Solving time 10:53, but would have been about 3 minutes quicker but for the pesky 15D and 25A! So, a very easy solve for a Saturday, and I noticed some pretty fast times on the Club website too. The neutrinos were out in force last week though, so the top 100 were all under 8 minutes: mohn’s 4:41 (in 65th place!) looks to be the quickest genuine time. Not sure what happened to Magoo, but then we have Jason in 4:55, with verlaine (6:51) and keriothe (7:45) also deserving a mention.
Across |
1 |
Breeches altered to accommodate impulse for fast food (12) |
CHEESEBURGER – (breeches)* around URGE (impulse). |
8 |
Covering western performance artist (7) |
WRAPPER – W(estern) + RAPPER (performance artist). |
9 |
Spread out and mostly diverge crossing United States (7) |
DIFFUSE – DIFFE(r) (mostly diverge) around US. |
11 |
Son has glove taken (7) |
SMITTEN – S(on) + MITTEN (glove). |
12 |
Ingenious and simple jumbo’s good for public house (7) |
ELEGANT – ELEPHANT (jumbo), with G (good) replacing PH (public house). |
13 |
Light vehicle is faulty in operation (5) |
BUGGY – double definition. |
14 |
Shorts, possibly, for every one we got inside pub (9) |
BEACHWEAR – EACH (every one) + WE, inside BAR (pub). |
16 |
Artist receives vote after competition in Byzantine style (9) |
COMPLEXLY – LELY (artist) around X (vote), after COMP(etition). Sir Peter Lely (1618-80), Dutch-English portrait painter. |
19 |
Make fun of us over fattening food (5) |
SUGAR – RAG US (make fun of us) reversed. |
21 |
Understanding the first royal barge (7) |
LIGHTER – LIGHT (understanding) + ER (the first royal – presumably meant as in “most important”). |
23 |
Squirm uncomfortably around a victim of the French revolution? (7) |
MARQUIS – (squirm)* around A. |
24 |
Exaggerated where boxers appear to be gradually deteriorating (7) |
ROTTING – OTT (over the top, exaggerated) inside RING (where boxers appear). |
25 |
Handle not a thing this rail worker could turn (7) |
LINEMAN – NAME (handle) + NIL (not a thing), all reversed. All the elements are there, just not in the usual order. I don’t have a problem with that, but it confused me for a while and this was my second last one in. |
26 |
Met penury and worked for insufficient money (12) |
UNDERPAYMENT – (met penury and)*. |
Down |
1 |
Constant mad hunger (7) |
CRAVING – C(onstant) + RAVING (mad). |
2 |
What Kong felt for Ann in stirring ape myth? (7) |
EMPATHY – (ape myth)*, semi &lit. (“Ann” being Ann Darrow, the girl in the 1933 movie King Kong). |
3 |
Brawny fight renders little safe (9) |
STRONGBOX – STRONG (brawny) + BOX (fight). |
4 |
Cutting back on plan for Treasury move (5) |
BUDGE – BUDGET (plan for Treasury), minus the last letter. |
5 |
Update reference, adding on not another word (7) |
REFRESH – REF(erence) + RE (on) + SH (not another word). |
6 |
Mimic bird with two notes (7) |
EMULATE – EMU (bird) + LA, TE (two notes). |
7 |
Errol Flynn perhaps was hard to catch in Silver River, initially (12) |
SWASHBUCKLER – WAS + H(ard) + BUCKLE (catch), all inside S(ilver) R(iver). |
10 |
Showing initiative, come into power by insurrection (12) |
ENTERPRISING – ENTER (come into) + P(ower) + RISING (insurrection). |
15 |
Area beside poky yard is in a bad way (9) |
ABYSMALLY – A(rea) + BY + SMALL (poky) + Y(ard). My last one in – when I had A?Y?M???Y, the only word I could think of was ASYMMETRY, and as I was also struggling with 25ac I was wondering if there’s a type of rail worker called a TANKMAN! |
17 |
Soldiers around got upset with a bomb unit (7) |
MEGATON – MEN (soldiers) around (got a)*. |
18 |
Liberal Greek leading European framework (7) |
LATTICE – L(iberal) + ATTIC (Greek) + E(uropean). |
19 |
Queer Street came calling with me having lost millions (7) |
STRANGE – ST(reet) + RANG (came calling) + ME minus the M for millions. |
20 |
Foodie bumped into carrying a lot of pumpkin, perhaps (7) |
GOURMET – MET (bumped into) under GOUR(d) (a lot of pumpkin, perhaps). |
22 |
Quickly arrange to phone, but number’s missing (3,2) |
RIG UP – RING UP (phone), minus the N for number. |
Andy – I think the Jumbo blogging calendar is out of sync again (perhaps because of the last Bank Holiday.)
I think I’ve only ever come across the LINEMAN in his Wichita variety.
Now I’ve got Wednesday through Saturday to do for this week.