The Championship Final – Puzzle No. 1

Oops, no sign of it in the paper today so I’ve taken it down again. In his closing comments on Saturday, David Levy said that the three puzzles from the final would be reprinted in the paper today, but the only mention was a write-up about Mark Goodliffe’s fourth consecutive victory on page 19.

It looks like all 9 puzzles will appear on consecutive Wednesdays over the next couple of months instead. Good luck with that Alec!

5 comments on “The Championship Final – Puzzle No. 1”

    1. I was told wrong – there’s no sign of it either online or in the paper so I’ve taken it down again. Sorry.
  1. I would be extremely grateful for the list of results from Saturday and look forward in particular to seeing the listing for the ‘also rans’ like me! It was unnerving to be sitting immediately to the left of the person I recognised immediately as Tony Sever. I only managed to do just over two and a half of the three puzzles in the alloted time but thought the event was very well planned.
    1. That’s another thing I’m planning to put up tonight. I’ve got complete lists of all the entrants and their positions for both preliminaries and the final.

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