This is my first Sunday Times blog standing in for Dave, and as I have had a week to prepare it I have experimented with including clues which I hope will be helpful to those who don’t have them readily to hand. Definitions are underlined. This took me 43 minutes, which was a bit disappointing as I had started by writing in all the answers in the NW immediately on first reading, and the SW similarly apart from the unknown sheep. The remaining quarters presented more difficulty and I crawled home eventually after some quite extensive delays.
Across |
1 | Indian state’s leader is ambitious (2-5) |
GO-AHEAD – GOA (Indian state), HEAD (leader) | |
5 | At first boat has inexperienced sailor after source of oil (7) |
9 | Discover a small safe (9) |
ASCERTAIN – A, S (small), CERTAIN (safe) | |
10 | Powerful financier tipsy behind boozer (5) |
BARON – BAR (boozer), ON (tipsy?). I can’t quite justify the second part assuming that’s what’s intended. On edit: Thanks to mohn2 for pointing out that Chambers has a slang definition of ‘on’ as ‘on the way to being drunk’ | |
11 | Agricultural chemical from tea tree (6) |
POTASH – POT (tea, slang for marijuana), ASH (tree) | |
12 | Private place for a film? (2,6) |
IN CAMERA – Double definition, one literal, one slightly cryptic. | |
14 | Worse for wear after Saturday night? Quite the opposite! (6,4) |
SUNDAY BEST – It’s hard to know how best to explain this one but it refers to the tradition of wearing one’s best clothes on a Sunday. | |
16 | Scoff cod (4) |
MOCK – Double definition | |
18 | Bum note coming out of hard thing to play (4) |
HOBO – H (hard), OBO |
19 | Pay for the vicar? (6,4) |
LIVING WAGE – A vicar’s position including pay and property is known as a ‘living’. | |
22 | Rearrange a primate’s membrane (3,5) |
PIA MATER – Anagram of A PRIMATE | |
23 | Sheep having heart of large boxer (6) |
26 | Service in French is for the painter (5) |
ERNST – RN (service – Royal Navy) inside EST (French ‘is’) gives us Max ERNST the German artist. Misdirected by ‘French’ in the clue, I wasted time considering Manet and Monet before the first checker fell into place and led me to the correct answer. | |
27 | Angry gorilla ate short reptile (9) |
28 | Different way to approach mountains (7) |
STRANGE – ST (way), RANGE (mountains) | |
29 | Perhaps NATO Member after American ally (7) |
ACRONYM – A (American), CRONY (ally), M (Member) | |
Down |
1 | Skilful swimmer‘s weight – with special effort – reduced (7) |
GRAMPUS – GRAM (weight), PUS |
2 | Caught a drunk outside racecourse (5) |
ASCOT – A + SOT (drunk) outside C (caught) | |
3 | Right nutcase misdirected Italian (8) |
ETRUSCAN – Anagram of R (right) NUTCASE | |
4 | Overpriced honey (4) |
DEAR – Double definition. I don’t think something is necessarily overpriced because it’s dear but that’s probably a bit picky. | |
5 | Mad family might be something to cause embarrassment (6,4) |
BANANA SKIN – BANANAS (mad), KIN (family) | |
6 | Get out of bed and attend bright and cheery (6) |
UPBEAT – UP (get out of bed!!!), BE AT (attend) | |
7 | Fan alone after grumble about City (9) |
BARCELONA – CRAB (grumble) reversed, then anagram of ALONE. ‘Fan’ appears to be the anagrind here. | |
8 | Harry was in charge of axe (7) |
RANSACK – RAN (was in charge of), SACK (axe, as in giving someone the chop) | |
13 | Bear toilet that’s nasty? No, do this to it (10) |
OBLITERATE – Anagram of BEAR TOILET. I thought they simply used the woods! | |
15 | Is the jellyfish such a simple thing? (2-7) |
NO-BRAINER – Sort of double definition, one of them cryptic. A ‘jellyfish’ can be a weak or indecisive person who I suppose might uncharitably be said to have no brain. On edit: apparently the marine creatures actually have no brain so the first bit of the clue is more literal than I had read it. Thanks again to mohn2 for the info. | |
17 | Jelly from a fish right round an oven (4-4) |
AGAR-AGAR – A, GAR (fish), AGA (oven), R (right). There’s too much jelly around here! | |
18 | Who buys headless insects? (7) |
HOPPERS – sHOPPERS (who buys) | |
20 | Nasty magpie bites head of red gnome (7) |
EPIGRAM – Anagram of MAGPIE and R |
21 | Soldiers with skill captured animal (6) |
MARTEN – ART (skill) inside MEN (soldiers) | |
24 | One leaves Battle for part of London on the tube (5) |
25 | A goblin held up tiny jumper (4) |
FLEA – A+ELF (goblin) reversed |
Re 10A, Chambers has one meaning of on as “on the way to being drunk (slang)”. Re 15D, I think it’s a reference to jellyfish (of the marine kind) not having a brain.
Got about three quarters of the puzzle out, but struggled in the North East. Having read your explanations now I understand and am kicking myself – should have got Blubber, Banana Skin and Barcelona.
Good puzzle, great blog.
Edited at 2014-05-18 01:20 am (UTC)
Edited at 2014-05-18 05:11 pm (UTC)
Thanks to mohn2 for the ‘on’ explanation, and thanks, Jack, for the blog; and I definitely like the format.
Edited at 2014-05-18 09:41 am (UTC)
Several nice, pithy clues, of which I thought HOBO was the pick.
Thank you, JP and jackkt.
No real issues although the clueing of 29ac is so standard as to be a write-in.