Apologies for the rather tardy blog. It’s not appearing online today for me, so I had to buy the paper after a scheduled visit to the dentist; thankfully I am in chilly Oxfordshire for Christmas so buying the printed version was an option. Nothing too tricky in this and some nice seasonal touches.
Across |
1 |
MEDITATE – EDIT (make changes) inside MATE (partner); def. think. |
5 |
BROW – BROW(N) = mostly the colour of dead grass; def. hilltop. |
8 |
SCOPE – S (small) COPE (get by); def. opportunity for action. |
9 |
RED TAPE – RED (looking embarrassed), TAPE (record); def. excessive bureaucracy. |
11 |
AXE – A and E with X (times) inside; def. cut. Simple, but topical surface. |
12 |
SLAPSTICK – (PALS SKIT C)*, the C from Conservatives; def. low comedy. |
13 |
ERRAND – ERR (make a mistake), AND (with); def. delivery run. |
15 |
POORLY – POO ! (expression of disgust), RLY (abbr. railway); def. not being in good shape. |
18 |
DASHBOARD – DASH (urgent journey), BOARD (directors); def. what chauffeur faces. |
19 |
PAL – PAL(L) = grow boring through familiarity, losing the last letter; def. friend. |
20 |
CHINESE – CHIN (feature), then the final letters of onE haS gonE; walls, boxes or lanterns can be such. |
21 |
NOVEL – NOEL (time for Christmas presents), insert V (volume); def. new. |
22 |
YOGA – YO(u) G(o) A(t), i.e. those three words ‘endlessly’; def. Hindu system of philosophy. |
28 |
UNDERDOG – (GROUNDED)*; def. unfavoured competitor. |
Down |
1 |
MASSAGE – MA’S SAGE = mother’s very wise; def. muscular treatment. |
2 |
DRONE – R (run) inside DONE (completed); def. a pilotless aircraft, which (if you watch Homeland, you know) is capable of quite amazing acts of destruction. |
3 |
TREASONABLE – T (last letter of buT), REASONABLE (fair and sensible); def. traitorous. |
4 |
TARMAC – (TRAM)* then CA (about) reversed; def. road surface. |
6 |
READIER – A reader is one kind of university lecturer; insert I (one); def. more fully prepared. |
7 |
WRECK – Def. cause destruction; hidden in ne(W RECK)lessness. |
10 |
DISCORDANCE – R inside DISCO DANCE, the theme of the movie Saturday Night Fever with the Bee Gees music; def. lack of harmony. |
14 |
RASPING – RING (call) around ASP (snake); def. filing; a rasp is a kind of rough file with bigger teeth. |
16 |
YULE LOG – (YOU’LL GE)*, losing the T of GET for the anagram fodder; def. chocolate cake over Christmas. |
17 |
TAVERN – N (number), RE (to do with), VAT, all reversed; def. pub. My LOI as I started considering a reversed BAR at first. |
18 |
DECAY – DEC (end of year), AY (certainly); def. deteriorate. |
19 |
PAVED – Initial letters of ‘poles as very English display’; def. covered with flags. Nice deceptive surface. |
x (times) between A and E?
I solved it in 10 minutes but required somewhat longer to decipher some of the wordplay. It fits exactly with my view that the Quickie should demonstrate tricks of the trade whilst leading to answers that less seasoned solvers will know, and resulting in a very satisfactory “doh” moment when it’s worked out what’s going on.
Edited at 2014-12-24 02:37 pm (UTC)
Can I wish all solvers a very good Christmas and 2015. I hope to continue entertainingly taxing your brains both as Joker and anonymously in the other puzzles over the coming year.