A steady write-in working clockwise, 8 minutes or so, very pleasant.
If anybody – an existing blogger or an aspirant – would like to take on the Friday Quickies instead of me, please post here and contact Andy / linxit for his agreement and to alter the schedule.
Across |
1 |
PLAYMATE – P E is gym, LAY MAT = set floor covering, in; D child’s companion. |
5 |
PIER – Delete ONE from PIONEER; D jetty. |
8 |
ESTONIAN – (SAINT ONE)*; D national. |
9 |
ASIA – Hidden reversed in APPR(AISA)L; D Eastern lands. |
11 |
SURER – A SURFER is a web user (not an expression you hear so much nowadays). Delete the F (finesse, originally); D more confident. |
12 |
ELEGANT – EL (the in Spanish), (AGENT)*; D tasteful. |
13 |
PATCHY – PATCH = repair, Y = you’re, initially; D of indifferent quality. |
15 |
BOW TIE – BOW (front section, of ship), TI (musical note), E(nglish); D neckwear. |
18 |
SWANSEA – SWANS (birds), EA (each); D port city. |
19 |
21 |
LOTH – LOT = group, H = hesitates, at first; D reluctant. One of those words which looks odd to me, whether spelt LOTH or LOATH, although both are valid. It crops up in that poem about tricky English pronunciations; found for example, here: http://www.tickld.com/x/90-of-people-cant-pronounce-this-whole-poem
22 |
IRRIGATE – Insert RIG (equipment) into IRATE (furious); D supply with water. |
23 |
NORM – NO (refusal), RM (Royal Marines); D standard. |
24 |
SWEETEST – S (intro to skipper), WEE (minute, tiny), TEST (match); D most pleasing. |
Down |
1 |
PRESS-UP – PRE (before) S (second) SUP (drink); D exercise. |
2 |
ALTER – FALTER (waver) has the F dropped; D change. |
3 |
MONARCHIST – (ROMANTICS H)*; D no republican. |
4 |
TRACES – T (time) RACES (moves fast); D finds. |
6 |
INSTANT – (TINS)*, ANT = worker, in crosswords; D like some coffee. |
7 |
ROAST – R, OAST = kiln; D criticise. |
10 |
14 |
TOASTER – Well, you propose a toast, to a toaster raises a glass, and TO ASTER would be to daisy. |
16 |
ELEMENT – Hidden in CLIENT(ELE MEN T)REASURE; D gold, perhaps. |
17 |
18 |
SALON – Insert A, L (answer, left) in SON (child); D hall. |
20 |
AGATE – A GATE (means of access); D a gem. Well, a decorative mineral used in jewellery and for many other things. |
Are you looking to lose both your Friday slots, Pip? If so, maybe a newbie might find that a bit of a commitment to take on straight away. If somebody new wants to dip a toe in the water, so to speak, by blogging alternate Fridays I’d be happy to cover the gaps until they’ve gained confidence to tackle both slots, or until a second volunteer comes along to take the remainder on. Just hoping to expand the available options in case people are reluctant to come forward.
Edited at 2015-10-02 05:55 am (UTC)
So what do yah know!
Favourite TOASTER.