Sorry this is a day late. Solved in about 15 mins on the train on Wednesday evening. 1ac went straight in, but then I went blank for a bit and the next one in was 28ac. Luckily I sped up a bit after that, as the downs seemed to be a bit easier.
Across | |
1 | INCISE – hidden in “zinc is easy”. |
4 | GET THERE – double definition. |
10 | DOWN TOOLS – LOOT (money) reversed inside DOWNS (rural areas). |
11 | GHOST – (hog)* + ST(one). Definition e.g. the real authors of most celebrity biographies. |
12 | CULPRIT – CU (copper) + [PR(iest) inside LIT (drunk)]. |
13 | CORNICE – COR (my!) + NICE (delightful). |
14 | TOPIC – TROPIC (a large circle) minus the R for radius. |
15 | EMMENTAL – MENTAL (ridiculous) with ME (setter) reversed in front of it. A bit convoluted, but I can’t see how else it can work. |
18 | IRON DUKE – (round)* inside IKE (general, i.e. Eisenhower). Wellington’s nickname. |
20 | SATIN – SAT IN (demonstrated), the two words brought together. |
23 | OEDIPUS – OED (Oxford English Dictionary – famous reference) + OPUS (work), with I (one) replacing O (old). |
25 | SPINNER – SINNER (criminal) around P(ower). |
26 | NOOSE – O (love) inside NOSE (bill). Bit of a pessimistic view of marriage from the setter (although I don’t disagree with the sentiment myself!). And yes, I know it’s in the dictionary as a (joc) definition, in case anyone mentions it! |
27 | INGENUOUS – INGENIOUS (skilful) with the small change of an I to a U. I had this right on my printout, and then entered INGENIOUS when typing it up on the website. Damn! |
28 | WELL DONE – double definition. |
28 | BEETLE – (let)* after BEE (another insect). |
Down | |
1 | INDICATE – INDICT (charge) + E(uropean), around A. |
2 | COWSLIP – double definition, the first a bit tongue-in-cheek. |
3 | SATYRICON – SATYR (man obsessed with sex) + ICON (symbol). Classical, as in ancient – it was written by Petronius (AD 27-66). |
5 | EASY COME EASY GO – EASY (be careful!) + COME (to arrive) + EASY (effortless) + GO (work). |
6 | TIGER – G(ood) inside TIER (a row). |
7 | EROTICA – OT (books) inside ERICA (heather). |
8 | ESTEEM – E(mployee)S + MEET (qualified) reversed. |
9 | POP THE QUESTION – (to equip shop, net)* |
16 | NESCIENCE – NE(w) (de-tailed additional) + SCIENCE (maths, say). |
17 | EN BROSSE – BROS (siblings) inside (seen)*. |
19 | REDPOLL – sounds like “read” (understood) + POLL (cut horns off). |
21 | TUNE OUT – in French, UNE (one) inside TOUT (everything). |
22 | NOW NOW – double definition. |
24 | PSEUD – P(regnancy) + DUES (fees) reversed. |
I was pleased to learn that the IRON DUKE got his nickname not for fortitude in battle, but for the iron shutters he had installed on his London house to keep pro-Reform rioters at bay.