Hello all!
As Olivia once remarked, the office temp here standing in for Chrisw91 whilst he is on his travels. A perky little number this one. Some really clever clues I thought and I puzzled over it for much longer than normal.
Definition parts of clues underlined where appropriate.
Across | |
1 | Ramble Andrew organised (6) |
WANDER – Anagram of Andrew indicated by organised. | |
5 | Film maker arrived before artist (6) |
CAMERA – CAME(arrived) +(before) RA(artist, short for Royal Academician). | |
8 | Type of wrestling: fun, eventually (3,2,4,4) |
ALL IN GOOD TIME – ALL IN(type of wrestling) + GOOD TIME(fun). | |
9 | What traveller pays for food (4) |
FARE – Double definition. | |
10 | Repetitious exercises in gym, initially boring (8) |
DRILLING – DRILL(repetitious exercises) + IN + G(first letter of Gym indicated by initially). At first I thought this was a simple double definition and couldn’t see the point of the word initially in the clue. Words are rarely wasted in clues though. | |
11 | Can largely dispose of Christmas decoration (6) |
TINSEL – TIN(can) + SEL |
13 | Sample exotic treats (6) |
TASTER – Anagram of treats indicated by exotic. | |
15 | Ignore religious festival (8) |
PASSOVER – Double definition. | |
17 | Examination not really putting off odd characters (4) |
ORAL – nOt ReAlLy. | |
19 | Ride wave near shore, with some hesitation (6,7) |
ROLLER COASTER – ROLLER(wave) + COAST(near shore) + ER(some hesitation). | |
21 | Army rejected shabby item of clothing (6) |
TABARD – TA(army) + BARD (drab or shabby reversed). Not sure of my ground on this. | |
22 | Stuck in traffic, I rant (6) |
TIRADE – I(literally stuck in) TRADE (traffic). |
Down | |
2 | Everyone gets round a Scottish town (5) |
ALLOA – ALL(everyone) +(gets) O(round)A(literally). | |
3 | Clubs for motorists (7) |
DRIVERS – Double definition. | |
4 | Newspaper reader admires Guardian leaders (3) |
RAG – first letters of Reader Admires Guardian indicated by leaders. | |
5 | Singer, one drowned by most of orchestra, unfortunately (9) |
CHORISTER – anagram of most of the letters of ORCHESTR |
6 | Somewhere to stay in remote land (5) |
MOTEL – Hidden reMOTE Land. | |
7 | Italian church appearing in novel? (7) |
ROMANCE – ROMAN(italian) + CE(church). | |
10 | Surrendered, being deprived of vital organ? (9) |
DELIVERED – Double definition. My clue of the day. | |
12 | Name of woman – one’s lover, you say? (7) |
ISADORA – Sounds like IS ADORER. Didn’t like this much. | |
14 | Liverpudlian employer supporting small business (7) |
SCOUSER – USER(employer) underneath(supporting) S(small) CO(business). | |
16 | Steps taken to produce tomato sauce (5) |
SALSA – Double definition, a dance and a tomato sauce. | |
18 | Repair plug employees installed (5) |
AMEND – AD(plug) with MEN(employees) inside. | |
20 | Unfashionable youth centre (3) |
OUT – centre of yOUTh. |
Ian, for 10 ac you are missing an N from IN Gym. I only saw that post solve.
Edited at 2014-06-17 12:13 pm (UTC)
Have you tried just jotting the letters of the fodder down in a random fashion on a piece of paper? You might find the extra challenge of that makes the puzzle more enjoyable. I can rarely solve anagrams without doing it.
Anyway, what gives you more fun: only completing half the grid and then giving up completely stumped, or using a few aids to break through the brick wall and then having the pleasure of being able to complete the rest?
Regarding anagrams, I tend to write the consonants randomly in a line with the vowels similarly underneath. It seems to be easier to work out without the vowels.
12d is better if you view the IS as 1’S ie one’s rather than is the verb.