Solving time 12:55, helped a lot by getting three of the four perimeter clues quickly. Some tricky wordplay in parts (I didn’t work out how 4D worked until I started writing it up this morning), but generally on the easy side for a Saturday.
Across | |
1 | GOODBYE MR CHIPS – double definition. The book by James Hilton was also filmed a couple of times in 1939 and 1969. I think I remember seeing the black & white version with Robert Donat as Mr Chips. Anyway, this went straight in, almost before the ink was dry on my printout. |
9 | DIABLERIE – DIE (fail) around I (one), ABLER (fitter). |
10 | RABBI – R(ight) + BB (books) inside A1 (excellent). |
11 | OLIVE – LIVE (survive) next to O (nothing). |
12 | DRUGSTORE – D(aughter), TORE (hurried) around RUGS (carpets). |
13 | NON-STICK – N(ew) + ON STICK (with thin handle). |
15 | MOTHER – OTHER (alien) next to M(an). |
17 | OUTFIT – double definition, the first as “OUT FIT”. |
19 | OBSERVES – double definition, the first referring to membership of the Royal Observer Corps. Should be past tense – they were disbanded in 1995. |
22 | NECTARINE – (entire can)* |
23 | GATED – DE-TAG (remove electronic device) reversed. |
24 | RUBLE – RUMBLE (suss out) minus the M for millions. I’d normally spell this with an O in it, but I was aware of the alternative. |
25 | INTENTION – INATTENTION (failure to concentrate) minus AT. |
26 | EXPERIMENTALLY – (meal inexpertly)* |
Down | |
2 | OVATION – INNOVATION (new feature) minus INN (pub). |
3 | BELLE – BELL (audible signal) + (satellit)E. |
4 | EURYDICE – DICE (cut up) after JURY (panel), with the first letter replaced by E(nglish). In Greek mythology, Eurydice was the wife of Orpheus. |
5 | RUEFUL – i.e. full of rue. |
6 | HOROSCOPE – sounds like “horror” (shock) + SCOPE (opportunity). |
7 | PIBROCH – first letters of “play in bar, receiving” + OCH (exclamation from Scotsman). |
8 | VICE-PRESIDENCY – VICE (grip) + P(ower) + RESIDENCY (administrative district). |
14 | TAIWANESE – (as we eat in)* |
16 | ABSENTEE – A BEE (busy type) around SENT (made to go). |
18 | TUCK BOX – cryptic definition, ref. Friar Tuck from the Robin Hood legend. |
20 | VITRIOL – TRIO (three people) + L(eft), under V1 (bomb). |
21 | BIKINI – BIKIN(g) + I (one). Definition refers to the atoll, not the skimpy swimwear named after it. |
23 | GENET – hidden in “huge netting”. |
Other obstacles were not knowing DIABLERIE or the alternative spelling, RUBLE, so I had very few checkers to help me to 1dn
I don’t think I’d agree about the tense in 19ac because it’s perfectly possible to act in the present like the royal corps did in the past.
Edited at 2013-08-10 08:53 am (UTC)
14D brought back memories of a long argument with (mainland) Chinese immigration a few years ago when they attempted to confiscate my Rough Guide to China – the lack of a chapter on Taiwan apparently indicated some kind of anti-Chinese, pro-Taiwanese independence viewpoint.
COD to 26A