
26 | RAISED BEACH – sounds like “razed beech” (felled tree). |
27 | SIXTEEN – (E, is next)*, the E being the middle letter of Leeds. |
28 | MAE WEST – SEW (join) inside TEAM (group of players), all reversed. |
Down | |
1 | CURARE – CU (copper) + RARE (uncommon). |
2 | PICKS UP – S(on) inside PICK-UP (small vehicle). |
3 | CATAMARAN – TAM(e) (mostly easy to handle) inside A + ARAN (group of islands), all after C(ape). |
4 | SITE – hidden inside revisited. |
5 | COVENANTER – COVER (travel) around NANTE(s) (French port briefly). |
6 | AT SEA – alternate letters of “Artiste was.” |
7 | POP SHOP – POP’S (father’s) + HOP (bound). Slang for a pawnbroker’s shop. |
8 | DECORATE – DE (of French) + C(ommune) + ORATE (make speech). |
13 | LIMITATION – L(earner) + IMITATION (unoriginal work). |
15 | ADAPTABLE – BAT (flier) + P (piano, gently), reversed inside A DALE (valley). |
16 | KINDNESS – KIN (relatives) + (send)* + (contribution)S. |
18 | COMPLEX – double definition. |
19 | EMIRATE – EMIGRATE (seek new place to settle) without the G (not good). |
20 | CACHET – CAT (maybe lion) around [C(ute) + HE (male)]. |
22 | CURIE – I(odine) inside CURE (medicinal substance). |
24 | BEAM – double definition. |
I wondered how to explain 18. If it’s two definitions then I think they overlap: “Far from simple” and “Far from simple thing”. But perhaps there’s another way of looking at it?
Edited at 2012-12-16 10:10 am (UTC)
Didn’t know the crossing covenanter or recitatives, didn’t know cachet as a seal, missed the aprsing of 15 down with the bat gently soaring, but all guessable.
Confused by a typo in the clue for 17ac – plural wrongdoers behind bars in The Oz, where it should have been singular wrongdoer’s with the ‘s being is.