If you want to attend the championships as a spectator, here’s what you need to know.
- There is limited space for spectators at the preliminary sessions, and more space (as there are 24 contestants instead of 120) at the Grand Final. But unless you’ve already been named as their guest by a contestant, the competition organiser needs to know that you’re coming, so that your name can be added to a list of attendees. If you just turn up on spec, you will NOT get in.
- If you would like to attend as a spectator, send a message with the spectator name(s) to puzzle.feedback (at) sunday-times.co.uk with “Times Championship” in the subject line. I will pass a list of names and e-mail addresses to the organiser (David Levy), and he will e-mail you when your name has been added to the list of attendees.
- Please don’t turn up until you have heard from David that you’re on the list. And please send your e-mail by the end of Wednesday 17 October so that I can pass on one list of people early on Thursday.
- Location: 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1WY (this the best postcode for searches on Google Maps or similar, not for mail). Nearest tubes: Aldgate, Aldgate East, Tower Hill, Wapping.
Peter Biddlecombe, Sunday Times Crossword Editor
PS Don’t forget to check the Transport for London website for details of any changes to your intended public transport route.
PPS: Instant timetable in case anyone needs it:
The three solving sessions last one hour each and are at:
11 am – Prelim 1
1 pm – Prelim 2
3 pm – Grand Final
The prize-giving after the final is normally completed by 4:30, and the hard core then proceed to the Town of Ramsgate in Wapping High Street
Edited at 2012-10-12 10:06 am (UTC)
Good luck all who are going