Solving time 15 minutes
I had no problems with this and expect some fast times.
A puzzle with an arts leaning and two reasonably obscure plants. We have “Albert Square”, an imaginary place from a TV soap set in the East End of London, used to indicate the dropping on an “h” – not sure what problems, if any, that might cause. At least I’d heard of it!
Across | |
1 | GIVE,UP,THE,GHOST – GIVE UP – THE(G)HOST; a phrase coined in the King James Bible; |
9 | OUTRIGGER – OUT-sounds like “rigor” as in mortis; from ghosts to corpses!; |
10 | STRIP – two meanings 1=sports wear 2=(tear off a) STRIP; |
11 | HUMAN – HUM-A-N; living hopefully; |
12 | TATTOOIST – cryptic definition, member hopefully meaning limb; |
13 | MENANDER – ME(N)ANDER; N=knight (chess notation); long dead Athenian comic – they’re in short supply currently; |
15 | ZINNIA – Z-IN-N-I-A; Mexican long-stemmed flower named after dead botonist Johann Zinn; |
17 | UNREST – UN(RE)ST; about=RE; “a” in Paris=UN; not a bad prediction given state of French economy and politics; |
19 | BIENNIUM – sounds like “buy any”-U(nsettling)-M(aths); US two-yearly budgetting period – fiscal cliff here we come; |
22 | ESTABLISH – (shes a bit + l=lake)*; |
23 | DEGAS – SAD reversed contains EG=say; sad looking French Impressionist; |
24 | LINER – hidden (Istanbu)L-IN-ER(ror); |
25 | CRESCENDO – CRESCEN(t)-DO; such as The Royal Crescent in Bath; |
26 | LADY,WINDERMERE – virtually straight definition – weak clue; |
Down | |
1 | GOOD-HUMOUREDLY – GOOD(HUMOUR-ED)LY; shades of Robert Maxwell perhaps; |
2 | VITAMIN – (Im in a TV)*; pass the Sanatogen; |
3 | UNION – (b)UNION; from Sanatogen to Dr Scholl; |
4 | TOGETHER – TO-GET-HER; a slightly unpleasant clue; |
5 | EGRETS – (h)E-G(R)ETS; resistance=R (physics); the setter has an obsession with propositioning women; |
6 | HISTORIAN – HI-S(sounds like Tory)AN; back to the dead people; |
7 | SERBIAN – SE-man=BRIAN then move the “R”=”rent at first”; Pavle Savic perhaps (got to get a scientist in here somehow); |
8 | OPHTHALMOSCOPE – OP-(the school map)*; look into my eyes…; |
14 | NASEBERRY – NASEB(E-R-R)Y; fruit tree found for example in Jamaica; |
18 | ROTUNDA – (d=daughter ran out)*; Birmingham is perhaps the most well known; |
20 | INGENUE – honest=GENUINE then move “IN” to the top; Doris Day; |
21 | LITCHI – L-ITCH-I; LI from (p)L(a)I(n); |
23 | DECOR – DE(CO)R(by); |
Jim you have a typo at 11ac.
Edited at 2012-12-11 09:06 am (UTC)
Edited at 2012-12-11 09:33 am (UTC)
8dn was also pretty obvious, though I’ll bet I wasn’t the only one to mis-write it into the answer squares. From here, the bottom left was quickish.
Then a fair bit of time for the rest. LOI was EGRETS. In this case ’e didn’t get it at all. Thought the other cd (12ac) was weak too.
I was also determined to fit “Rue” into 17.
ROTUNDA: I was living in Birmingham when planners completed what the Luftwaffe had failed to achieve. The locals were not impressed and one of the many wry jokes about the redevelopment was
A .This way up.
Time unrecorded.
Jimbo, apologies if I have misread your blog, but at 8 dn is not OPHTHALMOSCOPE made up of OP plus an anagram of “the school map” – i.e. “on” merely indicates that the two should be combined and is not part of the anagram fodder?
Mistake! My brain refused to cooperate, and I struggled to a miserable 14:15, the last couple of minutes of which were spent trying to get my head round 1dn – for some reason I just couldn’t see GOOD-HUMOUREDLY. I may have come across NASEBERRY before, but I’m too tired to remember. At least I’m familiar with MENANDER though.
My time for 3/4 of the puzzle was good, but I got completely stuck in the SW. I really struggled with ‘rotunda’, ‘establish’, ‘naseberry’, and finally ‘Menander’ – even though I knew Menander, had even read some fragments in Greek when taking the Aristophanes seminar. I would imagine that ‘Naseby’ would be pretty obscure to most non-UK solvers, but I had it in mind for quite a while before seeing how to work it in.
Edited at 2012-12-12 02:16 am (UTC)
The US equivalent might be one of those final battles in Virginia circa 1865