Solving time – in two spells, total of about 16 minutes.
9 A-C.I.D.-RAIN (homophone of REIGN)
10 CASINO (hidden backwards in “prisON IS A Convict” – don’t like this one, as there is no definition as such. I’d imagine that prisoners would claim to be better off anywhere, and most casinogoers don’t leave the casino better off.
11 VERMICELLI – (l crime evil)*
13 D(ice)(INNER-LAD)Y
16 BERN-IN-1 – Italian scuptor, and BERN (or Berne) is the capital of Switzerland
17 UPRAISE – (Piraeus)*
20 SQUARE EYES – double cryptic definition
22 (t)EDDY – referring to Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt and Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of the Christian Science Church
25 1-MO-GEN – daughter of King Cymbeline in Shakespeare’s “Cymbeline”
2 LEAD-FREE – as in with no lead (initial)
5 RAT-RUN-(gras)S – only worked out the wordplay as I was writing this blog
7 PAELLA – (<=AL(e)-LEAP)
8 ANTITYPE – (in a petty)*
14 (s)EX-POSITION – excellent if a little risque
15 LEAVE ALONE – (a-level a one)* – the anagram isn’t jumbled enough for my liking here
16 BESOTTED – (detest O.B.)*
19 BY HEART – Spoonerism of Hi Bart (from the anarchic animated series “The Simpsons” – for those of you who may have been living on Mars recently, Homer Simpson is Bart’s dad)
21 USED-UP – USE-(<=pud) – I like “milk” for use, but not keen on the rest of this clue
14D is a lovely clue!
Def is “calls from the branch” and wordplay is T(WEE)T with “indiganT in the end” being T which is repeated with WEE for “pretty” inside. But isn’t “repeated” doing double duty then?
5 d: I think the explanation is wrong. It should be
RAT RUN(verge)S where Run = manage which separates Rat = grass and the last letter of vergeS (as per “at last”).
12a Good, clear powerful network (4)
G RID. As in National Grid.
26a Teacher’s timetable with reminder about head of department going round (8)
E D UC ATOR. That is backwards ROTA with D inside CUE.
27a Showily presented hawk in extremely small case (8)
6d Bird from small island we heard (4)
KIWI. SL Key We.
18d Genuine support for team of stars (8)
SIDE REAL. Appropriate as REAL MADRID are probably the best footer side in Europe at present. This probably works for 2007 AND 2017!
24d Cheers and cheers for so long (2-2)