Sunday Times Christmas Cryptic Extra No 03 by Dean Mayer

This puzzle is from the archive and was originally published in 8 September 2013 as ST4554. Here is today’s link to the puzzle for those who still want to have a go at it.

I found this rather easy for one of Dean’s and it occupied me for barely half-an-hour. There are some brilliant definitions and wordplay and a lot of humour, some in nudge-and-wink territory. I had a few unknown words and references, at 9ac, 10ac and 4dn for example, but generous wordplay helped me through them. Of course as I solved this puzzle 3 years ago, I can’t claim that I never met them before but I certainly failed to remember them.

As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]

1 Unexpected gathering of streakers? (5,3)
FLASH MOB – A straight definition with cheeky cryptic hint
6 Stupid person gives graduate advantage (6)
BABOON – BA (graduate), BOON (advantage)
9 People accepting bible’s authority (5)
MAVEN – MEN (people) containing [accepting] AV (bible – Authorised Version)
10 Throw in red balls (8)
GLOBULES – LOB (throw) in GULES (red), the latter being a word I didn’t know
11 It’s loud when it goes off — hooter? (4-3,7)
SAWN-OFF SHOTGUN – A cryptic definition and a demonstration {s}hooter
12 German guys playing in number one song (5,3)
PEGGY SUE – G (German) + anagram [playing] of GUYS in PEE (number one). Ho-ho! A big hit for the late Buddy Holly but unfortunately never a No 1 having reached No 3 in the US charts and No 6 in the UK in 1957.
14 One fly straddles black line on weather map (6)
ISOBAR – I (one), SOAR (fly) contains [straddles] B (black)
16 Racing driver — notice intelligence? (6)
MOSSAD – MOSS (racing driver – Stirling or Pat), AD (notice). The Israeli agency
18 Time passed. 30 days in part of church (8)
TRANSEPT – T (time), RAN (passed), SEPT (30 days). At the moment I can’t think of an example where “ran” = passed” but I’m sure it has come up before, and not just when this puzzle originally appeared.
20 Cows producing fresh clotted cream – it’s not right (8,6)
DOMESTIC CATTLE – Anagram [fresh] of  CLOTTED C{r}EAM IT’S [not right]
22 In or out (2,6)
ON STRIKE – Two definitions. In cricket when a batsman is “in” and facing the bowler he is said to be “on strike”. Workers in an industrial dispute may be “out on strike”
23 In or out, following old stars (5)
ORION – O (old), anagram [out] of IN OR
24 Britpop band’s always on DVD (3-3)
BLU-RAY – BLUR (Britpop band), AY (always). A controversial definition because those that know know that it’s wrong but it’s in some of the usual sources, which lets the setter off the hook.
25 A single released by man in rubbish pop group (4,4)
TAKE THAT – KE{i}TH (man) [a single released] in TAT (rubbish)
2 Be dishonest about alcoholic drink being soft drink (7)
LIMEADE – LIE [be dishonest] containing [about] MEAD (alcoholic drink)
3 Six minus nine’s still a positive integer (5)
SEVEN – S{ix} [minus nine – Roman], EVEN (still)
4 Expansionism isn’t defeatism — Happy New Year (8,7)
MANIFEST DESTINY – Anagram [happy] of ISN’T DEFEATISM, N (new), Y (year)
5 A biofuel found in fuel filling station (7)
BAGASSE –  GAS (fuel) inside [filling] BASE(station)
6 It’s wound, presumably, that may affect fertility? (10,5)
BIOLOGICAL CLOCK – Cryptic definition
7 Desire to interrupt barracking is unimaginative (9)
BOURGEOIS – URGE (desire) contained by [to interrupt] BOO (barracking), IS
8 Islands forming ring, a nice sort of area (7)
OCEANIA – O (ring), anagram [sort] of A NICE, A (area)
12 Brit in shock upset (3)
POM – MOP (shock – hair) reversed [upset]
13 Empty morphine into liquid storage tank (9)
GASOMETER – M{orphin}E [empty] in anagram [liquid] of STORAGE
15 Heat somewhat underutilised (3)
RUT – Hidden [somewhat] in {(unde}RUT{ilised}. More saucy stuff!
17 Perhaps first or second of animals entering ring (7)
ORDINAL – OR, then {a}N{imals} [second] contained by [entering] DIAL (ring)
18 Fish in river is not pike (7)
TRIDENT – IDE (fish) in TRENT (river). Both weapons with long handles but a trident is plainly not a pike. Another of those Baldric definitions like “cat” – “not a dog”.
19 Italian dish cooked on plate (7)
POLENTA – Anagram [cooked] of ON PLATE
21 Rick and Oliver (5)
TWIST – A straight definition and one with a reference to the Dickens character