Easier than Wednesday’s Juno puzzle, I thought (I generally only do these quick cryptics if I’m blogging them); no exotic GK needed except for a town in Nottinghamshire.
Across | |
1 | CHOW – Double def; breed of dog, and slang word for food. |
4 | OFFSHORE – OFF (rotten), SHORE (sounds like ‘SURE’, = firm); def. operating abroad. |
8 | MAINLINE – MAINE (US State) with L (lake) IN (popular) inserted; def. situated on a major route. |
9 | LATE – L (50) ATE (had meal); def. long delayed. |
10 | STRIKE – S (small) TRIKE (three-wheeler); def. collide with. |
11 | SEESAW – SEES (watches) A, W (wife); def. yo-yo. A loose definition, but I guess acceptable as a verb meaning oscillate? |
12 | TONGUE TWISTER – TONGUE (point of land), TWISTER (tornado); def. it’s hard to say. |
16 | BEETLE – BEET (crop plant), LE (French ‘the’); def. insect. |
17 | SWEDEN – S(candinavia), WE, DEN (study); def. country. |
19 | FACE – F(emale), ACE (expert); def. confront. |
20 | ABATTOIR – A BAT (a racket), RIOT reversed; def. where animals are slaughtered. |
21 | WORKSHOP – WORKSOP (town in Notts) with H (held initially) inserted; def. intensive course. Worksop (pop. approx. 45,000) existed before 1066, and was referred to as Werchesope in the Domesday Book. |
22 | REEL – Sounds like REAL (authentic); Scottish dance. |
Down | |
2 | HEART – HEAR (listen to), T(rombone); def. organ. |
3 | WINNING STREAK – Double definition? |
4 | OPINE – Def. express a point of view, hidden in sh(OP IN E)dinburgh. |
5 | FRETSAW – FRET (fog, as in sea fret), SAW (spotted); def. cutter. |
6 | HELTER-SKELTER – Another double definition. |
7 | RAT RACE – RA (artist), TRACE (suspicion); def. fiercely competitive struggle. |
10 | SET – Another double definition. |
13 | OREGANO – (O ORANGE)*; def. seasoning; for the anagram O = duck. |
14 | EYEWASH – E(lm), YEW, ASH (two other types of tree); def. rot. |
15 | RUN – RUN(G) = step (of ladder), short; def. ladder, as in a stocking. |
17 | SWAMP – SWAP (exchange), with M (millions) inserted; def. inundate. |
18 | ELITE – E(nglish), LITE (as in Miller Lite, Coors Lite); def. best. |
Unusual to see two clues (crossing at that) containing the same word (saw).
But still a nice ending to the week with one of my quicker times. A satisfied smile on my face (OK – in truth, a smug look instead).
Thanks for the blog, Pip.
A lovely good-natured puzzle, if a little imprecise in spots – I felt at home. Many thanks to Tracy and to Pip for a super blog.
My COD was TONGUE TWISTER – the double-meaning addiction strikes again.
LOI was EYEWASH: partly positional, partly scratching head for a definition of rot; I was thinking along the lines of ‘decay’.
‘See Saw’ and ‘yo yo’ do have physical movement in common but not enough alike for me to connect them.
Pipkirby, Worksop exotic GK!!! Djibouti maybe, but surely not Worksop 🙂