Solving time : 40 minutes
Some obscure stuff today and one or two clues such as 24 down that would not be out of place in Mephisto.
We have two old alphabets and an old Greek coin plus some unusual meanings like Ishmael for outcast.
One really excellent clue for me today, thats 8 down.
Across | |
1 | DISGUISE – DIS-GUISE; DIS=slang for disrespect; GUISE sounds like “guys” |
5 | DIPPER – (big) dipper is US for star formation the plough; dipper=bird |
10 | CHATSWORTH,HOUSE – (he throws out cash)*; home of Duke of Devonshire |
11 | OPERATE – O-PE-RATE; run=operate; PE=physical education |
12 | DIALECT – DIAL-ECT; ECT=electro convulsive therapy |
13 | TORE,INTO – TO(REIN)T-O; to tear into is to censure |
18 | AIMED – AI-ME-D; ME=this person; to train a gun is to aim it |
20 | MASTHEAD – M-AS-THE-AD; M=motorway; AD=advert=notice; MASTHEAD is a banner headline |
23 | STOICAL – S-TO(I)C-AL; SAL is our girl and COT is the bed |
25 | PHILTRE – an aphrodisiac after Sal in bed that sounds like filter |
26 | ATHANASIAN,CREED – (the canadians are)*; old creed by Anathasius who lived circa 350AD |
27 | FAMISH – F-AM-ISH; bleak=type of fish |
Down | |
1 | DOCTOR – DOC-TOR; Doctor Who is iconic TV character; COD=fake; TOR=a hill |
2 | STATEROOM – STATER-O-OM; STATER=old Greek coin; OM=Order of Merit=gong |
6 | ISHMAEL – IS-H(MA)E-L; MA=old woman as in grandma; ISHMAEL,son of Abraham, =an outcast |
7 | PRUNE – P-RUNE; PRUNE=dullard; RUNE=ancient German alphabetic character |
8 | ROENTGEN – (one gent+r(adiation))*; discoverer of the X-Ray; excellent clue |
9 | STUDIOUS – STUD-IOUS; boss=STUD; an IOU is a note recognising a debt |
14 | NAMELESS – undistinguished=anonymous; I don’t yet see the rest of it |
16 | APARTHEID – (pair hated)* besotted=anagrind |
17 | FALSTAFF – FAL-STAFF; flower=river=FAL (Cornish river enters sea at Falmouth); FALSTAFF was a jolly chap |
19 | DECANTS – DEC-ANTS; DEC=December; to decant is to rehouse people |
21 | HAIRCUT – H-AIR-C-UT; Bob=hairstyle; |
22 | LEAD,IN – LEADIN(g); |
24 | OGHAM – OG-HAM(let); turn=GO reversed; Hamlet is the play; OGHAM=old Celtic alphabetic characters |
As things turned out I didn’t think much of “jolly party” as the definition for 17. It had me playing with RM and DO for far too long before eventually giving up on the idea and looking for another explanation.
Nothing distinguishes itself as a COD.
This had me scratching my head too. It was my last entry.
Aren’t the ‘undistinguished band’ the nameless, which then equals those who are bad, as in ‘those who shall remain nameless’?
By the way, I didn’t know that you UK folks call the Big Dipper constellation The Plough, so I got that wrong, guessing ‘ripper’. Everything else eventually fell in place, though it took well over an hour. Regards.
The left half took more time and at the time of my visiting here some holes remained in it.
FALSTAFF yielded itself after I got ‘staff’, and veered away from ‘party’ = do, treat; Dee, Exe were known to me but Fal? These three-letter British rivers are forever rising.
After solving STOICAL, I thought it was rev of CIOT in LASS and was wondering why there was that extra S before I realised that the container is SAL without any reversal.
Rishi in Madras (Chennai), India
The use of the word in this sense is very common in Madras.
Even Tamilians speaking in their mother tongue would use the English word instead of any Tamil equivalent.
An expression that is notoriously used in Tamil films and magazines is “jollu party” which means “someone who drools over women”, ‘jollu’ being a Tamil word meaning saliva.
18 ac: why is “this person” = me?
8d gets my COD nomination, but I also liked the use of “diss guys” in 1A
My COD was 8dn, also liked 11ac.
Agree with linxit on 11ac for COD – brilliant surface. Liked 21d too.
Although it was the first answer I filled in I was surprised to see “dis” for “show contempt” in a Times crossword. We’ll be having txt spk next.
Undistinguished? This band is bad!
but the clue as written is fine.
This was a cracker in my view. I learned a new fish, a previously unknown Christian doctrine and managed to use the clue – yes, ReadTheFlippingClue npb – to dissuade myself from biffing CODE ZERO at my LOI at 13a to get TORE INTO. Lovely.
There are a mere 4 omissions by the revered Jimbo and some of these have been covered above. I never let that get in the way of putting my bunny-like oar in:
15a Hire facility requires initial deposit of pound (5)
£ EASE. Where facility = EASE and pound = £ or L.
28a Huge animal could spell (ant’s doom)* (8)
MASTODON. An ancient prehistoric elephant?
4d Hospital getting cross about support being only temporary? (5)
S H ORE. Where H = hospital, SORE = cross and to SHORE something up is only temporary although my garden shed has been like that for decades.
25a Drama on a piece of land liable to flood (5)
PLAY A. Playa lakes are fascinating places where you can get huge flocks of Flamingoes and all sorts of valuable minerals including Lithium-rich brines for making Li-ion batteries that will soon charge our entire world coupled with solar energy.