Solving time: About 50 minutes, I think. The club timer read 1:10:04, but I had technical problems with it that day. I had to re-enter the grid 3 or 4 times before I successfully submitted it.
A good test. I liked 5a and the 3/17 combination. 7d was also a clever &lit. I think my favourite goes to 13d for the neat surface.
cd = cryptic def., dd = double def., rev = reversal, homophones are written in quotes, anagrams as (–)*, and removals like this
Across | |
1 | ME + S + SUP |
5 | RED CAR |
9 | PRINCETON = NOT rev after PRINCE |
10 | P |
11 | O + STEAL – Not a word I knew, but I did know OS- as a prefix for bone so it wasn’t a great leap. |
14 | GUJARATI – I put this in without full understanding at the time, and I’m still not sure I get it now. I assume it’s I + JUG (bird, as in prison) all rev about A + RAT, but I can’t find any justification for RAT = ‘nose’. As verbs I guess they might both mean to peek or pry, but I’m not convinced. |
16 | OVER |
18 | GARB = BRAG rev |
21 | DEC(R)EASE |
22 | L(O)ATHE |
24 | BALI = LAB rev + |
26 | S(T)URGEONS |
27 | DE |
28 | N + A + GOYA (canvasser, i.e. painter) |
Down | |
2 | EXPOSTULATE = (EX + LATE) about (POST + U) |
3 & 17 | SPIKE MILLIGAN = (I + SPEAKING)* about MILL |
4 | PECULIAR = (I CLEAR UP)* – Do you mind? I was solving this while having my lunch! |
5 | RUN-INS = S after RUN-IN |
6 | DIPHTHONG – cd |
7 |
13 | PIE IN THE SKY – dd – A ‘castle in Spain’ is a fanciful notion, like a ‘castle in the air’, and a cottage is, of course, a type of pie, a bit like shepherd’s. |
20 | DAMSON = MAD rev + SON |
23 | A + LONG |
25 | AP |
NAGOYA and OSTEAL were unknown but not a problem to arrive at from wordplay.
I wasn’t quite sure about 21 but apparently there’s an expression for death, “Eternal Rest”, which seems to make the necessary connection.
Dave, whenever I submit a crossword on the club website I *always* open the grid in a new window or tab. This has (touch wood) prevented any failures to submit…
It took me an absurdly long time to see “Redcar” (very nice indeed) and “Twigg(y)”.
I clocked in at 21.17 (#70 on the club board), but while we’re on the subject Magoo was #18 and Jason #35. I’m very happy for the puzzles to be popular but are we going to reach a tipping point when they’re the only solvers who can post a recorded time on the w/e boards – I know they’re a bit pointless but then what?
you are right Bali is not in the Pacific but the clue is correct and is aiming to steer you the wrong direction.
Middle of pacific is I, plus LAB (Labour party ) returned is Bali = island which is the clue.
Richard, Brisbane