Solving time: 28:30
Needed an eolith to crack a few of these: in particular, I’m not convinced I understand 10A for which I’ve guessed OUTLAWRY. I’ve started sort of recording my times to include seconds not that I for a minute (or even a second) believe that my lanterne rouge position could possibly be impacted by this decision.
1 | S(HER)AT,ON – clever clue: ref. SHERATON the furniture guy. “Appropriately” because sitting on it is thus. For wordplay, at first I tried to make SHE,RAT,ON work but HER is indeed precisely “a woman’s”. |
8 | ILL – double def : ILL is one way to abbrev ILLinois (the other being IL). |
9 | ID,E(O,LOG,I)ST – I think that “printed externally” is being used as the containment indicator – but perhaps “printed” has another role since only “externally” is strictly needed. Note: ID EST for “that is”. |
10 | OUT,LAWRY – my last clue and I’m not happy with it since I don’t completely understand the wordplay: how does something meaning a happy chap become LAWRY after changing its heart (presumably of the form LA?RY). Foggyweb notes that it’s ref. “Happy as Larry”. Thanks! |
12 | NES[w]T – S replaces W (both directions) in NEWT. |
14 | HARVESTMAN – double def: turns out that a HARVESTMAN is a daddy long-legs. |
17 | RHINESTONE – (in north, see)*. Got this immediately from the def and enumeration (and incidentally just realized what Glen Campbell meant when he sang about RHINESTONE cowboys). |
20 | GONG – double def where the second (“cross, maybe”) refers to its slang medal meaning. |
23 | AD,VICE – def is “formal notice”: AD isn’t “notice” but “our era”. |
24 | TOMMY(R)OT – The Old Testament is just a singular “book” today. |
25 | L[ager],AND,GRAVES – another word for noblemen that I’ve only encountered in cryptics and GRAVES is a Bordeaux (spotted in cryptics occasionally as well if not on the dinner table). |
27 | GOBLET – double def: the second being cryptic: “small mouth?” which is in the “apply as an adjective describing an apple” camp. |
1 | SHI=his*,POW(N)ER – I thought Onassis would be ARI but he did own a ship or two. |
2 | EOLITHS – (the soil)* — it’s an ancient tool thingy — had to wait until had E?L???S. |
3 | ANIMAL – rev(lamina). Deceptive surface that had me thinking of the verb “to bear” for too long. |
4 | OVERREA(C)T – C in (rare vote)*. Good politically apposite surface comment. |
5 | ST(OR)AGE – OR for Other Ranks is a snobbish Brit term for soldiers not of the officer class. |
6 | R(E)ICH,STAG – it’s Germany’s “diet” (i.e. house of parliament). Turns out that STAG is stock market slang for a speculator (I guess to join the bestiary along with bears and bulls). |
7 | EST,ON,IA=rev(A1) – EST is French “east”. |
13 | TENS,IONA,L – ref. IONA the Scots island. I’m not excited about TENS for “groups” – missing something? |
15 | VAN,CO(U)VER – U (for “posh”) in VAN COVER. I wonder why the clue didn’t simply read: “Protection for vehicle touring posh city in Canada” – too easy? |
16 | NIGHT=”knight”,MARE |
18 | HID,[n]ALGO – had to be given H?D???? but had to look up ?ALGO after I was done – turns out there was a Brit NALGO union. |
21 | OARSMAN – a fairly obvious cryptic def (but perhaps I was just lucky). |
NALGO – I remember a great line from Yes Minister – “The Minister doesn’t know his ACAS from his NALGO”
EOLITHS – same here, hadn’t come across before.
Last to go in was 3D! 42 mins altogether – not bad as I had a really slow start.
I expect you actually had E?L???S.
5a It provides flavour in saladS OR RELishes (6)
11a Area the Poles found capital (6)
A THE NS. Built soon after Warsaw & Gdansk.
26a Old bird’s endless complaint (3)
MOA (n)
28a Caution demands topping of tree overhanging hide-out (8)
19d Cunning of little signifigance to listeners (7)
22d A goddess Dionysus initially entertained (6)
A MUSE D. Unlike VR we were.