Solving time: 15:55 – looking at a sub-10 for a while, but I ran out of steam in the bottom half and limped home a bit. Sorry this is a bit brief, but I’m in a hurry as usual.
Across | |
1 | SOLD – (animal)S + OLD (out of the ark). |
3 | COMMISSION – MISS (pass over) + I(sle) inside COMO (lake) + N(ew). |
9 | RETICLE – RE (referring to) + TIC (habitual action) + L(eft) + E(uropean). |
11 | SLITHER – S(econd) + R(un) around LITHE (nimble). |
12 | PERPENDICULAR – P(ower) inside (crude plea)* + R(esistance). |
14 | HALVE – HALE (robust) around V (versus, against). |
15 | APATHETIC – PATH (course) inside TEA (meal) reversed, + I (one) + C(old). |
17 | RECREATED – RED (colour) around [ CRETE (island) around A (article) ]. |
19 | BATHE – EH (come again) + TAB (flap), all reversed. |
21 | ELECTROMAGNET – ELECT (choose) + [ TENOR (direction) reversed around MAG (publication) ]. |
24 | HOUSTON – H(orse) + OUST (force out) + ON (about). |
25 | AUSTRIA – ARIA (song) around (l)UST (desire, minus the L for line). |
26 | PEACEMAKER – (came)* inside PEAK (summit) + ER (hesitant expression). |
27 | ACRE – take the odd characters from “dancer set”. |
Down | |
1 | SHROPSHIRE – HIRE (charter) underneath [ SHOPS (stores) around R(ight). |
2 | LITERAL – L(earner) after LIT (settled) + ERA (period). |
4 | OVERDRAFT – (for advert)*. |
5 | MUSIC – C(lubhouse) + I (current) + SUM (total), all reversed. |
6 | SPILL THE BEANS – SPANS (spreads) around [ ILL (ruinous) + THEBE(s) (endlessly ancient city) ]. |
7 | INHERIT – IN (at home) + [ TIRE + H(ard) reversed ]. |
8 | NERD – hidden in “dinner date”. |
10 | CREME DE MENTHE – CEMENT (join) + HE (man) around REMED(y) (treatment, minus the Y for yen). |
13 | ACCENTUATE – (tune, act)* inside ACE (great). |
16 | AUDIOTAPE – AUDE(n) (poet mostly) around [ IOTA (small amount) + P(age) ]. |
18 | CAESURA – R.A. (artist) after (cue as)*. |
20 | TANTRIC – TAN (beat) + TRIC (sounds like “trick”, deception). |
22 | TANKA – TANK (abode of fish) + (oce)A(nic). A type of Japanese poem of 5 lines and 31 syllables. |
23 | WHIP – double definition. |
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