Solving time was around the 20-minute mark again, and I don’t think it was that hard in retrospect. Sorry comments are a bit brief this morning, but I have a busy day ahead.
Across | |
1 | Name missing from sign is a drag (4) |
TOKE – TOKEN (sign) without the N for name. | |
3 | Acted as solicitor to MP under one’s arrangement (10) |
IMPORTUNED – (to MP under I)* | |
10 | Pan and tube each filled with a drop of rum punch for one (9) |
WORKHORSE – WOK (pan) and HOSE (tube) with an R (drop of Rum) in each. | |
11 | Being on the fiddle, maybe, one’s shady (5) |
BOWER – double definition. | |
12 | New watch that’s for songwriter (7) |
NOVELLO – NOVEL (new) + LO (watch that). | |
13 | Friction a problem in wheels (6) |
ANIMUS – A + [SUM (problem) + IN, reversed]. | |
15 | Hacks, presumably, at this pear, after attempt to get juice from it? (5,10) |
PRESS CONFERENCE – CONFERENCE (pear) after PRESS (attempt to get juice from it). | |
18 | Supposedly disapprove as a body, giving rise to underground movement? (4,2,4,5) |
TURN IN ONE’S GRAVE – cryptic definition. | |
21 | Betting fall can cause injury (6) |
SPRAIN – SP (starting price, betting) + RAIN (fall). | |
23 | “Mislay” tablet bottles to pass inspection (4-3) |
LOOK-SEE – LOSE (mislay) + E (tablet) around OK (to pass). | |
26 | Summoned to court, poor Republican’s deserted (3,2) |
HAD UP – HARD UP (poor) without the R for Republican. | |
27 | Turn cape and rise for cool effect (4,5) |
WIND CHILL – WIND (turn) + C(ape) + HILL (rise). | |
28 | Don’t see it right, sadly, with such a view? (4-6) |
ROSE-TINTED – (don’t see it R)*, &lit. | |
29 | Mock appeal for peace by dreamers in the centre (4) |
SHAM – SH (appeal for peace) + AM (middle letters of dreAMers). |
Down | |
1 | What does racing driver want? Answer: the short, purpose-built track (6-4) |
TOWING-PATH – TO WIN GP (what racing driver wants) + A(nswer) + TH(e). I’ve only ever known it as a towpath, but both options are in Chambers. | |
2 | Put out volume about Irish dance company of old (5) |
KIROV – KO (put out) + V(olume) around IR(ish). KIROV was the Soviet name of the Mariinsky Ballet. News to me. | |
4 | Bucks town mostly welcoming busy old traveller (5,4) |
MARCO POLO – MARLO(w) (Bucks town mostly) around COP (busy), O(ld). Someone always asks, so I’ll mention it – “busy” is slang for a detective, according to Chambers. | |
5 | Turn up some spare police work for the Met? (5) |
OPERA – hidden reversed in “spare police” | |
6 | Squatter raised objection – the last stand? (7) |
TUBBIER – BUT (objection) reversed, + BIER (the last stand). | |
7 | Island resort a genuine source of wonderment (3,6) |
NEW GUINEA – (a genuine, W)* | |
8 | Very embarrassed after upsetting contents of tank? (4) |
DERV – V(ery) RED, reversed. | |
9 | School perhaps or hospital in part of UK (6) |
WHALES – H(ospital) inside WALES (part of UK). | |
14 | In church defiant smoker getting a piece of one’s mind (10) |
CEREBELLUM – CE (church) + REBEL (defiant) + LUM (smoker). | |
16 | Dramatist showing wishful remark from UKIP on fateful day (9) |
EURIPIDES – EU, R.I.P. (wishful remark from UKIP) + IDES (fateful day). | |
17 | On the house over the road, outside key’s unattached (9) |
FREELANCE – FREE (on the house) + LANE (road) around C (key). | |
19 | Having difficulty at home representing corporation (2,1,4) |
IN A SPOT – IN (at home) + AS POT (representing corporation). | |
20 | Shell from gunner that hurts, making us moan (6) |
GROUCH – GR (outside letters of gunner) + OUCH (that hurts). | |
22 | Without prospect of success, just returned home? (2-3) |
NO-WIN – NOW IN (just returned home). | |
24 | Singular story told of forger (5) |
SMITH – S(ingular) + sounds like “myth” (story told). | |
25 | Do tea and toast far too much? (4) |
CHAR – triple definition. |
The ANIMUS/TUBBIER crossers were my last ones in, and I thought the clue for TOWING-PATH was very good.
Edited at 2014-08-02 10:02 pm (UTC)