Solving time : 45 minutes
Quite tricky in parts with some nice clues along the way. I took too long to get 1 down and that held me up.
A wide range of knowledge required for this one with references to mythology, some of the major religions, the arts and science.
My pesonal COD is 12 across.
Across | |
1 | WRONG – = not just. Last letters of “yellow cigar also brown fag” |
4 | CAB,DRIVER – C-AB-D RIVER CD=record, A B = a british, RIVER = runner, reference taxi ranks |
9 | TIMBUCTOO – CUB= youth, MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology all reversed plus TOO |
11 | HERMES – HER(M)ES today’s bit of Greek mythology for you |
12 | ADAM,BEDE A-DAM(BED)E book by George Eliot and a nice clue |
14 | BETHLEHEM – BET-H(LEHE)M BET=risk, HM=Her Majesty surrounding (heel)* |
16 | THAWS reference the actor John Thaw who played Inspector Morse |
17 | BLURB – BLUR-B smear=BLUR reference enticements printed on book jacket |
19 | BERNOULLI – B-ER-NO-ULL-I hesitant refusal = “er no”, bunk = “bull” (tommy rot) then “I”. Dutchman better known to me as a mathematician who did pioneering work on probability theory circa 1750 |
21 | SYLLABUB – SYLL-AB-UB Hector = bully reversed around AB=Jack=sailor |
22 | BEDSIT BEDS-IT Bachelor’s of Education plus IT |
25 | ENVOI hidden word “(strick)en voi(ce). A PS in poetry |
27 | DESTROYED – (seed to dry)* |
28 | DJINN – DJ-INN spirits in Muslim beliefs |
Down | |
1 | WET THE BABYS HEAD cryptic definition |
2 | ORMER – (f)ORMER, the sea ear apparently |
3 | GLUTEAL GLU(e)-TEAL stick being short = GLU. The buttock muscles. |
4 | CUTE alternate letters from CoUrT gEt |
5 | BLOODY,MARY – (old army boy)* |
7 | VOICE,MAIL anagram of Official move less the letters “off” |
8 | RUMPELSTILTSKIN – RUMPEL sounds like “rumble” plus STILTS=poles, plus KIN = related |
13 | THE,BLUE,BOY – T-HE-BLUE-B-OY. male=HE, Porno = BLUE, B=book, all in TOY. Picture by Gainsborough |
15 | TRUE,LOVES – L in (verse out)*. There’s a typo in the e-version giving (5-4) not (4-5) |
18 | BEADIER – brighter = BEADIER and pass on = DIE.I don’t quite see the hack bit |
23 | SWAMI – SWAM-I a Hindu religious teacher |
Looking at it now, BEAR = Hack as in being able to “hack it” I assume, and DIE as in pass on.
12A as COD for definite – very clever and made me smile.
Some nice clues – I’ll go for 12A as my COD.
The (5-4) for 15D held me up a bit, too. Was it similarly indicated in the newspaper?
I’m also sure bernoulli is dutch.
i’m aware of at least three different spellings, id have gone for timbuktu personally.
This is the kind of puzzle that’s partly a quiz, but there’s a wide range of subjects. I found Geography, Mythology, Literature, TV, Religion, Maths/Physics, Food & Drink, Biology, Fairy Tales, Art and Music. Though curiously, I don’t think there’s any use of cricket or other Brit sport language in the whole puzzle. I wonder whether this was noticed and appreciated by solvers across the pond?
Those Morse references: a search for blog entries mentioning this kind of Morse found one clue in a Times Jumbo in July, and one in a Virgilius puzzle in the Independent in November. And, er, that’s it.
Found this to be a very enjoyable puzzle with some cracking clues – 12A / 1D are both stunners and only the flip of a coin leads me to 1D as COD. Also liked the contemporary “sampling” ref at 28A and clever indication of alternating letters at 4D.
Top marks to the setter.
11:56 for this – in the bottom half, I started to wonder how many B’s the setter would manage to include. Answer: 13
COD: 12 for me too.
why is DJ = one sampling?
Contemporary DJs regularly use – and create – their own samples (short snatches of recordings, often looped) to play as tunes in their own right or as overlays on other records.
for those of us who live overseas and away from things British, the logic of the odd clue just passes us by (e.g. John Thaw and “sampling”). We survive though.
This was my first solve of the week. I was beginning to worry.
I’d heard of the phrase “no spring chicken” meaning old, but Chambers gives it as “no (spring) chicken”, implying that spring is optional.
Other than that, 12:31 – under championship conditions I’d have been inclined to stick it in straight away and hope for the best!
My COD is 1d, which I got as soon as I had the W.
Daniel Bernoulli, of the flow effect and propbability theory work c. 1650, was born in Groningen though he spent most of his life in Switzerland. But which Bernoulli the setter meant is not certain.
Although most of the them were born in Switzerland, the family came from Antwerp, which was then a Dutch city.
1D was a bit too easy for my COD so I offer 24d.
It took a little while for me to decide see that 16 across referred to Inspector Morse rather than Samuel Morse of the well-known code. It’s probably of no significance, but I did wonder why the clue says “was to become” instead of simply “became”.
R. Saunders
Unless there’s something I’m missing (and I confess I didn’t spend much time thinking about this clue) I don’t know the answer to your second question. I just thought it was a weak offering with an obvious answer and moved on. Jimbo.
Lecture over!
I thought the clue for 16a where the literal for THAWS is “friendlier times” was a bit obscure. I did not have a problem with the place in Mali at 9a as this was the early transliteration of the name in all its glory. There are 4 “easies” not in the blog:
10a Man after a kiss accepted proposition (5)
A X I.O.M.
26a Rely on family for vital supply (5,4)
6d Welcome back, as brief does attorney here (7)
24d No chicken (even if headless) (4)
BOLD. You’re no chicken if you’re BOLD or (B) OLD. If you are BOTH then you are not a PILOT.