Solving time: 42’
Solved in under half-an-hour except for the top-left: 1A and 1D took another 15’ to decipher. The usual couple of wordplays that I’m still mull[et]ing over.
1 | FLATS,PIN – Only after it occurred to me with ??A? S?I? that “secure” might be PIN did I see my way to a solution. Chambers has FLAT SPIN as “confused excitement” – never seen this before but it makes sense given what happens when you stall in mid-air. |
5 | LA(M)MAS – our priests are Buddhist LAMAS and LAMMAS is a festival, in fact presumably a “harvest celebration of yore” |
9 | ANA=”Anna”,COND=”conned”,A – ref. the rather large and hungry snake. |
10 | PIC=”pick”,NIC=”nick” |
14 | FIRE PRACTICE – double def (one being cryptic): ref. Brit fire drill. |
18 | IN(CON)TENTION – CON (for conservative “party member”) in INTENTION. (Tried BY CONVENTION and IN CONFERENCE first). |
23 | CHIN,A – with C?I?A this was always going to be CHINA (cockney friend from rhyming slang no doubt). I’m guessing at the wordplay though: CH[ar] for “half-portion of toast”? and “served by” for IN (as in tennis). No, it’s CHIN-[chin] for half of a toast. |
24 | MULLET – is this a triple def? According to Chambers, it’s a heraldic “star” and a “fish” and is the “Barnet” ref somehow an allusion to the amusing def: “a hairstyle that is short at the front, long at the back, and ridiculous all around”? |
25 | V,I,PERISH – V for vide (Latin “see”). |
1 | F(LAW)ED – FED is abbrev of the US Federal Reserve Bank. I tried to make USAGES work for far too long here at first. |
3 | SLOVENIAN – (an[t]inovel’s)* – “timeless” indicates the subtraction. The surface doesn’t quite make sense – but perhaps that’s the nature of the antinovel. |
4 | IN,DIFFERENCE – clever double definition with a consistent surface. |
6 | A,MISS – do schoolchildren still call their teacher MISS in England? Much of the rest of the world seems to be on first name terms. |
7 | MONRO[e],VIA – only got this once I had M???O?I? and reviewed my African capitals. |
8 | SECOND,ER – a fine clue: she really is the SECOND Elizabeth Regina. |
11 | C(AIRN TER)RIER – trainer* in CRIER. |
15 | CROTCHET,Y – too hastily filled in CACOPHONY for this at first. CROTCHET is the quarter note with the black circle and straight stem (fortunately, when I was still in England as a boy, I did piano). |
16 | DIL=rev(“lid”),EMMAS – ref: Jane Austen’s EMMA. |
17 | SCUTTLED – double def, with the first being a bit cryptic (unacknowledged) since it refers to scuttling a ship, which is thus sent to the sea bed. |
20 | WAR,HOL=”hole” – one might say that you need all the crossing letters to get this since war hole is hardly a proper definition of “bunker”. Ref. Andy WARHOL. |
24 | TREAT – hidden in “theaTRE ATtendance” where “much-reduced” means shrunken from both sides I suppose. |
1a: I put in FLAT SPIN in sheer desperation.
24a: MULLET – didn’t get the wordplay
[No pun was intended]
I wasn’t held up by 8D, but I don’t entirely agree with Ilan about the fineness of the clue. After all those Edwards, Elizabeth is by no means the second ER.
Particularly enjoyed 8d and 13a today.
There are 7 “easies” not in this blog:
12a English duet rewritten as short musical piece (5)
ETUDE. Anag of E DUET.
13a Tries to stop standards getting lower (5,4)
21a Motor (race)* rerouted, bypassing country (6,3)
26a Drug – SpEeD – regularly consumed (6)
27a Sea creature, unusually (large? Yes)* (4,4)
2d A work of art, when mounted, creates disturbance (6)
A LARUM. A then MURAL upside down.
19d Find water wonderful (6)