Solving time 16:15, which rang a bell, and yes it was indeed exactly the same time as last week’s, to the second. Apologies that this is brief but I’m writing this on Friday morning (before 7am) as I’m off for the weekend shortly afterwards and won’t be back till Saturday night. Only thing I can say about this puzzle is that there seemed to be an awful lot of container-and-contents clues compared to usual.
Across |
1 |
SPIGOT – SPIT (image) around GO (fit). Def: plug. |
5 |
SEDIMENT – SENT (ecstatic) around DIME (bit of money). Def: settled matter. |
9 |
MAIDENHAIR – (ahead in)* inside RIM reversed (westward border). Def: fern. |
10 |
WAVE – sounds like “waive” (surrender). Def: signal. |
11 |
MORIBUND – RIB (chaff) inside MOUND (heap). Def: on the way out. |
12 |
SADDLE – SAD (down) + D(a)LE (valley, dropping A). Def: load. |
13 |
APSE – S (last letter of business) inside APE (take off). Def: recess. |
15 |
NAVIGATE – GATE (barrier) next to IVAN reversed (tsar in revolution). Def: direct. |
18 |
PRESSURE – PURE (good) around [RE (on) + S(outh) + S(mall)]. Def: force. |
19 |
OPEN – O (round) + PEN (enclosure). Def: spread out. |
21 |
AFFECT – CT (court) after GAFFE (blunder) minus the G for good. Def: influence. |
23 |
EVIDENCE – DEN (hole) inside DEVICE (scheme) minus the first letter. Def: support. |
25 |
FLAG – double definition. |
26 |
PROGENITOR – (ignore port)*. Def: founder. |
27 |
SOBRIETY – SOY (sauce) around [BRIE (cheese) + T(omato)]. Def: serious quality. |
28 |
DOTING – NIT reversed (fool back) inside DOG (trouble). Def: indulgent. |
Down |
2 |
PIANO – AN (article) underneath I (current), all inside PO (river). Def: soft. |
3 |
GODLINESS – D(emocrat) + LINE (policy), all inside GOSS (chitchat). Def: piety. |
4 |
TONGUE – G(l)UE (stick without L for length) following TON (fashion). Def: speech. |
5 |
STAND ON CEREMONY – (censor may not end)*. Def: act formally. |
6 |
DERISIVE – SIRE reversed (upset father) inside DIVE (disreputable bar). Def: taunting. |
7 |
MOWED – MO (second) + WED (link). Def: cut. |
8 |
NOVELETTE – V (see, short for Latin vide) + E(nglish) + LETTE(r) (character, without the R for right), all after NO (refusal). Def: romance? |
14 |
PORTFOLIO – PORT (wine) + F(ine) + OLIO (mixture). Def: case. |
16 |
GEODESIST – (to see digs)*. Def: surveyor. |
17 |
MULTIPLE – MULE (cross) around [L(arge) + TIP (gratuity)]. Def: many. |
20 |
BIG END – GEN (information) inside BID (order). Def: part of engine. |
22 |
EAGER – hidden in “Bronze Age reconstruction”. Def: anxious. |
24 |
CROWN – CROW (boast) + N(ew). Def: honour. |
On ‘spigot’ the SOED has:
1 A small peg or plug inserted into the vent hole of a barrel or cask; a small tap or outlet controlling the flow of liquid from a container.
Edited at 2014-04-12 05:28 am (UTC)
I also have no knowledge of DIY but I do know a bit about tapping barrels of ale! There’s a Tom Lehrer lyric that also helps:
“Turn on the spigot,
Pour the beer and swig it,
And gaudeamus igit-ur”
(Bright College Days)
MAIDENHAIR and GEODESIST were complete unknowns that had to be constructed from wordplay. The latter looked more likely than GEOSEDIST but I hit submit with trepidation.
Great stuff indeed