Solving time 25 minutes
I struggled with this at times, never really getting onto the setter’s wavelength. For me there is some stretching of meanings and one clue 16D that troubles me a little. There should be no vocabulary problems and the puzzle requires virtually no specialist knowledge.
Across | |
1 | SHOGUN – sounds like “show gun”; |
5 | TOP,BRASS – POT=prize reversed + money=BRASS; often more a statement of earnings than of leadership ability; |
9 | STRIPTEASE – S(TRIP)T-EASE; way=street=ST; relax=EASE; |
10 | CALM – C-ALM(s); donation=alms; cents=C; on edit “collected” is the definition; |
11 | SLOVENIA – AILS=troubles reversed encloses OVEN=where things get hot; |
12 | EGRESS – hidden reversed (mes)S-SERGE(ant); |
13 | CAIN – sounds like “cane”; |
15 | GIVES,OUT – G(IVES)OUT; Charles Ives 1874-1954 US composer; |
18 | REVELLER – L-LEVER reversed + (th)E-(gutte)R; “reeling” as reversal indicator?; |
19 | RAYS – two meanings 1=fish 2=lines along which light travels, which can bend; |
21 | PAY,CUT – TUC YAP reversed; TUC=Trade Union Congress; |
23 | QUAGMIRE – QU-AGM-I-RE; question=QU; meeting=AGM; about=RE; on edit “put to” = added to; |
25 | EDGE – E-D(e)G(r)E(e); |
26 | LEAVE,ALONE – LEA(n)-VEAL-ONE; a=ONE; is “certain” padding?; |
28 | SERMON – (morse)*-N; |
Down | |
2 | HOTEL – H(oo-ha)-O-LET reversed; on edit O=over (cricket); |
3 | GRIEVANCE – G-RI(EVAN)CE; beef = complaint; |
5 | TRAFALGAR,SQUARE – (quarters)* surrounds RAF+(gala)*; where Nelson watches over us; |
7 | RACER – R(ACE)R; |
8 | SALISBURY – RUB-LAS(s) surrounds (tour) IS + (seed)Y; beautiful city with cathedral painted by Constable; |
14 | ALEXANDER – (m)ALE-X-AND-ER; Alexander The Great 356-323 BC; |
16 | SCRAMBLER – (clambers)* – R=runs (cricket); does this clue really work?; |
17 | FLOTILLA – F(LOT)ILL-A; quantity=LOT; occupy=FILL; area=A; |
20 | CARESS – CARE(S)S; small=S; |
22 | CREEL – C(ontaine)R-EEL; a fisherman’s basket; |
24 | RUN,TO – RUNT-O; |
As Jim says, a wavelength thing.
CoD to that devious CALM.
Jim, I don’t get your problem with 10, since the definition is ‘collected’!
Note to self: write smaller, so as not to obscure clue numbers!
Thanks for blog, needed help parsing CREEL, QUAGMIRE.
Ooh, and I had a blank at STRIPTEASE, too, but should’ve got that one.
23ac – isn’t the I just added to the AGM?
26ac – arguably not redundant, eg one might refer to the blogger as ‘a certain Jimbo’ or ‘one Jimbo’
2dn is H(oo-ha)O(ver)+LET (reversed).
Though I was quite pleased with myself for getting RIDER straight after SCRAMBLER, it did present a conundrum at 10a which I resolved by ignoring large parts of the clue.
Just seen Tim’s post and it turns out we’ve messed up in exactly the same two ways. I also had DOLE. Let’s go with “Great minds think alike” over “Fools never differ”.
I got off to a good start with 9 solved immediately just from the word ‘column’ in the clue.
Re dorsetjimbo’s query about 16dn I think it just about works as a semi-&lit. Not a full &lit because ‘He’ plays no part in the wordplay.
I agree that 16dn is dubious but 6dn (SALISBURY) is a real mess grammatically.
The RACER/CALM pairing and CARESS held me up for a few of those minutes at the end.
But, if this comment is correct, does it mean that all lines are straight lines and that if, to my untutored eye, they seem to bend, then all that has happened is that they have had their direction changed by refraction (or something much simpler such as the ruler slipping)? If so, I wish I had known this is my school days: it would have saved me some hassle from pedantic pedagogues who wanted straight lines. (Or maybe it wouldn’t! Danger of being too clever by half ….)
Note the universe isn’t a 3-dimensional Euclidian space, so the concept of straight lines is not really applicable to the universe.
By the way, to a mathematician a RAY is half of a straight line, i.e., the part to one side of a point on it.
Utter failure this evening. Completely failed to get STRIPTEASE and also had RIDE and DOLE in desperation. Glad to hear I’m not entirely alone.
In my defence I only got to this at 10pm after a nice dinner and the best part of a bottle of Barolo but still. Doesn’t bode well for Saturday.
Tomorrow is another day.
No objection to 16dn – SCRAMBLER went straight in without any crossing letters, though I went back to it a couple of times in the hope of fitting in QUANDARY. Less keen on 8dn (SALISBURY).