19:37 for this one. I got off to a horribly slow start, as I just couldn’t get my mind to think cryptically at first, and every clue I looked at seemed like so much gobbledygook. 17ac was my first entry, and after 10 minutes I had maybe 3 or 4 answers in, but then finally my brain flipped into crossword mode and I polished the rest of it off fairly quickly. I hope that doesn’t happen to me on the 20th!
Hover the cursor over the clue numbers to see the clues.
Across |
1 |
ESCAPEMENT – (Can’t see MEP)* |
6 |
SCUD – first letters of “Sportsman’s chances under duress”. |
10 |
DHOTI – HOT (piping) inside alternate letters of DrIp. An Indian loincloth. |
11 |
HIT SQUADS – HITS (successes) + QUADS (yards). |
12 |
HERO-WORSHIPPER – HERR’S (German male’s) + HIPPER (trendier), around O (love) + W/O (without). |
14 |
HANGDOG – H(eight) + AN + GOG (ancient giant) around D(aughter). |
15 |
17 |
SET FAIR – SET (TV) + AIR (show) around F(emale). |
19 |
PALAVER – AVER (state) to the east of PAL (China, rhyming slang: China plate = mate). |
20 |
ACROSS-THE-BOARD – ABOARD (on vessel) around THE (article) next to CROSS (stern). I think that’s how it must work anyway, although I don’t like cross as a synonym for stern, as much as it helps the surface reading. |
23 |
UPCOUNTRY – COUNT (reckoning) + RY (track), next to UP (hike, as a verb). |
24 |
KETCH – SKETCH (comic’s turn), without the S for small. |
25 |
LOOP – LOOPY (nuts), without the last letter and reversed. |
27 |
READ MY LIPS – RE (on) + AD (commercial) + (simply)* |
Down |
1 |
EDDY – DD (Doctor of Divinity = doctor religiously) inside EY(e) (brief survey). |
2 |
CLOSE-KNIT – INK (something in pen) reversed inside CLOSET (secret). |
3 |
PRIMORDIAL SOUP – cryptic definition. A mixture of organic compounds from which life on earth may have first developed. |
4 |
MAH-JONG – MAG (Spectator maybe) around (John)*. Chinese game. |
5 |
NATASHA – A TAN (sunbather’s end) reversed, + (has)*. |
7 |
CHAMP – double definition. |
8 |
DESTROYERS – (store)* inside DYER’S (cloth-worker’s). |
9 |
SQUIRREL MONKEY – SQUIRREL (hoard) + K (a thousand) inside MONEY (cash). |
13 |
THE SEAGULL – (Hallé, guest)*. 1895 play by Anton Chekhov. |
16 |
PAVAROTTI – PAR (expected score) around A V(ery), + OTT (over-the-top = exaggerated) + I (one). Luciano Pavarotti, Italian tenor. |
18 |
RETITLE – ROLE (part) with the O (nothing) replaced by E.T. (film) + IT. |
19 |
PIE-EYED – E(nergy) inside PIE (food) + YE’D (you’d, no longer used). |
21 |
RECTO – RECTOR (minister) minus the last letter. |
22 |
THUS – E (last letter of “one”) removed from THE US (America). |
The PRIMORDIAL SOUP de jour was very good; and it made a pleasant change to see John used anagrammatically instead of as a synonym for a lavatory. I imagine people called Jake get similarly irritated.
Took a while to sort out the parsing of RETITLE and PIE EYED, the latter being a term I associate with my parents’ generation whereas “wasted” definitely belongs to my son’s.
Where did Helen Ougham’s blog (presumably of jumbo 999) disappear to, I wonder?
scud1 /skud/ vi (scudd’ing; scudd’ed) (esp of clouds) to sweep along easily and swiftly; (esp of sailing vessels) to drive before the wind. ♦ vt to cross swiftly. ♦ n an act or the action of scudding; driving cloud, shower or spray; a gust; a swift runner (school sl). [Perh alteration of scut rabbit’s tail, hence meaning ‘to run like a rabbit’]
I wonder if anyone will respond to this, since I’m posting several days late from the States (I work the puzzle in the NYPost, and only whenever I can rustle up a copy of that right-wing rag without contributing anything to the coffers of Murdoch & Co.).
If clouds, for example, “are quickly blown” they “scud”.
Thank you!