This puzzle is from the archive and was originally published in 8 September 2013 as ST4554. Here is today’s link to the puzzle for those who still want to have a go at it.
I found this rather easy for one of Dean’s and it occupied me for barely half-an-hour. There are some brilliant definitions and wordplay and a lot of humour, some in nudge-and-wink territory. I had a few unknown words and references, at 9ac, 10ac and 4dn for example, but generous wordplay helped me through them. Of course as I solved this puzzle 3 years ago, I can’t claim that I never met them before but I certainly failed to remember them.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Unexpected gathering of streakers? (5,3) |
FLASH MOB – A straight definition with cheeky cryptic hint | |
6 | Stupid person gives graduate advantage (6) |
BABOON – BA (graduate), BOON (advantage) | |
9 | People accepting bible’s authority (5) |
MAVEN – MEN (people) containing [accepting] AV (bible – Authorised Version) | |
10 | Throw in red balls (8) |
GLOBULES – LOB (throw) in GULES (red), the latter being a word I didn’t know | |
11 | It’s loud when it goes off — hooter? (4-3,7) |
SAWN-OFF SHOTGUN – A cryptic definition and a demonstration {s}hooter | |
12 | German guys playing in number one song (5,3) |
PEGGY SUE – G (German) + anagram [playing] of GUYS in PEE (number one). Ho-ho! A big hit for the late Buddy Holly but unfortunately never a No 1 having reached No 3 in the US charts and No 6 in the UK in 1957. | |
14 | One fly straddles black line on weather map (6) |
ISOBAR – I (one), SOAR (fly) contains [straddles] B (black) | |
16 | Racing driver — notice intelligence? (6) |
MOSSAD – MOSS (racing driver – Stirling or Pat), AD (notice). The Israeli agency | |
18 | Time passed. 30 days in part of church (8) |
TRANSEPT – T (time), RAN (passed), SEPT (30 days). At the moment I can’t think of an example where “ran” = passed” but I’m sure it has come up before, and not just when this puzzle originally appeared. | |
20 | Cows producing fresh clotted cream – it’s not right (8,6) |
DOMESTIC CATTLE – Anagram [fresh] of CLOTTED C{r}EAM IT’S [not right] | |
22 | In or out (2,6) |
ON STRIKE – Two definitions. In cricket when a batsman is “in” and facing the bowler he is said to be “on strike”. Workers in an industrial dispute may be “out on strike” | |
23 | In or out, following old stars (5) |
ORION – O (old), anagram [out] of IN OR | |
24 | Britpop band’s always on DVD (3-3) |
BLU-RAY – BLUR (Britpop band), AY (always). A controversial definition because those that know know that it’s wrong but it’s in some of the usual sources, which lets the setter off the hook. | |
25 | A single released by man in rubbish pop group (4,4) |
TAKE THAT – KE{i}TH (man) [a single released] in TAT (rubbish) |
Down | |
2 | Be dishonest about alcoholic drink being soft drink (7) |
LIMEADE – LIE [be dishonest] containing [about] MEAD (alcoholic drink) | |
3 | Six minus nine’s still a positive integer (5) |
SEVEN – S{ix} [minus nine – Roman], EVEN (still) | |
4 | Expansionism isn’t defeatism — Happy New Year (8,7) |
MANIFEST DESTINY – Anagram [happy] of ISN’T DEFEATISM, N (new), Y (year) | |
5 | A biofuel found in fuel filling station (7) |
BAGASSE – GAS (fuel) inside [filling] BASE(station) | |
6 | It’s wound, presumably, that may affect fertility? (10,5) |
BIOLOGICAL CLOCK – Cryptic definition | |
7 | Desire to interrupt barracking is unimaginative (9) |
BOURGEOIS – URGE (desire) contained by [to interrupt] BOO (barracking), IS | |
8 | Islands forming ring, a nice sort of area (7) |
OCEANIA – O (ring), anagram [sort] of A NICE, A (area) | |
12 | Brit in shock upset (3) |
POM – MOP (shock – hair) reversed [upset] | |
13 | Empty morphine into liquid storage tank (9) |
GASOMETER – M{orphin}E [empty] in anagram [liquid] of STORAGE | |
15 | Heat somewhat underutilised (3) |
RUT – Hidden [somewhat] in {(unde}RUT{ilised}. More saucy stuff! | |
17 | Perhaps first or second of animals entering ring (7) |
ORDINAL – OR, then {a}N{imals} [second] contained by [entering] DIAL (ring) | |
18 | Fish in river is not pike (7) |
TRIDENT – IDE (fish) in TRENT (river). Both weapons with long handles but a trident is plainly not a pike. Another of those Baldric definitions like “cat” – “not a dog”. | |
19 | Italian dish cooked on plate (7) |
POLENTA – Anagram [cooked] of ON PLATE | |
21 | Rick and Oliver (5) |
TWIST – A straight definition and one with a reference to the Dickens character |