Solved in about 15 minutes on the train on the way down to London for the Times Crossword Championships last Saturday. Unlike some former years, this wasn’t a beast that wouldn’t have been out of place in the final, but it was tricky in places and I was quite pleased to solve it that quickly. It set me up rather nicely in fact, as I qualified for the final for the first time, coming 8th in Preliminary A.
Full results are now available on the Times Crossword Club website (no login required), so I’ve put up a link to them on the right-hand border. Peter tells me that the puzzles from the final will also be available on the Club site soon. They were in the paper on Monday, but so far they’ve only put up a pdf of the first one, and that only in the online edition of the paper rather than the Crossword Club itself.
Across |
1 |
LIMIT – LIM(e) + IT (drinks served with gin, one missing the last letter). |
4 |
PAPERBACK – PACK (stuff) around [ A + B(ritish) + REP (theatre), all reversed ]. |
9 |
BAGATELLE – BAG (interest) + A + TELLE(r) (reporter mostly). |
10 |
PRONE – “PR ONE” (individual responsible for company’s image). |
11 |
UNIMAGINATIVE – U(niversity) + [ I’M AGIN (I don’t accept) inside NATIVE (local) ]. |
14 |
CAFF – hidden in “scaffolding”. |
15 |
MADAGASCAN – MAG (publication) around AD(vertisement) + A + SCAN (picture). |
18 |
MEASUREDLY – MY (writer’s) around (US leader)*. |
19 |
ANTI – alternate letters of “cannot win”. |
21 |
TREASURE CHEST – SURE (safe) inside REACH (stretch of water), all inside TEST (investigation). A Russian doll clue! |
24 |
AIOLI – LOI(n) (joint of meat, cut) inside A1 (excellent). |
25 |
TAIWANESE – TA (army) + WANES (declines) inside (K)IE(v). |
27 |
LASHED OUT – LOUT (yob) around A SHED (a building). |
28 |
KEMPT – M(ale) inside KEPT (looked after). |
Down |
1 |
LABOUR CAMP – cryptic definition. |
2 |
MUG – GUM (stick) reversed. |
3 |
TITIAN – IT,IT (appeals) reversed + A + (millio)N |
4 |
PALPITATE – PATE (loaf, i.e. head) around IT, next to PAL (friend). |
5 |
PIETA – PI, ETA (Greek characters). |
6 |
REPRISAL – PRIS(on) (jail, minus on) inside REAL (serious). |
7 |
ADOLESCENCE – (deos cancel)* + (declin)E. |
8 |
KNEW – (Steinbec)K + NEW (novel). |
12 |
13 |
INDICTMENT – I’M around CT, all inside INDENT (order). New definition of indent for me – Chambers has “an order for goods (especially from abroad)”. |
16 |
ALLERGIST – (lets a girl)* |
17 |
YULETIDE – sounds like “yew’ll” + [(die)* after T(ime)]. |
20 |
ACK-ACK – a pair of ‘ACKs. |
22 |
SET-TO – SET (TV) + first letters of turned on. |
23 |
FAIL – F(ollowing) + AIL (trouble). |
26 |
ELM – MOLE (spy), without the O and reversed. |
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