Solving time: 39 minutes
After some pain at the end of last week, this seems ok. I thought there were some really fun clues and interesting wordplay.
1A and 5A were first in; 10A and 7D last in.
I think I understand 20D, but I’m not sure!
1 | PALISADE – this roughly sounds like ‘PALACE AIDE’ – got this immediately, though thinking of -ADE and working backwards. |
5 | CE,N(S)US – CE=ends of college, NUS=National Union of Students, S=succeeded |
10 | A(A,CHE)N – this went towards the end for me. I thought of CHE at first but couldn’t think of any cities. I had heard of Aachen, but don’t think I’d have got it without very helpful wordplay. |
14 | MISANTHROPIC – anagram of SPIN+CHARM+I |
18 | HOUSE OF CARDS – I guess this refers to a house of cards being unstable. You might think it refers to the Palace of Westminster, but I couldn’t possibly comment. |
23 | CARP,I |
24 | SHE,WED – SHEW is an archaic spelling of SHOW. |
25 | BA(LINE)SE – this tricked me a bit – I was trying to find an island. Island’s here means ‘of Bali’. |
27 | LEANED ON – sounds like ‘lean don’. |
1 | PLAN(C)K – a plank being a principle in e.g. a policy; C is the speed of light. |
2 | LEG I[r]ON |
3 | SOLITAIRE – a card game for one person – not quite sure what it means to ‘lay heart open’. |
4 | DA CAPO AL FINE – DA=District Attorney, CAP=limit, OALFINE=anagram of ‘of alien’ – this took a while – I guessed it started ‘da capo’ but I didn’t know the rest of the phrase. |
7 | S,CH,NAP(P)S – S=initial letter of snoring; CH=Companion of Honour; P=soft. |
11 | MISTRANSLATE – anagram of ‘Latin masters’ – I think I’ve seen this anagram before, but it’s very sweet. |
15 | R,EDUC[a]TION – this is a neat idea – and I think it just works! |
16 | THEM,USES |
17 | BUD,DLEIA=(anag of IDEAL) |
19 | F(R)IEND |
20 | SI(ME)ON? – ME in SION(alternative speling of Zion) – not sure about the rest… something to do with Exodus? I guess the ‘exodus’ is an early departure. |
Last in was BALINESE ‘cos it fits – but I feel a bit cheated – surely a Balinese is an islander rather than an island.
CoD – DA CAPO AL FINE. Dug out from the caliginosity of my memories of childhood piano lessons.
Always consider all possible meanings.
I should have got 3 and 12, but I was completely thrown by not being able to find a way into 1d and eventually resorted to looking up physicists beginning with P in Wikipedia. I can’t say I have heard of PLANCK nor did I know C as the speed of light and I just didn’t think of plank = principle. I suppose it’s a fair enough clue but it requires knowledge of two physics-related matters that I didn’t have.
After coming here I also found an error at 20 where I had guessed ZIMEON. Does anyone know who this SIMEON was and what exactly the reference to early departure means?
C – I thought this was one of the few bits of physics that most people know, particularly the equation E=mc2
Tom B.
Tom B.
A shewd setter pre-empting homophone-related quibbles with that ‘roughly speaking’ in 1a. I’m assuming this can’t be the first appearance of the Latin masters – it’s too good never to have been spotted before.
Of Max Planck, time to dust off an (I hope it’s not apocryphal) old story:
After winning the Nobel prize, Max Planck went around Germany giving talks. His chauffeur heard the talk so many times that he had it by heart, and so one time, he asked Max Planck if he could give the address. Planck agreed, they changed places, and the lecture came off famously. But then came the Q&A, with the very first question being one that the chauffeur had no hope of answering. The chauffeur replied: “I’m surprised to hear such an elementary question on high energy physics here in Munich. It’s so simple, I’ll let my chauffeur answer it.”
QED – 0,8,6
Regarding the comment above about the 3 R’s no longer being synonymous with education, according to Saturday’s Times in the 1930’s the Listener appeared in Latin or Greek once every month…
To Ross, ZIMEON was possible at 20dn and to a heathen such as myself it was just as likely.
To Tom B, is the setter DFM the Martha/Mary fellow?
The NW corner was my undoing. Kept looking at SOLITAIRE but refused to commit it as I was unable to parse the wordplay; in the end I think I’ve accepted there IS no wordplay and “lay heart open” must be a technical ref to the card game.
The xwd ed is pretty sharp when it comes to spotting overused clues and if 11D has appeared before it must have been a long time ago. Even if this is the case it’s superb and well worth seeing again – my COD anyway.
Q-0 E-7 D-9 (for me) COD 11
At what time in history was this a capital city?
9d. Latin master so in trouble, missing beginning of essay – could lead to this? (14)
Moonlighting setter? Ximenean espionage? Shop talk down at the Setters Arms?
I started well, potential stumbling-blocks such as 4 dn falling into place quite quickly, and I was hoping for an under 30 min time (good for me). Then I got hopelessly bogged down on 16 dn and 24 ac, eventually needing more than 60 mins. Though a toughie, 24 ac was perfectly fairly clued. Don’t know why 16 dn held me up for so long – the definition is pretty straightforward, in all honesty. My only quibble would be that manages=uses seems to me a rather loose synonym. All the senses of “manage” that come at all close primarily convey the idea of controlling, administering, supervising or running, which is, I submit, not present in “use”. That said, if I’d solved the clue quicker I probably wouldn’t have minded.
Like others, I loved the anagram at 11 dn. Difficult to imagine it hasn’t been used in some form before, but surely worth another outing. My COD.
Michael H
I don’t think a biblical reference guarantees who wrote the puzzle.
Maybe the heart ref. in the solitaire clue is about the ‘patience’ meaning of solitaire.
Tom B.
I didn’t do a QED earlier. It’s 2-6-7. The Q-rating being 0.5 for 1dn plus 1.5 for 20.
Q-o, E-6, D-6.5
There are seven “easies” in this one:
9a Herb going out with a nice gal (8)
ANGELICA. Anagram of (a nice gal). “Going out with” is the anagram indicator – could have been a bit more raunchy as suggested above.
12a Bash about someone who needs to be taught manners (5)
21a Endemic is out of control – get these? (9)
MEDECINES. Anagram of (Endemic is).
26a Son has need of trousers (6)
6d Uplift provided by drug after normal office hours? (5)
8d Pass judgement on grammatical structure (8)
22d Suppress utterance of European (5)
CHECK. Sounds like CZECH – he plays for Arsenal now.