Apologies for the lateness of this – I ended up pulling an all-nighter and most of yesterday and was too tired to do the blog afterwards. But here it is – solving time 14:53, very smooth surface readings throughout and one (16dn) I can’t fully explain.
Across |
1 |
PASTIS – PAST (no longer up to) + IS (one’s) |
5 |
SOMETIME – cryptic definition, from the famous last words of Captain Oates in the Scott Antarctic Expedition: “I’m just going outside and may be some time.” |
9 |
MORATORIUM – ORATOR (speaker) + I (one), inside MUM (silence). |
10 |
WONT – double definition, the first for WON’T. |
11 |
LEVERAGE – RAG (newspaper) inside LEVEE (bank). |
12 |
LITTER – double definition. |
13 |
AGRA – half of AGRARIAN, meaning “of the land”. |
15 |
MONOGLOT – MOG LOT (cat’s fate), around ON (working). |
18 |
PESKIEST – SKIES (puts up) inside PET (dog, say). |
19 |
LOAF – LO (observe) + A + F(emale). |
21 |
PASTEL – LEAP (bound) reversed around ST(one). |
23 |
MAINSTAY – MAINS (water distribution network) + TAY (River). |
25 |
MINX – sounds like “minks”. |
26 |
CHECK DIGIT – CHECK (inspect) + DIGIT (finger). |
27 |
CRUSADES – (saucers,Disintegrate)* |
28 |
TAHITI – T.A. (army) + HIT (bombed) + I(sland). |
Down |
2 |
AROSE – OS (Ordinary Seaman = sailor) inside ARE(a) (district shortly). |
3 |
TRADEMARK – ME + DART (spring), both reversed, + ARK (boat). |
4 |
SLOGAN – SLOG (work hard) + AN (article). |
5 |
SHIVER MY TIMBERS – SHIVER (break) + MY TIMBERS (the wicket I’m at, cricket slang). |
6 |
MUMBLING – MUM (parent) + BLING (jewellery). |
7 |
TO WIT – TWIT (fool) with O inside (i.e. empty). |
8 |
MINNESOTA – (tension)* inside MA (old woman). |
14 |
GRENADIER – (in red gear)* |
16 |
GOLDSMITH – referring to Oliver Goldsmith, author of The Vicar of Wakefield, and somebody called Adam. I can’t find a famous enough Adam Goldsmith or a goldsmith called Adam (first name or surname). Edit: mohn2 has the explanation – “or” = GOLD + Adam SMITH the economist. Brilliant clue, too clever for me.
17 |
PELLUCID – (Cupid)* around ELL (only a few feet, a variable measure based on the length of the arm). |
20 |
PICKET – PICK (select) + E.T. (film). |
22 |
TEXAS – X (unknown) inside TEAS (drinks). |
24 |
A-LIST – ALIT (got down) around S(ociety). |
Not sure of outpost for PICKET at 20dn but perhaps I haven’t looked hard enough in the dictionaries.
Edited at 2012-11-25 10:24 am (UTC)