Quick Cryptic No 182 by Izetti

Today, I hope, is a Samosa feast. Please see linxit’s post on blogging jargon for further explanation. 2 dn is my COD.

Somewhat put out of my schedule by not being able to find the crossword in advance, I have less time than I’d like to blog so apologies for brevity and typos.

Definitions are underlined.

1 Dad’s time: it was long ago? (4)
&nbsp &nbspPAST – Dad’s (PAS), time (T).
3 Got hold of equipment, given guidance (7)
&nbsp &nbspTACKLED – Equipment (TACK), given guidance (LED). Rugby fans will understand the connection.
8 Grub in part of biker’s outfit (13)
&nbsp &nbspLEATHERJACKET – A crane fly in larval stage (a bug) is one word. The leather jacket as normally worn by bikers is two.
9 Extra word of farewell (3)
&nbsp &nbspBYE – An extra in cricket is a bye as is a word of farewell. Double definition.
10 Various ideas in words selectively spoken to audience (5)
&nbsp &nbspASIDE – Anagram (various) of IDEAS. I think 2dn may have included a few.
12 Space for luggage men needed in part of journey (7)
&nbsp &nbspSTORAGE – Men (OR – other ranks below officers), in part of journey (STAGE). In my case, at the moment, it’s the rather frozen boot (sorry, I should say trunk) of a car.
14 Silly dopes wanting editor removed from office (7)
&nbsp &nbspDEPOSED – Anagram (silly) of DOPES plus (wanting) editor ED.
16 Shell that’s yellow found by sea in France (5)
&nbsp &nbspORMER – Yellow (OR – golden), sea in France (MER). Didn’t known this but it’s pretty get-able from the clue. The shell is a Haliotis tuberculata which sounds like a bad breathed lung patient – which probably isn’t the sea creature’s fault.
17 Group of over-anxious characters rushed (3)
&nbsp &nbspRAN – The answer is in the clue oveR-ANxious. Take your pick of the indicator – could be group of the letters or characters as in the letters. I look forward to reading any ensuing discussion later in the UK day.
20 Nevertheless, creating a clash in the diary? (2,3,4,4)
&nbsp &nbspAT THE SAME TIME – Double definition.
21 Decency of style associated with animal accommodation (7)
&nbsp &nbspMODESTY – Style (MODE), with animal accomodation (STY).
22 Bird or rabbit? (4)
&nbsp &nbspCHAT – Double definition.

1 Fish to cut up โ€” not easy (8)
&nbsp &nbspPILCHARD – To cut (CLIP) upwards, not easy (HARD).
2 Playwright in Irish: award-winner (4)
&nbsp &nbspSHAW – Fine clue – George B, an Irish playwright, is in the clue – iriSH:AWard-winner. I haven’t done the research but I guess he also won awards so this could be a double definition, cryptic definition and/or one of those &lit things.
3 More than one politician attempts to convey love (6)
&nbsp &nbspTORIES – Attempts (TRIES) carrying (to convey) love (O).
4 Holiday resort on coast: clean, surprisingly (7-2-3)
&nbsp &nbspCLACTON-ON-SEA – Anagram (resort) of ON COAST CLEAN. Unusually for a Quick, some of the word play is also the definition. Get used to this folks, and you’ll be on your way to getting &lit clues – the definition of which I’ve never been completely sure of but I’m sure there’s a web site somewhere which will give chapter and verse.
5 Evangelist not a hot-gospeller? Only mildly enthusiastic (8)
&nbsp &nbspLUKEWARM – Luke is our evangelist but, (and here’s the pun) as he’s only warm he’s not a hot-gospeller.
6 Partner on an assignation offers fruit (4)
&nbsp &nbspDATE – Double definition. A date is a partner on an assignition, so is a fruit.
7 Ideal joints for a worker? (3,4,5)
&nbsp &nbspTHE BEES KNEES – The bee’s knees would be the leg joints of a worker bee. Other rather interesting terms over the years have included the flea’s eyebrows, the canary’s tusks, and one that still survives – the cat’s whiskers.
11 Editor excited about peoples’ representative brought in (8)
&nbsp &nbspIMPORTED – Anagram (excited) of EDITOR around peoples’ representative (MP).
13 Nobleman that is saint: before all others? (8)
&nbsp &nbspEARLIEST – Nobleman (EARL), that is (IE), Saint (ST).
15 My dear moving miles away (6)
&nbsp &nbspDREAMY – Anagram (moving) of MY DEAR.
18 Friend is given minute token of victory (4)
&nbsp &nbspPALM – Friend (PAL), minute (M as in 60 in an hour). Palm branches were/are used as a token of victory and peace.
19 Report of attempt to find adherent of religion (4)
&nbsp &nbspSIKH – Homophone (report of) attempt to find (seek).

