Solving time: About 35 minutes, but without full parsing.
There were several answers that were obvious from the definitions & checkers, but the wordplay took a while to untangle. I’m thinking of the long ones at 8 & 12, and 23 which I’m still not convinced I’ve got right. Otherwise, I didn’t find this one too hard. Apologies for the lateness of the blog, by the way, I’ve been Christmasifying the house all day (yes of course it’s a word) and it slipped my mind.
cd = cryptic def., dd = double def., rev = reversal, homophones are written in quotes, anagrams as (–)*, and removals like this
Across | |
1 | LA( |
9 | GO + ANNA – I didn’t know the lizard, but I worked it out from the wordplay and checkers |
10 | ON CAMERA = (CAMERON + A)* – this must rank as about the weakest anagram I’ve ever seen in the ST. The words were both essentially there, but in the wrong order! |
13 | TALENT = AL in TENT |
16 | AXE (guitar) + |
17 | STYE – cd |
18 | SWINE FEVER = SEVER (cut) about WINE + F |
20 | FLEECE – dd |
21 | ACCURATE = CURATE after (A + C) |
23 | PASTRAMI – I’m not 100% on the wordplay here, but I think it’s PAST (put on) + RAM (butter, i.e. something that butts) + I (prime bit, i.e. 1, the basic prime number, or perhaps I is the prime bit of IS). I’m not entirely sure about ‘put on’ for PAST though. |
24 | AMBUSH = M in (A BUSH) |
26 | MOLYBDENUM = (NUMB MELODY)* – I get the Pink Floyd reference, but I’m not convinced by ‘Comfortably’ as an anagrind. Plus, of course, Floyd are certainly not metal, although I shouldn’t let that put me off the clue. Maybe there was a cover version by Five Finger Death Punch. |
27 | SUE + T |
Down | |
2 |
3 | D |
4 | CHATEAU = CHAT (gas, talk) + EAU (water required to live) |
6 | EX(C)ITED |
8 | ARRANGEMENT = GEM (perfect example) + E (note) all in ARRANT (thorough) |
15 | P(RESENT)LY |
18 | STEWARD = TE (note) in S + WARD (room with patients) |
19 | EXCLAIM = I in EXAM all about (C + L) |
22 | RE + BUS |
25 | S + HE – H. Rider Haggard’s novel, and crossword compiler’s favourite. |
People on TTCC seemed to have parsed ARRANGEMENT to their satisfaction – maybe one of them might chip in here.
I seem to be the only person who found “cycle” for the C in 21ac dodgy though, so perhaps I’m missing something there.
“Prime,” meaning “first,” “bit” of “is,” then?
I wish the setter would drop by.
10A Very easy anagram? – yes, but one that fits into a good surface story.
21A C = cycle – an abbreviation that’s included in Collins – no.3 in second batch at
23A past => ON – see no. 11 at
26A “comfortably” permitted as novel anag indicator, in the cause of something about the work of Pink Floyd for a change rather than someone like Bellini
8D The apparently missing/strange note is accounted for if the inside of ARRAN/T is (AN = a, GEM, E = note).
The letters that need to be accounted for are either
At The Nation a few weeks ago, we misnumbered the answer “SPIDER WEB” as (3,6). D’oh! And it should actually have been (9), but in the correction I had to explain that it would have been better as (6,3), to alleviate the confusion we caused.
Didn’t like 8d, 9a, 12d and 17a either.