12 comments on “Quick Cryptic No 182 by Izetti”

  1. This took me 12′, partly–but only partly–because I’d never heard of the resort, and then screwed up the anagrist, trying for Clanton for a while. DNK LEATHERJACKET, and didn’t (don’t) get the wordplay for DREAMY. I did, though, know ORMER, thanks to doing the regular cryptics. There used to be the cat’s pajamas, to add to your list; when I was a student the cat’s, ah, behind also had its day. Shaw got the Nobel for Literature way back in 1925; and like so many Nobel lit laureates, he’s evidently largely unread today.
    1. Dreamy as in having a day dream – thinking of something else – as in ‘sorry, did you mention Nobel lit laureates? I was miles away’. ๐Ÿ™‚
      1. Yeah, I figured it was something on those lines. My problem is that I wouldn’t predicate dreaminess of the person who is far away.
  2. This felt quite hard whilst solving so I was pleased to find I had only 11 minutes on the clock when I completed the grid.

    Clacton has been much in the news recently as the newly acquired seat of UKIP’s first elected MP.

    Edited at 2014-11-18 08:00 am (UTC)

  3. I found this tough going, but very enjoyable and a good “transitional” crossword for those preparing for the main puzzle. I liked the 3s best, but finished with 10a and 1d. 16 minutes on the slightly slower iPad.

    Edited at 2014-11-18 03:22 pm (UTC)

  4. I had a great time chewing through this one; just the right side of difficult for my taste. I was slowed by THE BEES KNEES and PILCHARD for some reason, and poked ORMER in at the end based on wordplay alone.

    Super surface readings, which may be good practice for the main puzzle, yet I still feel like that is a bridge too far for me.

    Thanks for the blog – I for one will certainly miss the sneak preview on blogging eve!

  5. I found that really tricky. Lots of new obscure crossword stuff: O for love, OR for other ranks = men, M for minute.
    Obscurity: Clacton, leatherjacket, Ormer.

    On the other hand I got (and enjoyed): bees knees, earliest and lukewarm. As well as the others.

  6. This came out quite quickly and was quite enjoyable, apart from 19d which we could not get – but so obvious afterwards from the blog! We also got 12A from the crossers, but didn’t know the abbreviation for Other Ranks or make the association with “men”, nor “ormer” but it seemed to fit. Liked Clacton-on Sea. Thanks Chris for your clear blog and to the other commenters. How do we get a name rather than be Anon please. It’s probably obvious but we can’t see it!
    1. Happy you’re enjoying it all. If you look at the very top of the screen you should see a sign in or register for LiveJournal. You have to fill in a few things including email but it’s pretty easy and it’s free. Then when you remember to login before making a comment, any replies get notified to your email. This is why bloggers are able to answer questions raised days after the puzzle. Enjoy!
      1. Thanks Chris. Found it now. I’m too keen to scroll down, so missed the ribbon at the top!
        It’s useful to know that late postings can be answered. We are often finishing them later.

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